Sunday, 27 October 2024

The Situation Within Kamala Harris' 'Frankenstein' Campaign Is Not as Rosy as it May Seem: Report

The Situation Within Kamala Harris' 'Frankenstein' Campaign Is Not as Rosy as it May Seem: Report

Reams of media happy talk about the presidential campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris mask growing tensions among her aides, according to a new report.

Tension is nothing new to a Harris-led organization. Her tenure as vice president was marked by high staff turnover amid frustrations concerning the work environment in her office.

In 2019, an Op-Ed from a man whose son worked briefly as an intern for Harris when she was California’s attorney general indicated her office had a woeful employee culture.

The writer said his son was shocked to learn Harris demanded her staff address her as “general” and that he was not allowed to look Harris in the eye.

With that as the background, a new report from Axios says the Harris campaign “has become a diffuse ‘Frankenstein’ team with multiple power centers.”

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The report, based on sources Axios did not name, said that the Harris campaign is a mix of her own staff, people who worked on the defunct re-election campaign of President Joe Biden, and staff members from the orbit of former President Barack Obama.

“The entanglement of these different entities has led to many people feeling a real lack of role clarity,” one person in the campaign said.

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Some tensions are holdovers from antagonisms that festered among Biden loyalists who resented what they saw as the tactics used by Obama and his base to sideline Biden.

“I’ve talked to 100 Biden people — House members, senators and fundraisers — who think he got totally screwed. It was unfair, unwise and unjust. And those people who did it will not have this moment in history reflect well on their own behavior,” a Biden fundraiser told NBC.

The Axios report indicated that aides focused on connecting with the mainstream of America are irked at being forced to defend Harris’s positions on far-left progressive issues such as her support for Medicare for All and her calls to ban fracking.

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Although Harris backers claim her positions helped elect Biden in 2020, Biden backers see vindication as Harris walks back her far-left positions in a bid to court more conservative Democrats.

Earlier this month, Politico reported that some Harris supporters were anxious to jettison Biden supporters who they felt denigrated Harris before she became the nominee.

Politico also noted that Harris does not have a track record of controlling internal strife.

“Harris built a chaotic operation in her 2020 presidential primary campaign that she allowed to fester, causing bottlenecks and radiating dysfunction across her organization,” the Politico report noted.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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