Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Biden Never Ended His Campaign, All Roads Lead To Obama, Final Battle – Ep. 3422


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Biden Never Ended His Campaign, All Roads Lead To Obama, Final Battle Click On Picture To See Larger Picture

The people of Canada are now feeling the pain. The [DS]/[CB] have destroyed the economy with their agenda, now the people see it. Trump sends warning, we are close to a 1929 depression. Russia legalizes Bitcoin. The world is about to change. The [DS] pushed Biden out, but he never ended his campaign. [KH] is using his Presidential Id so they can receive the war chest. Trump has an hour long press conference while [KH] does zero, the people see it. All roads lead to Obama, the [DS] have taken the bait and soon the people will know the truth. This is the final battle, if America falls the world falls.



  •  In other words, the average Canadian family now spends DOUBLE their annual shelter costs on taxes. Since 2010, the average annual tax bill for a Canadian family is up a whopping ~57%. Truly concerning numbers.
  • The average Canadian spends 12 TIMES more on taxes than clothing. Spending on taxes in Canada has disproportionally increased relative to other categories. Many are calling for tax cuts as the trend worsens.
  •   last 10 years and total credit card debt is up 50% since 2020. Meanwhile, delinquency rates on credit cards and auto loans are nearing the highs seen in 2008. Consumers are “fighting” inflation with debt. This can’t end well.
  •  the Fed doesn’t cut rates right now, recession fears will continue to mount.
  • No rate cuts means more worry about rising unemployment which is now at a 3-year high.
  • The Fed must pick between market and inflation instability or a potential recession. And even if they pick the right former, we may still end up in a recession.
  • It’s going to be a bumpy road ahead.
  • Political/Rights

    Hunter Biden prosecutors make bombshell claim he was hired by a Romanian oligarch to influence the U.S. government

  • Hunter Biden was hired by a Romanian oligarch in an ‘attempt to influence U.S. government agencies,’ earning around $1 million for work that was structured to avoid ‘political ramifications’ for Joe Biden, who was then vice president.
  • The bombshell claim was revealed in court filings on   tied to the younger Biden’s federal tax case. And it marks the closest prosecutors have come to tying President Biden to his son’s overseas business deals.
  • Gabriel Popoviciu, a real estate tycoon, was facing bribery and corruption charges in his home country. In an attempt to avoid the charges, Popoviciu hired Hunter Biden and his business associates in late 2015 to help his case.
  • Hunter, however, was ‘concerned that lobbying work might cause political ramifications’ for his father, so the deal was structured in a way that ‘concealed the true nature of the work he was performing.’
  • Prosecutors allege, in order to avoid the Foreign Agents Registration Act, Hunter and Popoviciu signed an agreement where Hunter’s law firm would ‘provide management services to real estate properties in Romania.’
  • But ‘that was not actually’ what Popoviciu was paying for. He and Hunter had a ‘oral’ agreement on what Hunter Biden would actually do – influence U.S. agencies on the tycoon’s behalf.
  • The deal was structured to avoid FARA because Hunter was concerned about ‘political ramifications’ for his father, the documents state. In 2016, Biden was vice president and weighing a presidential bid, which he ultimately did not pursue until the 2020 election.
  •  Under the FARA law, the Justice Department requires any American doing lobbying business for a foreign government to register as a foreign agent.

  • Source:

  •   was arrested six times for 14 crimes within the first two months of the Biden-Harris Administration. “Border Czar” Kamala Harris’s failed far-left, open-borders agenda jeopardizes the 𝐒𝐀𝐅𝐄𝐓𝐘 and security of every American. 
  •  In a stark warning, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency is alerting all field offices that Iran or its proxies may try to transport “operatives, money or materials” across the southern or northern U.S. borders to conduct a terrorism attack against Americans,  

    The memo from the CBP’s Office of Field Operations urged agency personnel to take a “heightened posture due to ongoing security threats” and suggested that recent, coordinated attack from Iran-backed Hezbollah on Israeli children playing in Golan Heights soccer fields raised the distinct threat of similar attacks against the West. The memo also states that ports of entry should increase their enforcement posture by conducting high visibility operations and “hardening measures.”

      The memo also confirmed earlier intelligence that the Venezuelan-based gang Tren de Aragua (TdA) has moved extensive assets across the U.S. border to northeastern states and its members may try to fire weapons on law enforcement.

    The memo more specifically that recent intelligence has indicated the TdA operating in Denver has been “given a green light to fire on or attack law enforcement.”



  •   a single week suspected of perpetrating gang shootings in Denmark and another 2 men were caught after a bomb attack in Denmark. Danish police say there is a trend of criminals in Denmark hiring gangsters from Sweden to carry out attacks in their country. Most crossings between Sweden and Denmark take place over the Oresund Bridge, which connects Malmo with Copenhagen.
  • Geopolitical/Police State



    Alleged Terror Plot Sparks Cancellation Of Taylor Swift Concerts In Austria

  • Three huge concerts by superstar pop singer Taylor Swift have been cancelled in Vienna after authorities on Wednesday announced they’d arrested two men alleged to have been plotting a terrorist attack. Three more suspects are reportedly at large.
  • Both [arrested] suspects had become radicalized on the internet and had taken concrete preparatory actions for a terrorist attack,” said Austria’s interior department in a press release. As is so frequently the case in Europe, details on the suspects — and especially their demographics — are scarce at this point. Officials did say that one suspect is a 19-year-old Austrian citizen who’d recently made an online pledge of allegiance to the Islamic State terror group.
  •   Source:


    ‘Do Not Fly’ Alert Over Iran Issued For Airlines During Oddly Specific Night Hours 

  • Egypt has just issued a rare and oddly specific NOTAM, or Notice to Air Missions alert, instructing all of its airlines to avoid Iranian airspace for a 3-hour period in the overnight and early morning hours of Thursday. Some other countries have since followed in issuing similar do not fly alerts, including the UK.
  • “All Egyptian carriers shall avoid overflying Tehran. No flight plan will be accepted overflying such territory,” the notice says. Specifically the instructions are valid from 01:00 to 04:00GMT (or 9pm to 12am US Eastern). Will the big expected Iranian retaliation be tonight? Zero hour may be approaching fast.
  • Source:

  • False Flags

    Here We Go: WHO Chief Calls Emergency Meeting of Experts to Decide if Monkeypox Outbreak Warrants Highest Level of International Health Alert

  • Just in time for the election!
  • World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced an “emergency” meeting of international experts on Wednesday. The meeting aims to address growing concerns over the monkeypox virus and determine whether the outbreak warrants the highest level of international health alert.
  • Tedros stated that the WHO emergency committee would convene “as soon as possible” to determine whether the outbreak qualifies as a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). Such a designation would empower him to initiate emergency responses under the International Health Regulations.

  • According to the news release, monkeypox is endemic in Central and West Africa and can be transmitted through physical contact with infected individuals or contaminated materials. Symptoms include skin rashes, fever, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes.
  • Source:

  • Q

    Reporter and US Military Veteran Greg Kelly: “Timmy Walz Is in Violation of Stolen Valor Act of 2013. Penalty: ONE YEAR in Jail. Prosecute Now!”

  • Falsely portraying yourself as a combat war veteran is a crime.
  • The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 made it a “federal crime for an individual to fraudulently hold oneself out to be a recipient of any of several specified military decorations or medals with the intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit.” The Stolen Valor Act also criminalized the act of lying to gain unearned veterans health-care benefits or other rewards, such as employment reserved for veterans.

    Via Cornell Law School.








  •  theory, frens
  • Another Popular Streamer Calls Out Kamala Harris: Demands She and Her ‘Secret Service’ Stop Calling Him and His Team for a Livestream Collaboration

  •  Popular Twitch streamer FaZe Ronaldo has joined the fray, exposing Kamala Harris and her campaign for allegedly calling him and his team to collaborate on a livestream.
  • And your disgusting daughter grew up to be a communist.

    During the BLM riots, you told her the national guard wouldn’t be coming to assist and she used that information to coordinate with ANTIFA and BLM.

    Your daughter was a mistake.

    Nobody cares about your fertility issues.…

    — Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) August 8, 2024

  •  Smoking, drinking alcohol, using certain drugs, being overweight, poor diet, lack of exercise, and regularly wearing tight underwear can all contribute to low sperm count in men. You strike me as an “all of the above” kind of guy.
  •   If she is Elected, our County, and indeed the World, will suffer a 1929 Style Great Depression. It will be the Worst in history and AMERICA WILL BE DESTROYED!
  • New: The Quiet Part Out Loud Is Blurted Out on Issue of Kamala Harris’ Press Avoidance Strategy 
  • While it’s been pretty obvious why she’s done this and gotten away with it to boot, the quiet part was said out loud in a write-up by the MSM on “why Harris isn’t taking questions” by those close to the Harris-Walz campaign:
  • One longtime Harris ally suggested to West Wing Playbook that Harris could hold off on big interviews until after Labor Day. “There’s really no need,” the person said. “The voters that she needs are at the local level. They’re not reading the national press.”


    “What is the incentive for her [to take more questions]?” said another person close to the campaign who was granted anonymity to share how Harris’ team views the matter. “She’s getting out exactly the message she wants to get out.”

  • What incentive indeed?
  • Avoiding the press and going directly to the voters has been a tried and true tactic of many political campaigns going back decades, so their message of course can be delivered unfiltered.  In the case of Republicans, they often do this to skirt around whatever warped spin the media will put on their appearances, but ultimately they still interact and take questions from the press.
  • Democrats, on the other hand, they do this because they know they can get away with it no matter how long the time is between their last interview and the next one. Further, though they’re not afraid of the national press for obvious reasons, they do worry that the candidate will veer off script, which was often the case with Joe Biden and which is something Harris’ handlers are undoubtedly concerned about as well.
  • But it was this quote that inadvertently told the full story to me: “The voters that she needs are at the local level. They’re not reading the national press.”
  • The thing about that is that local press outlets are clamoring for a sit-down interview with her, but she’s denied them often, including well before Biden’s withdrawal from the race:
  • And yet she won’t sit down with them either, and the likely reason is that, unlike the national press, the local media on balance tends to ask more hard-hitting questions, and a befuddled Harris’ answers would sound a lot like those awful word salads for which she’s become known.
  • Kamala Harris knows exactly what she’s doing, and the press knows what she’s doing (and what they’re doing), and they both are hoping that people won’t notice.



    UPDATE: Last night, Kamala Harris personally filed an updated Statement of Candidacy (aka Form 2) to designate Tim Walz as her running mate.

    Since she used Biden’s personal candidate ID number (P80000722) instead of her own (P00009423), the FEC records are convoluted. Her newly…

    — Laura Powell (@LauraPowellEsq) August 8, 2024

  •  filed Form 2 shows up on Biden’s personal FEC page. But if you look at the 2024 election cycle, Biden is erased and replaced with Harris, as if he was never never running for President. Looking at Biden’s campaign committee’s FEC record, it’s now associated with both Biden’s and Harris’s candidacies for President for the period of 2020-2022. But that makes no sense, because Harris’s Presidential run in 2020 was never linked to Biden’s, and she ceased her campaign for President in 2020 and did not run again until 2024.
  • Now Harris’s personal FEC candidate ID number (P00009423)—which is supposed to follow her for all Presidential campaigns for life—is somehow linked to Biden’s Presidential campaign in 2020. Only her Vice-Presidential campaign was ever linked to Biden’s, but that is separate from any Presidential campaigns. The current 2023-2024 FEC record for “Biden for President” (aka “Harris for President,” ID number C00703975) is linked to two Presidential candidates. Both are both named “Kamala Harris.”
  • One of these candidates is associated with Harris’s candidate ID number (P00009423), and the other “Kamala Harris” is associated with Biden’s candidate ID number (P80000722). The Statement of Candidacy that Kamala Harris filed on July 29, using Biden’s personal candidate ID number (P80000722), now shows up under Harris’s ID number. But last night’s filing for that same candidate—number P80000722—shows up for the other “Kamala Harris” who is running for President.
  • (Based on what happened previously, I suspect the FEC will shift these records in the future, to make it seem like there aren’t so many discrepancies between the names and the ID numbers.) Confused? That’s because these filings from Harris are irregular. If Kamala Harris had used her own candidate ID number, like every other candidate in modern history, this wouldn’t have been so complicated, but then it would have been difficult to make the case that she’s entitled to Biden’s war chest. Undoubtedly, these filings are trying to circumvent those pesky campaign finance laws.
  • By the way, since Walz has never run for President, he doesn’t have his own FEC candidate ID for a Presidential run. According the the logic of Harris’s supporters, Walz is equally entitled to any funds from the campaign committee associated with ID number C00703975. And, just as Harris felt entitled to file an amended Statement of Candidacy using Biden’s personal candidate ID number because she was the Vice Presidential candidate, Walz could do the same, using Biden’s personal candidate ID number to run for President if he wanted to.
  • The Democrats could pass this campaign down in perpetuity, without even obtaining the formal agreement of the prior candidate. This reminds me of a system of government that isn’t considered anything like a democracy.

    Biden never ended his campaign

    Hearing Biden wants back in the race🤯after FINALLY taking some🤔time to realize what his “friends”🤬did to him—leading up to his drop out letter posted via 𝕏 on a Sunday afternoon🍿

    — Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) August 8, 2024


    Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: df4bad No.1122111
    Apr 20 2018 20:18:32 (EST)


    Memo From Michigan: Every One – A Registered Voter

    — Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) August 7, 2024

    Georgia Update: With the stroke of a pen, either of these men could bring these records out into the sunlight for a bi-partisan voter examination.

    But they refuse to do so.

    Joe Biden did not 'win' Georgia in 2020.

    — Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) August 8, 2024

    Gov. Glenn Younkin Puts Virginia into Play – Announces Sweeping Election Security Measures to Protect Legal Voters – “Every Legal Vote Deserves to Be Counted Without Being Watered Down by Illegal Votes

  • Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin issued an executive order on Wednesday that codifies election security procedures to protect the 2024 election against intentional fraud.
  • The election security measures will put Virginia into play this November.
  • Governor Youngin’s policies include:
  • ** We use 100% paper ballots with a strict chain of custody.
    ** We use counting machines, not voting machines, that are tested prior to every election and never connected to the internet.
    ** We do not mass mail ballots.
    ** We monitor our drop boxes 24/7.
    ** We verify the legal presence and identity of voters using DMV data and other trusted data sources to update our voter rolls daily.

    Governor Youngkin also REMOVED Virginia from the highly controversial ERIC System in 2023.


    Just In: "Would you support or oppose your state government doing an audit of voter registration and removing all non-citizens from the rolls?"

    66% of voters support this. And that's just the Democrats.

    — Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) August 7, 2024

    Just In: "Would you support or oppose your state government doing an audit of voter registration and removing all non-citizens from the rolls?"

    National Democrats Only-
    Strongly Support: 39%
    Somewhat Support: 27%
    Somewhat Oppose: 14%
    Strongly Oppose: 12%
    Not Sure: 8%

    Stay tuned…

    — Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) August 7, 2024

    Biden: ‘Not Confident’ Peaceful Transfer of Power Will Happen If Trump Loses 100
  • Wednesday in a preview clip of a CBS News interview set to air on “CBS Sunday Morning” President Joe Biden said that if former President Donald Trump loses the election in November there might not be a peaceful transfer of power.
  • Reporter Robert Costa asked, “Are you confident that there will be a peaceful transfer of power in January 2025?”
  • Biden said, “If Trump wins, no I’m not confident at all. I mean, if Trump loses, I’m not confident at all. He means what he says. We don’t take him seriously. He means all this stuff about if we lose, there’ll be a bloodbath.”
  • He added, “Look what they’re trying to do now in the local election districts where people count the votes. They’re putting people in place in states they’re going to count the votes, right? You can’t love your country only when you win.
  • Source:


    Trump says he thinks MAGA makes up 75% of the country 👀

    You know if he’s saying that, he has the data to back it up.

    Meaning this Election is gonna be TOO BIG TO RIG… and if they do rig it, they won’t get away with it this time.

    — Patri0tsareinContr0l (@Patri0tContr0l) August 8, 2024



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