Kamala Harris — a California native with Jamaican and Indian heritage — spoke with a southern accent while addressing supporters in Atlanta, Georgia on Tuesday.

“And you all helped us win in 2020, and we gon’ do it again in 2024,” the vice president declared with a southern twang.

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The exceptionally weird display quickly became a subject of ridicule on social media.

“‘We gon’ do it agin in twunny twunny fo!’ Kamala seems to have developed Sudden Onset Urban Accent. A condition that the last female presidential candidate famously suffered from,” said Daily Wire contributor Matt Walsh.

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Others pointed out that Tuesday’s rally was far from the first time Harris miraculously adopted a new accent while speaking to southern voters.

While addressing voters ahead of the Georgia Senate runoff elections in 2020, Harris spoke with some sort of southern drawl while speaking in Columbus. “We’re looking across the country at so much devastation. People who have lost family members, lost time being able to go to work, lost time in terms of our children’s education and the days of their education they have missed,” then Vice President-elect Harris told supporters while frequently pausing as if she were giving a sermon.

Harris’ spontaneous southern accent has also surfaced during campaign events in North Carolina and Washington D.C.

Harris could perhaps be taking pointers from President Biden, who has long been known for switching his accent and rehashing different details about his upbringing based on where he is speaking.

While on the campaign trail in 2012, then Vice President Biden told black churchgoers that then-Republican candidate Mitt Romney was going to “put ya’ll back in chains.”

In 2022, President Biden quoted a “southern saying” that nobody seemed to know while speaking in Florida.

“You know, as they say in southern, doesn’t know where ya’ll been… hot damn boy.”

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