Larry Brock, a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel who was sentenced to two years in prison for trespassing inside the Capitol building on January 6, 2021, delivered a powerful message after he was released from prison earlier this week.

“I thank God that I've had the opportunity to serve my country under such trying and difficult circumstances,” Brock, who was wearing his military uniform, said just after his release.

“For 372 days, I have been a political prisoner of this administration. Although I have many things to say about my time and treatment inside the Springfield gulag, that will wait The first thing I must do is give thanks to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for my deliverance and liberation. To every American that prayed for me or wrote to me, thank you. Your support meant everything, especially in the dark days when they threw me in the hole, especially when they were trying to have me killed.”

The retired Air Force colonel went on to provide a sobering analysis of the justice system, which has been weaponized against conservatives while left-wing rioters and criminal politicians go free. To date, the Biden DOJ has arrested more than 1,500 Americans in connection with January 6, the majority of whom have been sentenced to prison terms for non-violent trespassing crimes. The DOJ continues to round up Americans with armed tactical teams to this day, more than three years after the protests.

For comparison, 99 percent of charges against Black Lives Matter rioters were dropped in 2020, while the DOJ has shown no interest in prosecuting rioters who burned historic buildings and stormed the White House in Washington D.C. in June of that year.

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“I ask every American to reflect on the fact that just four short years ago, we all believed we enjoyed the full protection of the Bill of Rights, the right of free speech, the right to a symbol, the right to a speedy trial, and the right to a trial by a jury of our peers. But now, as many in the minority community already knew, those rights just don't exist anymore,” Brock said.

“Instead, we have FBI censorship and propaganda, warrantless surveillance, and indefinite pretrial and post-conviction detention of American citizens. And worst of all, the fundamental tenet of American jurisprudence, equal justice under law, has been corrupted and now we have a two-tiered system of justice complete with political show trials ranging from the former president to a common man like me,” he continued. “In the face of this banality of evil, you're right to ask what can one man or one woman do? Although you must continue to pray. To merely pray while Americans are being shipped to gulags as prisoners of conscience. Well, that just mocks God, and dishonors the sacrifice of our founding fathers, and the shed blood of patriots who enshrined our rights in our sacred Constitution.”

The military veteran went on to urge Americans to vote out all politicians who engage in politicized prosecutions, especially Republicans who refuse to push back.

“So I'm asking you today, please, call your congressmen and senators and demand that they live up to the gospel they profess to believe. Demand that they not only proclaim liberty to the captives, but that they use the full power of the legislature, their voice, their vote, and most importantly, the budget, to set at liberty those who are oppressed,” Brock said. “And if they will not do this, vote them out, every last one of them. Never again should there be a political prisoner in the United States.”

While holding back tears, Brock concluded his message by quoting Martin Luther King Jr.

“Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty, I'm free at last.”

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