Without a doubt, one of the greatest modern-day disruptors in the entertainment industry is comedian Ricky Gervais. He's legitimately funny with a sharp wit and even sharper tongue, an individual who believes in freedom of speech and understands that offending people with comedy is how we learn to face the darker side of life and society and confront the ills plaguing us in everyday life. There's no room for wokeness and political correctness in the world of comedy, not if we want it to be an effective means of communication.

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Gervais has made a name for himself by poking the sacred cows of our weakling, woke culture right in the udders with scathing jokes and routines delivered during award shows and on his social media accounts. The comedian recently took aim at liberals in Hollywood and their constant preaching about who Americans need to cast a ballot for in elections in a hilarious video post.

“As a celebrity, I know all about stuff, like science and politics. So trust me when I tell you who to vote for. Because when you don't, it's like a hate crime and it makes me sad. And I'll leave the country, and you don't want that.”

There were more than a few people who agreed with Gervais' funny take on celebrities attempting to entice people to vote a specific way or for a certain — usually left-wing — candidate.

“He's awesome, seriously one of the funniest, cleverest men ever born, and he's a huge animal advocate,” one user said in response to Gervais' post.

Another said, “Best statement from an entertainer on politics ever.”

Someone else responded to the post by saying that when famous folk try and tell him to do anything, they just go ahead and do the opposite. Honestly, that's a pretty good strategy most of the time.

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This little zinger from Gervais is in the same vein as the one he made years ago when he was hosting the Oscars and roasted Hollywood over the rampant — and repugnant — pedophilia that is going unaddressed in the industry. He basically said the quiet part out loud and made a whole lot of actors, directors, and producers in the audience very uncomfortable.

Conservative entertainment writer Christian Toto explained that individuals like Gervais use tools like comedy, sarcasm, sharp wit, and poking fun as a means to belittle horrible ideas that are actually bad for society. Doing this draws people together against said idea and makes it unpopular, thus fewer people will hold to it.

During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter:

Gervais said 99 percent of the criticism he faces is “faux” offense from people who “want to be heard” and would “go the other way if it meant getting noticed. But he concedes, “people are allowed to be offended.”

“They’re allowed to hate it. They’re allowed to not come to the show, but it’s not going to stop me doing what I love, and I’m not going to stop it at the expense of all the other people who love it. No one has to watch this,” he explained during the interview.

Let's hope Gervais keeps telling it like it is, regardless of the consequences.