CBS News host Margaret Brennan appeared visibly upset as new polling data unveiled that a whopping 62% of Americans now favor a rigorous program to deport all illegal immigrants residing in the U.S. A recent CBS News/YouGov poll showed a seismic shift in public opinion, capturing a spectrum of support across political lines.

The poll’s findings suggest that the American public, including a significant fraction of Democrats, aligns more closely with what has typically been a staunchly conservative stance on immigration. “It’s strongest among folks who are MAGA, it’s strongest among Trump supporters, but also from some Democrats as well,” CBS's Anthony Salvanto pointed out.

“Some of what Mr. Trump talks about could be illegal,” claimed Brennan. “It doesn't seem practical, in some sense, to round up children. And then, we know that the courts have questioned whether local authorities would have the ability to do it. And federal authorities don't have the resources.”

“So what exactly do people think they’re supporting?” she questioned.


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The public’s support for deportations, as indicated by the poll, signals a growing exasperation rooted in the ongoing border crisis. Former President Donald Trump has reiterated his commitment to “the largest domestic deportation operation in American history,” if elected. Trump's plan involves deploying the National Guard to aid in the deportation efforts—a proposal that has ignited debates about legality.

On the flip side, Biden’s recent executive actions at the southern border, which temporarily bar migrants who cross illegally from claiming asylum, reflect an attempt to address the escalating crisis. According to Homeland Security, more individuals have been deported or repatriated in the past year than any year since 2010, a statistic that seems at odds with the president’s stance on immigration.

Trump's guilty verdict has not significantly shifted the electoral landscape, which remains dominated by issues like the economy, inflation, and border security—areas where Trump retains an edge. Currently, Trump holds advantages over Biden in perceptions of effectiveness, toughness, energy, and to a lesser extent, competence, according to the CBS poll.

Additionally, more voters believe Trump has a clear vision for the country's direction. On the other hand, Biden scores higher in personal likability and compassion. However, this likability does not translate directly into voter preference. Despite widespread support for Biden's recent executive order on border issues, including approval from many Republicans, voters who prioritize border security overwhelmingly prefer Trump. They believe that migrant crossings would decrease more effectively under Trump's leadership, influenced by his proposed immigration policies for a second term, which include extensive deportation efforts.

A notable majority of voters, nearly 60%, support a hypothetical government program to deport all undocumented immigrants in the U.S. This stance is not strictly partisan, as it includes about one-third of Democrats and rises to 90% among Republicans. Additionally, a similar majority endorses the involvement of local law enforcement in identifying undocumented immigrants. However, support is somewhat lower, just under 50%, for the establishment of large government detention centers to determine eligibility for deportation.

The unexpected pivot in public opinion has set the stage for a heated electoral season, as candidates from both major parties cannot afford to ignore the clear message from the electorate.

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