Hunter Biden's trial on federal gun charges continued into its fifth day in a Delaware courtroom. Earlier in the week, testimony was heard from Hunter's former romantic partners regarding his previous struggles with drug addiction. An FBI agent and the gun store clerk who sold Hunter a revolver in 2018 also took the stand.

On Friday, former assistant District Attorney Phil Holloway appeared on Fox News to discuss the events in Hunter's trial. Holloway explored how Biden's defense team is aiming to elicit sympathy from the jury.

“I think if the jury is paying attention to the presentation that the prosecutors are putting on, the presentation that's occurring in the front of the courtroom, these witnesses did a lot of damage to Hunter Biden,” Holloway said. “[I]t's obvious that at the relevant time when he bought that gun, he was both addicted to drugs and he was also an unlawful user of drugs, particularly I think crack cocaine being the big one.”

“But here's the thing, Harris. There's another presentation that's taking place in that courtroom, and it's for the benefit of the jury. The presence of the First Lady, the presence of the rest of the Biden family, all that stuff is there for the jury to see. The defense has orchestrated it for the benefit of the jury,” Holloway continued. “They're trying to evoke sympathy. This is in the Biden's backyard. There's bound to be people on that jury who have great affection for at least some of the Bidens.”

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“So this is an effort to get jury nullification which is of course when the jury says okay, maybe he's he's guilty, the evidence is there, but we're gonna give him a pass anyway, that's they have the power to do it,” the former assistant District Attorney finished. “The lawyers cannot directly ask for it, but they're doing it in the way that you see playing out in the courtroom.”

The trial in Wilmington concluded Friday afternoon as the defense team announced they would not call further witnesses, though they have until Monday to decide if Hunter himself will testify. Hunter's daughter, Naomi Biden, testified expressing pride in her father's rehabilitation efforts in 2018 and stating that he never used drugs in her presence.

She described him as appearing “still seemed good” around the time he purchased the gun. Earlier, the prosecution concluded its case, having presented evidence of Hunter's crack cocaine addiction and testimony from several women about his drug use. The charges against Hunter include illegal purchase and possession of a firearm during drug abuse or addiction, to which he has pleaded not guilty despite his public admissions of a longstanding struggle with addiction.

The trial marks the first time a sitting U.S. president's child has faced trial. Joe Biden has stated he will not pardon his son if he is found guilty. During an interview with David Muir of ABC, Biden affirmed that he would not consider pardoning his son, stating simply, “Yes,” when asked if he would rule out the option.

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