Monday, 28 October 2024

NY Court's New Gag Order Decision Ties One Hand Behind Trump's Back as Biden Tees Off

NY Court's New Gag Order Decision Ties One Hand Behind Trump's Back as Biden Tees Off

President Joe Biden and his establishment enablers continue to show their tyrannical true colors. And they do not seem to know that more and more Americans have awakened to their schemes. Or, perhaps they know and do not care, which would explain the otherwise inexplicable.

On Tuesday, the New York Court of Appeals published a nine-page decision list that summarized its rulings in regard to five cases and 31 motions, including an appeal from former President Donald Trump requesting that the court lift the gag order imposed by Judge Juan Merchan prior to the sham trial that concluded on May 30 with the presumptive Republican presidential nominee found guilty of falsifying business records.

The court denied Trump's appeal, paving the way for a lopsided and almost certainly self-destructive advertising barrage from the Biden campaign that seeks to use the sham trial for political advantage by depicting its rival as a convicted criminal.

Meanwhile, Trump will not have the liberty to respond to the tyrannical president.

As Axios noted, Merchan's gag order prevents the former president from talking about the people involved in this legal travesty. That includes “witnesses, prosecutors, court staff and jurors and their family members.”

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In other words, the judge barred Trump from commenting publicly on sinister figures such as former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, a witness for the prosecution and a notorious liar; Matthew Colangelo, a member of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's prosecution team and also a former high official in the Biden Justice Department; and Loren Merchan, the judge's daughter and a prominent Democratic political consultant.

Defense attorney, law professor and legal analyst Jonathan Turley denounced the appeals court's decision as destructive to actual democracy.

“You have a local New York judge effectively limiting what the leading presidential candidate can say in the months leading up to an election,” Turley told Fox News.

Thus, Turley described the gag order's continuation as seemingly “untethered from any compelling rationale.”

Has the New York court system treated Trump unfairly?

Biden, of course, has not concealed his eagerness to capitalize on the prosecution of his chief political rival. Veteran actor and Biden shill Robert DeNiro's disastrous appearance outside the courthouse during the trial made that much crystal clear. So did the evil smirk on the president's face when asked about his involvement in Trump's persecution.

Per Axios, the Biden campaign has launched a $50 million swing-state ad campaign labeling Trump a “convicted criminal.” The report even described the president as hoping to “exploit” the conviction “for his political benefit.”

Inexplicably, the ad campaign will use Trump's 2023 mug shot in an effort to appeal to nonwhite voters. The former president, of course, capitalized on that iconic mug shot with a massive fundraising haul.

There is much to unpack here.

First, the very concept of a gag order should offend all freedom-loving Americans' deepest sensibilities.

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After all, in light of the First Amendment, how can a court ban speech, especially political speech? And if a court presumes to ban speech, what does that suggest about the judges' motives?

One may discover a close parallel in the proliferation of “classified” documents. If a government actually belongs to the people, how can government officials conceal information from the sovereign? Is not the entire loathsome system of marking documents “classified” primarily a method by which unscrupulous government officials, under the blanket guise of “national security,” may cover their crimes?

Furthermore, one struggles to understand the ongoing and obvious persecution of Trump, even from the perspective of his persecutors. Biden and the establishment are unquestionably diabolical, but do they even understand their own interests?

For instance, polls have shown Trump making massive gains with nonwhite voters. That includes — perhaps especially — black voters under the age of 50, who have abandoned Biden “in droves.”

Does the Biden campaign really believe that showcasing Trump's mug shot and sham trial will earn the president the support of nonwhite voters who — not without reason — harbor a deep and historically founded distrust of the entire justice system?

Of course, it could be as simple as detachment and delusion.

After all, Judge Merchan represents a class of people who behave as if they belong to one big club. Inside that club, hatred of Trump constitutes not only a virtue but a membership fee.

Considering the circles in which they move, it is quite possible that Merchan, Bragg, Colangelo, the Biden campaign team and the rest of Trump's deranged antagonists have never met a Trump supporter who was not also a public figure of sorts — a member of his legal team, for instance.

Nor, most likely, have those powerful lunatics ever met one of the many nonwhite voters now gravitating toward Trump.

As they have repeatedly shown, Biden and the establishment prefer jailing their opponents to doing anything that helps Americans. And they think Americans have not noticed.

In the end, one must conclude that Trump's persecutors are so consumed by hatred of the former president that it has turned them into monsters. And they would rather perish — or allow the country to perish — than let go of that hatred.

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Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.
Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.
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