Friday, 18 October 2024

Trump Breaks 'Biden' Promise He Made Before Convention, And the Crowd Loved It

Trump Breaks 'Biden' Promise He Made Before Convention, And the Crowd Loved It

Former President Donald Trump broke a promise he had made before the Republican National Convention when he mentioned President Joe Biden by name during his rousing acceptance speech on Thursday.

The GOP nominee committed the “faux pas” while spotlighting the numerous geopolitical crises that have erupted under Biden.

“I will end every single international crisis that the current administration has created, including the horrible war with Russia and Ukraine, which would have never happened if I was president,” Trump said.

“And the war caused by the attack on Israel, which would never have happened if I was president.”

He added, “And then we had that horrible, horrible result that we’ll never let happen again. The election result. We’re never going to let that happen again. They used COVID to cheat. We’re never going to let it happen again.”

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The former president then ripped Biden as the worst president in U.S. history for all the destruction he has wrought during the past three and a half years.

“This is a shame, what this administration, the damage that this administration, has done,” Trump said. “And I say it often: If you took the 10 worst presidents in the history of the United States. Think of it. The 10 worst, added them up, they will not have done the damage that Biden has done.

“Only going to use the term once. Biden. I’m not going to use the name anymore. Just one time. The damage that he’s done to this country is unthinkable. It’s unthinkable.”

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According to Fox News, he had pledged to not use the word “Biden” during his acceptance speech at the convention and instead to refer to the “current administration” or the “current leadership.”

However, Trump ended up mentioning “Biden” twice. But that slip-up failed to diminish the emotional impact of his powerful speech.

Many on social media said they were blown away by his address.

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Like the rest of us, the former president is not a perfect person.

Many of his supporters don’t agree with some of his policy positions, but he is head and shoulders above Biden or any other Democratic challenger.

After surviving the assassination attempt on Saturday, Trump has achieved near-mythical status and has secured his place in history as one of the most iconic leaders of all time.

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