Liberal media commentators are being humiliated left and right for their feeble attempts to cite wrongdoing by former President Donald Trump in the days following his criminal conviction.

An appearance by panelist Michael Knowles and progressive political activist Francesca Fiorentini on Piers Morgan's show is just the latest example. A video clip from the Daily Wire shows the awkward moment when Knowles, an author and regular contributor, challenged Fiorentini to cite the law broken by Trump in his hush money case. The flustered activist raised her voice and her hands, but not much of a defense.

“He – it was, it was – campaign financial crimes, it was white-collar crimes,” she started before Morgan jumped in. “What was it? What was the crime?” he asked her.

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“It's New York state law! I gotta…” Fiorentini began, looking off-screen in what appeared to be a search for notes. Seeing none, she repeated to stating the results of the trial. “He just got convicted on 34 counts, of like cooking the actual books.”

“You are not allowed to use, like, your own financial money to pay off somebody and then he – he wrote – logged it as something different,” she struggled. “He logged it as just a regular payment but he was actually paying off this porn star to keep quiet which, if he hadn't been running for president wouldn't have mattered, but he was so it impacted campaign finance laws in New York state.”

Smirking, Knowles interjected, “That's not quite what happened.”

“Look, I'm no expert,” Fiorentini continued before he shot back, “You are not an expert, that's right. Campaign finance are federal laws.”


President Trump's historic conviction was immediately pounced on by progressives as evidence of his criminal behavior in the run-up to the 2016 election. However, allies of the former president pointed out that the Democratic district attorney previously declined to bring charges, unsure that a crime actually occurred until political pressure mounted to act against Trump following the January 6th, 2021 riots at the Capitol. Trump denounced last week's decision as part of a “rigged” trial perpetrated by allies of President Joe Biden.

Morgan and others in the media like Megyn Kelly have tacked right since the ruling, challenging commentators on their shows to clearly outline the crimes Trump is convicted of committing. During a segment on NewsNation, Kelly schooled host Dan Abrams after the network host failed to cite specific laws Trump had violated.

“There’s nothing illegal about paying hush money for a [non-disclosure agreement]. It’s done all the time,” she asserted. When Abrams accused Trump of making the payment to “protect his campaign,” Kelly corrected him again. “What law are you citing Dan?” she asked. He replied blithely, “Campaign finance laws.”

“Wrong. You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kelly corrected him. “I get it, because you’re saying there are limits to the campaign contributions somebody can make and this has exceeded them, and then they hit it. I understand, that’s [Alvin Bragg’s] theory. This has been wrong from the start. It does not amount to a campaign contribution if it is the kind of payment that could ever be made outside of the campaign context.”

On Tuesday Trump and the Republican National Committee reported raising a combined $141 million in the days since his conviction, surpassing previous records and putting his newly amassed wealth on pace to be one of the fastest fundraising periods in political history.

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