Amid a pivotal legal battle that could shake up the 2024 presidential race, Hunter Biden's sour remarks about his stepmother, First Lady Jill Biden, have thrust the Biden family into the spotlight yet again.

As jury selection commenced on Monday in Wilmington, Delaware for Hunter's felony gun charges trial, texts from 2018 resurfaced, painting a different picture of family dynamics within the White House walls.

Back in 2018 the President's son, embroiled in controversies surrounding his substance struggles, disparaged Jill Biden in a series of text messages, calling her a “vindictive moron” and “entitled c*nt.” The explosive texts were exchanged with his late brother Beau Biden's widow, Hallie Biden, amid personal turmoil and Hunter's contentious battle with addiction.

The texts have resurfaced as Jill Biden, celebrating her 73rd birthday at the trial, has frequently been portrayed as a stabilizing maternal figure in the Biden family.

During a heated family discussion about his future plans, Hunter Biden relayed his intent to stay near his uncle in Pennsylvania and consider teaching as a profession. His suggestion was met with skepticism by his stepmother, Jill Biden, who was concerned about his unresolved issues with sobriety.

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“Well you're not going to be doing anything at all for yourself or your family if you just refuse to get sober,” she told him according to The Sun, a comment that did not sit well with Hunter. Frustrated by her response, Hunter later vented to his uncle in a text message.  Hunter felt belittled by Jill, an English teacher, questioning her intellectual credentials in comparison to his own.

“I said Yang ow [you know] what mom you're a f*king moron. A vindictive moron. I [supported] my GM family including some of the costs you should have used your salary to lay [pay] for – for the last 24 years. And you do know the drunkest I've ever been is still smarter than you could ever even comprehend and you're a shut (sic) grammar teacher that wouldn't survive one class in a ivy graduate program. So go f*ck yourself Jill let's all agree I don't like you anymore than you like me,” he wrote to Hallie.

Just two days before his candid text conversation with Uncle Jimmy—who Hunter once told his dad was his “best friend”—Hunter didn't mince words when talking about Jill to Hallie. Amid their deteriorating relationship in 2018, one of his messages was blunt: “F*ck my step mother for always being as much of a selfish silly entitled ct as you.”

Monday's trial for Hunter marked a historic moment—the first time a child of a sitting U.S. President faced the possibility of incarceration. Joe Biden's son faces charges of illegally purchasing and possessing a firearm during a period of substance abuse, a serious offense under federal law. He has pled not guilty to the charges but publicly acknowledged his battle with alcohol and crack cocaine addiction. The indictment was handed down by the Justice Department, spearheaded by David Weiss, the special counsel who was tasked last year with leading the Hunter Biden investigations.

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