by WorldTribune Staff, September 1, 2024 Contract With Our Readers
It’s not unusual these days to see the parking lots of many major retailers across America jammed with vehicles at all hours. Some cites have even established “parking zones” for essentially round-the-clock parking.
These vehicles are not abandoned or being parked due to lack of space at their homes. The vehicles are, in fact, their homes.

An increasing number of Americans are now living in their cars.
Joe Biden “has been the worst President in American history. Leaving aside the nightmare that is American foreign policy, on the domestic front Joe has made the life of every ordinary American measurably worse,” Sam Faddis wrote in the AND Magazine blog on on Aug. 30.
Kamala Harris “has stood by his side the entire time and championed his policies. She has destroyed your quality of life, and now she wants you to give her four more years in which to inflict yet more damage,” Faddis added.
The cost of housing has skyrocketed under Biden-Harris policies as 3 million Americans now live in their vehicles, according to a report on van living. The actual number may be much higher.
In an interview with Fortune, union representative Julie Hedrick with Association of Professional Flight Attendants said that flight attendants are sleeping in their cars and fight for trips in order to eat plane meals. Most new flight attendant hires are required to live in cities like Dallas, Miami, and New York, which have high costs of living that they cannot afford, she added.
Over the Biden-Harris team’s nearly four years in office, inflation is up roughly 20%. And, despite their claims, they didn’t inherit it from President Donald Trump. In Trump’s last four months in office, the inflation rate was 1.5% or lower.
When Trump left office, the mortgage interest rate was 2.9%. The mortgage interest rate is now roughly 7%.
A 2023 survey found that 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, a 6% increase from the previous year.
“Over three-quarters of Americans struggle to save or invest anything after paying their monthly expenses,” Faddis noted.
A new Empower study revealed more than 1 in 5 (21%) Americans have no emergency funds on hand. Nearly 2 in 5 (37%) couldn’t afford an emergency expense over $400. Americans have accumulated a median emergency savings of just $600. Many have no savings at all.
A new survey released by Bankrate found that an overwhelming majority of Americans agree homeownership is the most common American Dream, and 78% say they can’t afford it.
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“The American Dream is dead. Joe and Kamala killed it,” Faddis wrote.
“Young couples aren’t saving money and getting ready to buy a place in which to raise a family. They are barely hanging on in cramped apartments and praying nothing goes wrong this month. They make minimum payments on their credit cards and try not to think about how close they are to bouncing checks. They are filling up the car on the way home from work and living in fear of what the final cost will be at the pump.”
According to a recent Lending Tree survey, 78% of Americans now see fast food as a luxury.
So, millions are living in cars within walking distance of fast food, but can’t afford to eat it.
“So if you get to sleep in a very warm bed in a very warm home, you should consider yourself to be very blessed, because vast numbers of people are really struggling right now,” author Michael Snyder wrote in an Aug. 26 op-ed.
“Please do not look down on those that have been forced to sleep in a vehicle, because with a bit of bad luck just about anyone could end up in the same situation.”
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