President Joe Biden may have left the basement since hiding out for most of his 2020 campaign, but it's clear his polls haven't followed.

The Daily Caller reported on a stunning new result showing the unpopular Democrat hitting an all-time low mark in polls tracked by FiveThirtyEight. With less than five months to go before Election Day, President Biden now draws support from just 37.4% of likely general election voters in 538's polling average. The lack of support eclipses his previous low of 37.9% in July of 2022.

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Even among modern-day presidents, Biden sits in a category below the rest. Only former Presidents Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, and George H.W. Bush came close to his basement-level support during their first – and only – terms. In the cases of Carter and Bush, both shouldered the blame for anemic economies while Ford began his first term digging out from underneath the resignation of his boss, former President Richard Nixon.

The result comes on top of other recent polls showing Biden losing to former President Donald Trump in six of the country's seven major swing states. According to RealClearPolling, the former president and Republican frontrunner is carrying a healthy lead over Biden and third-party independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy in national polls, averaging a 5.3% advantage across 21 surveys taken since the start of October last year. Those results peg President Trump at 41% average support among the electorate while President Biden earns 35.7% and RFK collects 11.7% of respondents.

The Democratic incumbent is bearing the brunt of negative sentiments from respondents about the economy and direction of the country. Four of five polled by the New York Times rated the economy as fair or poor while 59% disapproved of the president’s job performance.

Supporters of Biden point to his cash advantage over Trump, saying his stash will help him persuade additional voters to make up the difference. However, Republican strategists who spoke with the Caller said the president's fundraising lead may not last for long.

“This was a much needed shot in the arm, and although I anticipate Biden and the entire Democratic apparatus having more money, just like they’ve had going back to 2016, Trump needs enough to make sure that they can run the kind of ground game and turnout effort that he needs to win,” Scott Jennings,  a longtime GOP adviser in Kentucky and veteran of numerous campaigns, told the Caller. “When I think about what Trump would do with a massive cash infusion, my mind immediately goes to, oh, he’s going to put this into a ground game to ensure that these mid- to low-propensity voters actually come out. And if he’s able to do that and jack up the turnout among that audience, he’s going to win.”

Rather than becoming hampered by his criminal trials, President Trump has mostly used them to his advantage, raking in approximately $150 million following his conviction in New York, causing his campaign site to briefly crash. Signs of life at the Republican National Committee have also appeared since his daughter-in-law Lara Trump took over the reins as co-chair.