Friday, 18 October 2024

D’s Own The Border Nightmare, War Is Approaching, Time To Wake The Rest Of The Country – Ep. 3271


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D’s Own The Border Nightmare, War Is Approaching, Time To Wake The Rest Of The CountryClick On Picture To See Larger Picture

The French farmers are not giving up, they are turning streets into farms. UPS is laying off 12,000 workers. Yellen breaks from Biden, inflation will not go back to the way it was. Trump baits the D's in to take ownership of the stock market. The D's are trying to flip the script and blame the border on Trump, this has already failed, they own the border. Biden is now bringing the country to war and it is quickly approaching. Each step of the way people will begin to wake up as they feel war on the horizon. The scare factor will increase and people will look for peace not war. The last part of the awakening is happening.



Video Shows Protesting French Farmers Turning Stretch Of Highway Into Field

  • French farmers are taking action against the EU and the French government by seemingly turning the highways leading to Paris into fields ready for sowing.
  • The farmers were blocking the roads with their tractors and now they are spreading dirt all over the highways. The video shows one protestor using his tractor to spread soil evenly over the surface of a highway, making it look like farmland.
  • Source:

    UPS to cut 12,000 jobs, as 2024 revenue outlook disappoints 

  • UPS looks to cut $1 billion in costs this year, after a ‘difficult and disappointing’ 2023
  • Tomé said one move is to “fit” the company and align resources to what’s important. “This will result in a workforce reduction of approximately 12,000 positions and around $1 billion in cost out this year,” Tomé said, according to a FactSet transcript.
  • Also, the company will explore strategic alternatives for its truckload brokerage business known as Coyote, which Tomé said was “highly cyclical” with considerable earnings volatility.
  • “2023 was a unique and quite candidly a difficult and disappointing year,” Tomé said.
  • Source:

    UPS workers approve massive new labor deal with big raises

  • The new contract includes pay raises for both part-time and full-time workers.
  • It also includes other improvements to work rules including an end to forced overtime.
  • Workers began voting on the new contract Aug. 2.
  • UPS drivers will average $170,000 in pay and benefits at the end of the five-year deal, said CEO Carol Tomé on an earnings call earlier this month.
  • Source:

    Treasury Sec. Janet Yellen Contradicts Biden on Inflation: ‘I Think Most Americans Know That Prices are not Likely to Fall’ (VIDEO)

  • When it comes to inflation and prices, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is singing a very different tune than her boss Joe Biden.
  • During a recent appearance on ABC News, when she was asked about prices going back to pre-pandemic levels, Yellen said that ‘most Americans know’ that prices are not coming back down.
  • That is absolutely not what Joe Biden is saying. Biden recently bragged about how much prices of various goods have come down, then bashed ‘greedy corporations’ for the prices that have not come down. Watch:

    Yellen’s message is quite different. From RedState:

    Biden is trying to sell us on this fiction of how much he’s doing to change what he broke, and no one believes him because he doesn’t even understand the problem. Or he does and he just wants to spin us.


    Watch the video:


    Doesn’t this even contradict Yellen’s previous comments on this topic?



    BREAKING NEWS- Squad member Cori Bush under criminal investigation by the Department of Justice for allegedly misusing funds meant for private security: Democrat married one of her bodyguards

  • Squad progressive Rep. Cori Bush is under investigation by the Justice Department for allegedly misusing government funds meant for private security.
  •   the Justice Department subpoenaed the House Sergeant at Arms for records related to the misuse of federal security money.
  • Bush has spent $756,000 on security since she was elected in 2020, her largest expenditure by far.
  • A watchdog has demanded the Federal Election Commission (FEC) investigate the $62,000 Rep. Cori Bush paid her now-husband as a security guard from her  campaign account.
  • The nonpartisan Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) asked  FEC acting general counsel Lisa Stevenson to look into whether Squad member and BLM activist Bush ‘used campaign funds for personal use.'
  • It was recently revealed that Bush, D-Mo., married Cortney Merritts in a private ceremony in early 2023. In 2022 he was on the payroll of her re-election campaign.
  • A watchdog has demanded the Federal Election Commission (FEC) investigate the $62,000 Rep. Cori Bush paid her now-husband as a security guard from her campaign account

  • ‘It appears Rep. Bush's campaign may have made payments for services that were unnecessary or above fair market value because of her personal relationship with the payee,' FACT executive director Kendra Arnold said in the complaint.
  • Source:

    The border deal trap is out in the open, and desperate Democrats are lying to blame the GOP 

  • The nation’s socialist media has made it plain that they hope to pin the migrant crisis they helped create on President Trump and the GOP.
  • Using all of their media muscle, they are trying to create an alternate reality in which Trump, who isn’t even in the White House, somehow caused the crisis.
  • The Politico subhed reads:
  • This is how this little trap is supposed to work:
  • Senate Democrats (with the president’s backing) plan to send a package over to the House that includes some significant concessions on the handling of migrants at the border. If the package is enacted, Democrats believe they can more or less take border security “off the table” for November by touting a bipartisan remedy for what is perceived as an uncontrolled influx of asylum seekers. If House Republicans kill the deal as inadequately savage on border security, as House Speaker Mike Johnson has strongly hinted they might, then Democrats hope to “flip” the issue by pointing out that the GOP is elevating election-year political considerations over the policy outcomes they claim to want.
  • They’re keeping the details of this ‘deal’ secret – why?
  • If it’s so wonderful, why not make it public and broadcast it everywhere to garner as much support as possible?
  • The problem for the far-left is that the facts aren’t on their side. Their ‘trap’ is nothing but a worthless web of lies. They caused the crisis by opening the border and could easily solve it by enforcing existing laws and closing it, with no new legislation needed.
  • Source:


    KJP Stumped: Why Isn’t It ‘Racist’ for Biden to Threaten to Close Border? 
  • A reporter stumped White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday by asking why it wasn’t “racist” for President Joe Biden to threaten to close the southern border, when Democrats said it was “racist” for President Donald Trump to do so in 2019.
  • When Trump said the same, in 2019, he was called “racist” and “xenophobic.” For example, a Washington Post op-ed said:
  • Trump may be the most xenophobic American leader in United States history. From the effort to restrict immigrants from mostly Muslim countries and the drastic reduction in refugee admissions, to efforts to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and the denial of asylum seekers from Central America, Trump’s policies have transformed immigration to the United States.…By the time that Republican Donald Trump ran for president in 2015, calling for a “great big wall” along the southern border and a “complete and total shutdown” of Muslims coming to the United States, the idea that Mexican “criminals” and Muslim “terrorists” were “invading” the United States had been well established and even normalized in the media. Many Americans expressed outrage at these explicitly racist and xenophobic positions. But in fact, Trump was repeating a message that had been gaining traction for decades, and has long been an American tradition.
  • Source:

  •  That is not true. The same authority Biden used to reverse almost every Trump policy at the border – including terminating the national emergency declaration at the border upon taking office – can be used to make significant changes.
  • Elon Musk Blasts Biden's Push For Border Deal: “No Laws Need To Be Passed

  • No laws need to be passed. All that is needed is an executive order to require proof before granting an asylum hearing. That is how it used to be,” Mr. Musk said in his post.

  • Before the clip of Biden finished, Reid was heard saying: “Starting another f**king war.” A rare moment of real feelings displayed on MSNBC.

  •  from Mexico at scale for 1st time in history
  • —Slashing detention
  • —Exempting UAC & families from T42
  • —Ending T42
  • —Ending DNA testing to disrupt fake families, child trafficking
  • —Ending domestic UAC enforcement
  • —Ceasing prosecutions
  • —Ordering ICE to exempt virtually all illegals, including criminals, from interior enforcement (and thus slashing interior removals to all-time record lows
  • —Ending worksite enforcement
  • —Lifting 243d visa sanctions
  • —Ending HARP/PACR
  • —Ending expanded ER in the interior
  • —Ending vast majority of ER at the border
  • —Ending border wall construction
  • Geopolitical/Police State


    Clown Show: Biden Regime vs. Biden Regime on the Middle East – 4 Months Apart… via Western Lensman

  • There have been at least 159 attacks on US forces in the Middle East since Oct. 7, 2023. Three soldiers were killed in Jordan over the weekend in an Iranian-backed attack
  • And the clown regime has absolutely no idea what is going on.
  • Here is Jake Sullivan in September 2023.
  • Jake Sullivan: The war in Yemen is in its 19 month of truce. For now, the iranian attacks against U. S. Forces have stopped. Our presence in Iraq is stable. I emphasize for now because all of that can change, and the Middle east region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.
  • And Here is weak Secretary of State Tony Blinken this week:
  • Tony Blinken: I would argue that we have not seen a situation as dangerous as the one we re facing now across the region since at least 1973.
  • What a clown show.
    Via Western Lensman:
  • Source:

  •  anything?


    Biden says he has decided how to respond to attack on US troops in Jordan

  •  Biden said   he has made up his mind on how to respond to a drone attack that killed U.S. service members in Jordan, as he weighs punishing Iran-backed militias without triggering a wider war.
  • Biden, speaking to reporters as he left the White House on a campaign trip to Florida, did not elaborate on his decision, which came after consultations with top advisers at the White House.
  • He said the United States does not need a wider war in the Middle East, echoing comments from other officials on Tuesday that the United States does not want a war with Iran.
  • Biden has been weighing his options and the expectation has been that there will be retaliatory strikes, but the timing of the response has been unclear.
  • Source:



    False Flags

    Woke DEI-Lover Mark Cuban Posts Message Allegedly Admitting to an Illegal Hiring Practice and Gets Schooled by EEOC Commissioner 

  • Woke, DEI promoter Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban might be in hot water with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) after posting a stupid tweet over the weekend regarding federal hiring.
  • As reported Monday, Cuban defended his hiring practices to an anonymous Twitter account called The Rabbit Hole who asked whether Cuban has hired people on the basis of demographics. The account noted doing so violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • Cuban responded that he has never hired an individual exclusively based on race, gender, or religion. However, he apparently did admit that he uses “diversity” as a “competitive advantage” when deciding whether to hire job candidates.
  • The major problem with Cuban’s response is that he’s completely wrong on Title VII law. EEOC Commissioner Andrea Lucas schooled Cuban by pointing out that ethnicity and gender can’t play any “motivating factor” in hiring.


    Elon Musk, who dunked all over Mark Cuban on racist DEI practices earlier this month, responded to Lucas’s post in agreement.



    Trump Judge To Decide On $370 Million In Penalties In NY Real Estate Trial

  • Engoron, who said earlier this month that he will try to issue a ruling in the case by Jan. 31, has already ruled that Trump committed years of fraud by inflating his wealth and assets in order to obtain preferential terms from banks. 
  • Source:

    JUST IN: Legal Challenge Seeking to Bar Trump From Illinois Ballot Fails

  • The legal challenge seeking to bar Trump from the 2024 primary ballot in Illinois failed.
  • This comes one day after the Massachusetts Supreme Court denied a petition to bar Trump from the 2024 ballot.
  •  Trump has not been charged with engaging in insurrection or rebellion against the United States.
  • ABC News reported:




    Q !UW.yye1fxo No.24
    Jan 18 2018 21:09:31 (EST)
    Are you following the news today?
    These people are REALLY stupid.
    This will be the END of the D party.
    This will be the path forward (w/ public outrage) to JAIL many so-called ‘untouchables'.
    You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER.


    Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147445681
    Oct 31 2017 23:57:15 (EST)
    Who controls the NG?
    Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?
    Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?
    Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?
    What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?
    Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.

    Source link