A large group of Black Lives Matter supporters have turned up to protest a Turning Point USA speaking event headlined by Kyle Rittenhouse at the University of Western Kentucky.

Protesters dressed in Black Lives Matter shirts chanted “no justice, no peace” as they assembled outside the event venue. Footage captured by on-the-ground reporter Julio Rosas shows protesters chanting “for the people” and “shut this sh*t down” while holding up signs accusing Rittenhouse of being a “white supremacist.”

The protesters seemed confused as to the events surrounding the incident that led to Rittenhouse’s acquittal in a murder trial that captivated the nation. Rittenhouse, then a teenager, agreed to help guard a car dealership that had suffered severe damage in riots that erupted following the shooting of Jacob Blake, a convicted sex offender who was shot while attempting to kidnap a child.

After Rittenhouse was randomly attacked by another convicted sex offender, Joseph Rosenbaum, he was forced to fire when Rosenbaum cornered him. As Rittenhouse retreated towards police lines, he was chased by a mob of far-left rioters, one of whom fired a gun in the air as he chased.

When Rittenhouse tripped, far-left rioter Anthony Huber was shot while attempting to bash the teen’s head with a skateboard. Another rioter was shot in the arm after he raised a handgun at the teen.

Despite the fact that Rosenbaum, Huber and Gaige Grosskreutz had serious criminal records and were shot in the act of attacking Rittenhouse, images captured by Rosas captured signs made in honor of the “victims” by Western Kentucky students.

Photo: Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) via X

Other protesters appear to believe that Rittenhouse carried out some sort of anti-black hate crime, even though all of the teen's attackers were white.

Footage captured by SCNR shows protesters chanting “we black and we proud” while one student explained his purpose behind organizing the event. “Do you feel like Kyle Rittenhouse is a threat to black people coming on campus here now?” the student was asked by a reporter with SCNR.

“I don't think he's just a threat to just black people. I think based on his ideas and the people that support him and the ideas that he continues to propagate and push forward are a threat to any minority on this campus, whether it be black people, Latin people, Latino people, queer people, and anybody that falls under any minority umbrella,” the protest organizer replied. “They are a victim to the ideologies and to the characteristics of anybody that falls under the umbrella of Kyle Rittenhouse and his associates.”

The latest event comes a week after a similar event at the University of Memphis was interrupted by a mob of Black Lives Matter protesters. Members of the mob could be seen chasing event attendees and attacking their cars as police were forced to intervene.

RELATED: BLM Agitators Storm TPUSA Event Headlined By Kyle Rittenhouse, Proceed To Attack Attendees