Saturday, 07 September 2024

Trump slams Wray’s ‘information war’ strike; Implies Kamala is already president

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, July 26, 2024 Contract With Our Readers

By suggesting that former President Donald Trump wasn’t really shot on July 13, FBI Director Christopher Wray in effect fired an information war cruise missile.

Analysts noted that his congressional testimony on July 24 provided a damaging and irresponsible boost to the conspiracy theory circulating on social media while distracting attention from substantiated charges that the FBI and the U.S. Secret Service were at best negligent and at worst complicit in the unsuccessful assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Wray’s aim? Distract the public’s attention and memory to what millions worldwide saw with their own eyes.

The usually glib FBI director has heretofore been effective at deflecting blame from himself for the widespread perception that U.S. intelligence and the Department of Justice have been weaponized against conservative supporters of former President Donald Trump.

House Speaker Mike Johnson said Wray’s testimony on Wednesday before the House Judiciary Committee was highly questionable:

“We’ve all seen the video, we’ve seen the analysis, we’ve heard it from multiple sources in different angles that a bullet went through his ear,” Johnson told NBC on Thursday, adding that Wray “was not forthcoming with some of the information that we would expect.”

Trump wrote in a Truth Social post on Thursday:

FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress yesterday that he wasn’t sure if I was hit by shrapnel, glass, or a bullet (the FBI never even checked!), but he was sure that Crooked Joe Biden was physically and cognitively “uneventful” — Wrong! That’s why he knows nothing about the terrorists and other criminals pouring into our Country at record levels.

His only focus is destroying J6 Patriots, Raiding Mar-a-Lago, and saving Radical Left Lunatics, like the ones now in D.C. burning American flags and spray painting over our great National Monuments — with zero retribution.

No, it was, unfortunately, a bullet that hit my ear, and hit it hard. There was no glass, there was no shrapnel. The hospital called it a “bullet wound to the ear,” and that is what it was. No wonder the once storied FBI has lost the confidence of America!


Meanwhile, in a Truth Social post on Friday, Trump got the jump on the rapidly-evolving legacy media narrative about her meteoric rise by implying that Kamala Harris has essentially already replaced Joe Biden as installed president:

President of Political Media, Inc. Larry Ward posted a reminder on social media for those who say “No one can be convinced Kamala is qualified to be President in 3 months.”

In less than 3 months the masses were brainwashed into:

  • Walking around in masks indoors and outdoors.
  • Injecting experimental poison in their own and their children’s arms.
  • That Joe Biden actually got 81 million votes.
  • That the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian propaganda
  • That the quid pro quo was Trump’s not Biden’s
  • That Russia actually installed Trump in 2016.
  • Do not underestimate the power of the Dark State to control the narrative for a season.

    While Kamala Harris has been flooding social media with appeals for donations with the singular focus to “Beat Trump,” Trump posted on Truth Social a much more substantive summary of the Biden-Harris record:

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