Saturday, 26 October 2024

Watch: Smirking Biden Ignores Reporters Until Handler Escorts Him from Room

Watch: Smirking Biden Ignores Reporters Until Handler Escorts Him from Room

This is one video that tells more than the White House ever wanted.

When President Joe Biden wound up a virtual economic forum in Washington on Tuesday, he gave Americans and the world a look at the reality of his final few months in office.

For a full minute, Biden smirked and dawdled as the White House press corps shouted questions about pressing issues facing the country — until he was led off by his handlers, looking for all the world like a dementia patient who’d just wandered out of his rooms into a hallway filled with orderlies.

Without a script, Biden is rudderless. Without a president, the country is leaderless. As one of former President Donald Trump’s official social media account on X put it, “This is painful to watch.”

And American enemies can only be salivating.

Watch: Smirking Biden Ignores Reporters Until Handler Escorts Him from Room

Check it out here:

Just back from a supposedly refreshing two-week vacation, Biden conducted a White House event on “Investing in America,” a forum that featured guests from around the country making virtual appearances to tout the supposed benefits of the administration’s infrastructure program, according to UPI.

After a straight-from-the-teleprompter introduction speech, Biden listened as participants spoke up to fawn over “how the President’s Investing in America platform has helped them and their local communities,” as UPI put it.

The full video of the event is below:

Given the uncomplicated tasks of reading prepared statements and responding to comforting words from around the country, Biden was at ease. But the moment the scripted part ended, when questions started coming, he had nothing but a vaguely confused, mocking smile as his staff tried to usher reporters from the room.

“Reporters could be heard asking about various key issues, such as establishing a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war, free IVF treatment and high grocery prices, while staffers ushered them out, saying, ‘Thank you, press,'” Fox News reported.

Is Biden fit for office?

Sure, why should the president answer questions about issues like an ongoing war in the Middle East involving Israel, a United States ally fighting proxies of Iran, the United States’ most flagrant enemy?

Why should he answer questions about the inflation his own disastrous policies have brought on his country, and his vice president’s even more disastrous plan to deal with it by price controls?

Why should Americans get the impression that the most powerful post their government is being filled by a man who is coherent, capable and committed to doing the job in dangerous world? Democrats and the establishment media tried to make that fantasy a reality for the upcoming election until Biden’s own shortcomings became too evident to hide.

Now, they’re not even pretending.

And social media reviews were scathing:

Videos like this aren’t just fodder for cheap shots at a political opponent. Or material for bitterly funny jokes at liberals’ expense.

They’re a picture of what Democrats, the establishment media, the Biden family and supporters have foisted on the country since 2020 — and would have done so for another four years if they could have.

Biden Says He's 'Not Able to Go Out in the Crowds Anymore'

Meanwhile, the hard men of Moscow, Beijing and Tehran nod knowingly and map out their plans in a world where the United States has all but abdicated its role as the world’s superpower, and its abilities to protect even its own interests.

And this video says it all.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.
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