Saturday, 15 March 2025

Unreported: Covid and excess deaths in Northern Ireland

by WorldTribune Staff, September 8, 2024 Contract With Our Readers

Kathy Gray, a resident of Northern Ireland, through a series of Freedom of Information (FOI) filings, found that very few in Northern Ireland died as a direct result of Covid, many flu deaths were likely classified as Covid deaths, and that the responses to Covid continue to cause excess deaths and extended waiting lists for critical illnesses.

“The data corroborates the thesis in our book,” Gray and Norman Fenton, authors of “Fighting Goliath“, noted in a Sept. 8 analysis.

Gray, a swimming instructor and grandmother, found:

• In the entire 4-year period of Covid up to March 2024, there were a total of just 275 deaths due to Covid alone in Northern Ireland. That figure includes deaths which mentioned Covid with pneumonia.

• In the 15-44 age group there were just 8 deaths. Moreover, the youngest person in this age group was 38, so no one younger than 38 died from Covid in Northern Ireland in the entire 4 year period.

• Flu suddenly disappeared during the main Covid mortality period of March 2020 – October 2022 and then just as suddenly reappeared after that.

• In addition to continued excess death numbers, the data suggest a large increase in deaths from chronic diseases, which may be due to lockdown measures and the decision in March 2020 to shut down all medical diagnosis and treatments for all diseases including cancer. There is also evidence of significantly increased waiting times for treatment of diseases like cancer.

In response to Gray’s FOI request, an official with the Department of Finance (DoF) stated:

“I can confirm that the Department holds the information requested.

“Of the 5,674 Covid-19 related deaths that had occurred up to 15 March 2024 (accounting for registrations up to and including 20 March 2024), 275 had Covid-19 as the only cause of death mentioned on the death certificate. The remaining 5,399 Covid-19 related deaths had at least one other cause of death mentioned on the death certificate.”

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Gray also obtained via FOI the NIRSA (Northern Ireland Statistics Research Agency) data for flu-related and Covid-related deaths by week, 2015 to end March 2024:

• In the normal winter 3-month flu period up until week ending 13 March 2020 there were 39 deaths from flu and 0 Covid-related deaths up until then.

• The first Covid-related death was recorded the following week. Apart from a single flu death in each of the first 2 weeks of April 2020 there were just 2 flu deaths in the whole of the rest of 2020.

• There were just 2 flu deaths in the whole of 2021.

• There were just 2 flu deaths in the whole of 2022 up until week ending 7/10/22. At that point flu re-emerged from hibernation and there were 83 flu deaths between then and week ending 3/2/2023.

As for excess deaths, Fenton and Gray cited Paul Frew’s comments in the Northern Ireland Assembly on April 23, 2024:

“The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) has recorded, for week 15 of 2024, that we have breached over 500 excess deaths, with 502. To put that in context, we have been experiencing excess deaths for two years now, but, this time last year, for week 15 of 2023, it was recorded that there were 117 excess deaths. Last year, there were 117, but, this year, there are 502. It took us until the week ending 24 November 2023 to reach 503 excess deaths, yet the Health Minister refuses to call for an investigation of excess deaths The Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Scientific Adviser play down the figures, and the media continue to ignore the deaths.

“I take the opportunity to again call on the Health Minister to make a statement to the House and to commence an investigation of excess deaths in this country.”

Fenton and Gray also noted: “In addition to continued excess death numbers, the data suggest a large increase in deaths from chronic diseases, which may be due to lockdown measures and the decision by Health Minister Robin Swann in March 2020 to shut down all medical diagnosis and treatments for all diseases, including even cancer. This created a failing health system with extensive waiting lists prior and catastrophic waiting lists after Covid.”

On November 13, 2020 Swann said: “No hospital will turn away a Covid-19 patient but people with other serious illness may have to wait for treatment.”

Data obtained by Gray via FOI requests, showed that, just prior to the Covid era (end of December 2019), 94.4% of cancer patients were treated within 31 days of diagnosis. By March of 2024, the number dropped to 86.5%

“Despite the fact that the number of cancer patients was clearly (and inevitably) increasing since 2010, the number treated dramatically dropped from a pre-Covid peak of 2,708 in March 2020 to just 2,287 in September 2020 (after which it started increasing again),” Fenton and Gray noted.

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