Friday, 18 October 2024

[DS] Election Rigging Comes Into Focus, Panic, March Madness, Patriots Have The Conn – Ep. 3294


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[DS] Election Rigging Comes Into Focus, Panic, March Madness, Patriots Have The ConnClick On Picture To See Larger Picture
Germany is imploding, they should have listened to Trump, he was right again. The [CB]/[WEF] are panicking because the world is going against their climate hoax. The fake news is trying to control the market narrative. Paxton cancels the omnibus bill. The [DS] chances winning the Presidential election is getting worse and worse. The only way they can win is to cheat like they did in 2020. They are finding this difficult to do, but their plan is coming into focus. We are now approaching March madness, buckle up, it's going to get scary. Patriots have the conn. Trump is beating Biden in every swing state, change of batter is coming, and when all else fails the [DS] will postpone the election.



Germany Should Have Listened to Trump

  • He was right about Berlin’s self-defense and risky energy dependence on Russia.
  • The lower house of Germany’s Parliament voted to legalize the recreational use of cannabis last week. It was a timely move. Germany’s leadership class is going to need all the mellow it can find in a world that isn’t going Germany’s way.

    Russian advances in Ukraine and American paralysis over the next aid package are reinforcing the reality that Germany needs to defend itself but lacks the power to do so. So are developments in the Red Sea, where German manufacturers must cope with shipping delays as the Biden administration fails to keep the vital waterway clear.

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  • Major Tech Company Reportedly Slams Brakes On Electric Vehicle Efforts As Demand Dries Up

  • Apple is ditching its decade-long venture to develop an electric car as demand for them slows down, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.
  • The tech giant began working on the electric vehicle (EV) around 2014 and spent billions on it, but its work is now coming to a close, according to individuals familiar with the situation who spoke to Bloomberg. EV demand has been decelerating and Apple did not foresee significant profits for its product even with a $100,000 price point.  
  • Source:
  • Sony is cutting 900 jobs from its PlayStation division, the gaming company announced Tuesday, becoming the latest tech giant to lay off part of its workforce.
  • In the first two months of 2024, nearly 40,000 workers have been cut at technology companies amid a massive shift toward artificial intelligence. Cisco announced plans this month to lay off around 4,250 workers, PayPal said it will cut 2,500 spots, and Microsoft announced in late January it would lay off around 1,900 in its gaming unit.
  • Source:

    Gavin Newsom Pushed For Minimum Wage Exemption Benefiting Donor Who Contributed Over $160,000 To Campaigns: REPORT

  • Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom pushed for an exemption that would enable top donor and Panera Bread franchisee Greg Flynn to circumvent the state’s new minimum wage law, according to Bloomberg.
  • Flynn, who owns two dozen Panera chains in California, gave $100,000 to help Newsom ward off a recall effort and $64,800 to the governor’s reelection campaign in 2022, according to Bloomberg. California’s new minimum wage law will raise workers’ pay from $16 an hour to $20 an hour at fast food restaurants with more than 60 locations nationally, except for chains that bake and sell stand-alone bread as a menu item as of Sept. 15, 2023.
  • Flynn also attended the same high school as Newsom outside of San Francisco, when Newsom was a freshman and Flynn was a senior, according to Bloomberg, citing a yearbook.
  • Source:

    Here's What Will Be Affected During Impending Government Shutdown

  • The shutdown will come in two phases – around 20% of government funding will run out in two phases – one on Friday night, and the other a week later on March 8. The other 80% of government agencies would see their funding expire on various other dates if Congress can't come to an agreement.
  • The 20% of agencies affected by the two near-term dates include the:
  • Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • Department of Transportation
  • Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Department of Energy
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Food and Drug Administration
  • Some areas of the Department of Defense, such as the Army Corps of Engineers and the Interior Department, will also be affected by the expiring funds.
  • That said, activities considered essential to public safety, economic stability and the president's constitutional authority would be exempt – such as air traffic controllers, who would stay on the job, but go unpaid. FDA food safety inspectors would similarly remain working.
  • Veterans' benefits – including health care and pensions, would also continue during a government shutdown per the department's contingency plan, the Washington Post reports, which adds that 96% of the agency's nearly 414,000 employees will continue working – either because their pay isn't linked to annual appropriations, or they are exempt from furloughs.
  • Programs such as SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) or WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) will seen no interruptions for the foreseeable future, as both have sources of contingency funds that can float them along past the deadline.
  •  .
  • The latest shutdown traces its roots back to the spring of 2023, when Biden and former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made a deal to cap federal discretionary spending in the 2024 fiscal year in exchange for suspending the US debt limit.
  • Source:

    Are U.S. stocks in a bubble? History says no.




  • Source:

    The Most Splendid Housing Bubbles in America, Feb 2024 Update: 20-City Index Drops for 2nd Month from Double-Top. Biggest Price Drops from 2022 Peak: San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Denver, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Dallas, San Diego 
















  • Methodology. The Case-Shiller Index uses the “sales pairs” method, comparing sales in the current month to when the same houses were sold previously. The price changes are weighted based on how long ago the prior sale occurred, and adjustments are made for home improvements and other factors. This “sales pairs” method makes the Case-Shiller index a more reliable indicator than median price indices (37-page methodology).
  • Home-Price Inflation. By measuring how many dollars it takes to buy the same house over time via the “sales pairs” method, the Case-Shiller index is a measure of home price inflation. So Miami had 329% home price inflation since 2000. By comparison, consumer price inflation, as measured by CPI, was 82% over the same period.
  • Source:

  • than half the members of the House bothering to do their jobs, show up, and vote in person. Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi abused proxy voting under the pretext of COVID-19 to pass this law, then Biden signed it, knowing they violated the Constitution. This was a stunning violation of the rule of law. I am relieved the Court upheld the Constitution.
  • The omnibus bill, signed by Joe Biden in 2022 amid a family vacation in St. Croix and flown to the location to meet a December 30 deadline, earmarked 45 billion for Ukraine among other contentious allocations.
  • These included the passage of the Electoral Count Act, 2.6 billion towards January 6 investigations, nearly 600 million for the Environmental Protection Agency, and 11 million targeting gun owners. Notably, the bill lacked funding for border security, a critical point of contention for many Americans and Republicans.
  • AG Paxton filed a lawsuit early in 2023 challenging the implementation of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, bringing into question the constitutionality of the House’s quorum during its passage. The bill was passed with less than half of U.S. Con­gress phys­i­cal­ly present.
  • Political/Rights

    Special Prosecutor Webb Refutes Jussie Smollett’s Appeal to Illinois Supreme Court, Says Disgraced Actor Did NOT Have a Non-Prosecution Agreement With Chicago DA 

  • Prosecutor Dan Webb has responded to Smollett’s appeal, and of course it got leaked to the media.
  • TMZ reported:
  • Jussie Smollett doesn’t understand the law, and he’s barking up the wrong tree with the Illinois Supreme Court… at least that’s how the special prosecutor views the actor’s appeal.Special prosecutor Dan Webb — who convicted Jussie for lying to cops about the hate crime hoax — is responding to Jussie’s motion to have the IL Supreme Court review his case and overturn the conviction … and says JS’s claim he had an agreement in place to avoid prosecution simply doesn’t hold water.”
  • Jussie Smollett claims he had an (unsigned) deal with the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, in which he would do volunteer community service and forfeit his bond – and in return, prosecutors would drop the charges.
  • “However, Webb says that ‘agreement’ was ‘imaginary’ on Smollett’s part, and it did not insulate him from facing charges at a later date. Webb also shoots down Jussie’s claim he’s a victim of double jeopardy — pointing out the legal term doesn’t apply in this case.

    In docs, obtained by TMZ, the special prosecutor says protection from double jeopardy is ‘triggered only after the accused has been subjected to the hazards of trial and possible conviction’.”

  • Source: 

  • Hunter Biden Opening Statement: “I Did Not Involve My Father in My Businesses” – Lashes Out at House Republicans 

  • Hunter Biden  arrived on Capitol Hill today for his closed-door deposition before Congress in part of the Republican impeachment process against Joe Biden.
  • Hunter will testify today before the House Oversight and Judiciary committees.
  • “I am here today to provide the Committees with the one uncontestable fact that should end the false premise of this inquiry: I did not involve my father in my business,” Hunter Biden testified Wednesday morning. “Not while I was a practicing lawyer, not in my investments or transactions domestic or international, not as a board member, and not as an artist. Never.”
  • “You read this fact in the many letters that have been sent to you over the last year as part of your so-called impeachment investigation. You heard this fact when I said it weeks ago, standing outside of this building. You heard this fact from a parade of other witnesses – former colleagues and business partners of mine, including my uncle – who have testified before you in similar proceedings. And now, today, you hear this fact directly from me,” he continued in his opening statement.

  • Hunter Biden made a similar carefully crafted statement about his father in December as he gave an unprecedented press conference on Capitol Hill.
  • “My father was not financially involved in my business,” Hunter Biden said in December.
  • Hunter was careful to specifically say his father was never ‘financially’ involved in his business.
  •  , he was careful to say he ‘didn’t involve’ his father in his business.
  • Joe Biden was heavily involved in his son Hunter’s overseas business.
  •  t

  • Millions of dollars from China were funneled to Hunter Biden’s investment vehicle Owasco.
  • In one instance, Hunter and Joe Biden threatened a Chinese business associate – pay up or else!
  • “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my directions. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”
  • Source:


    MS-13 Gang Member Wanted in El Salvador for Murder Arrested in Boston, Previously Removed from the US Three Times

  • A Salvadoran fugitive with ties to the notorious MS-13 gang and wanted for murder back home was detained by Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Boston in Foxboro on February 19.
  • This isn’t his first, second, or even third rodeo with U.S. immigration authorities. The 44-year-old has been removed from the United States not once, not twice, but three times before.
  • Source:

  •  Biden's open borders are putting lives in danger and allowing criminals to roam our country!
  • •⁠ ⁠ You are no longer safe in Joe Biden's America.


  •  Just ask Laken's mom and dad.
  •  industry with alleged evidence — including audio and video recordings — exposing sexual assault, blackmail, grooming, trafficking, child rape and even murders. Furthermore,@BritneyTheStan posted a court record alleging that Robin Greenhill of Lou Taylor’s Tri Star wired money to sex workers for her client Diddy. Taylor was the architect of the corrupt and illegal conservatorship of Britney Spears.
  • Greenhill allegedly helped run the illegal surveillance of Spears in tandem with Edan Yemini’s Black Box security firm.
  • Both Spears and Diddy have been photographed with Epstein’s alleged trafficker Rachel Chandler. Britney Spears, under oath, compared what Taylor and her team did to her to sex trafficking in her 2021 court testimony.
  • “The only thing comparable is sex trafficking,” Spears said. Was Britney a victim of Epstein’s ring and was Diddy a part of it?
  • Geopolitical/Police State

    Sen. Joni Ernst Introduces Bill to Protect Firearm Dealers From Biden’s Weaponized ATF
  • Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) is introducing legislation to protect Federal Firearms License holders (FFLs) from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives’ weaponized “zero tolerance” policy.
  •  the Biden White House released a fact sheet shortly after Biden’s inauguration, making clear that Biden would make increased oversight of FFLs part of his response to surging crime.
  • But Sen. Ernst is trying to place a firewall between Biden’s ATF and FFLs, as well as between the ATF and gun owners in general.
  • She said:
  • Biden’s ATF has had it out for gun owners since day one. For years, the Biden administration has cracked down on law-abiding gun dealers to advance its gun-grabbing agenda, even preventing small businesses from making a living. Rather than helping dealers comply with the law, Biden’s ATF has created more hurdles to legally sell guns, so it can turn around and revoke licenses for inconsequential so-called ‘violations.’
  • Source:

  • War


  • alleging they were Russian puppets in numerous articles, shamelessly lying to the American people: “Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel” “Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin”
  • “National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say” “Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House” “Justice Department warned White House that Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail, officials say”
  • How does one seamlessly transition from promoting the Russia Collusion Hoax to authoring a CIA press release on the Ukraine War? For the Washington Post and the New York Times?
  • Yellen Wants Frozen Russian Bank Funds To Be Given To Ukraine

  • Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on  called for the US and its allies to hand $300 billion in frozen Russian central bank funds to Ukraine, a step that would significantly escalate the Western economic war against Russia.
  • “It is necessary and urgent for our coalition to find a way to unlock the value of these immobilized assets to support Ukraine’s continued resistance and long-term reconstruction,” Yellen said in Brazil, where Group of 20 finance ministers are meeting this week, according to The Associated Press.The comments from Yellen mark her most supportive statement of the outright theft of Russian funds to finance the war in Ukraine. The call comes as the Biden administration is still struggling to get Congress to pass the $60 billion it’s seeking to fuel the conflict.
  • Source:

  •   Media to claim to them about this ongoing military conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine is false.
  • Nuland accidentally reveals the true aim of the West in Ukraine

  • Nuland dropping some truth bombs on CNN about Ukrainian aid. She started off with the usual talking point of doing “what we have always done, which is defend democracy and freedom around the world.” Conveniently, in places where they have controlling interests and want to keep them – or knock them out of a global competitor's roster and into their own. “And by the way, we have to remember that the bulk of this money is going right back into the US to make those weapons,” Nuland said, pleading in favor of the latest Ukraine aid package that's been getting the side eye from Republicans in Congress.So there you have it, folks. Ukrainians are a convenient pretext to keep the tax cash flowing in the direction of the US military industrial complex. This gives a whole new perspective on “as long as it takes.” It's just the usual endless war and profits repackaged as benevolence. But we've seen this before. It explains why war in Afghanistan was little more than a gateway to Iraq. And why the Global War on Terrorism never seems to end, and only ever mutates.  l 
  • Source:

    Cyber Attacks

    False Flags

  • A Chicago police officer is suing the city to change his race on his official records after the department said it would allow officers to freely change their gender to match their identity.
  • Mohammad Yusuf, 43, said in a federal civil rights lawsuit filed last week that he is looking to change from “Caucasian” as he “currently identifies as Egyptian and African American.” However, the Chicago Police Department is not allowing him to change his race.
  • The lawsuit comes as the department allows an officer’s “gender identity [to be] corrected to match their lived experience,” Yusuf’s lawsuit alleges.
  • And, the decision is impacting Yusuf’s professional advancement, he claims.
  • According to the lawsuit, Yusuf alleges that he has been repeatedly overlooked for promotions due to his “Caucasian” race. These promotions, he claims, have been given to other minority applicants with only very few going to Caucasian applicants.
  • Source:

  • Q

    Judge in Trump civil fraud case sent envelope with white powder, source says

  • The envelope never made it to Judge Arthur Engoron, but caused an emergency response at the courthouse.
  • The judge, Arthur Engoron, and his staff were not exposed to the substance — his mail is pre-screened on a daily basis and was intercepted before it reached him. A court officer and a court employee were exposed to the substance but not injured, the source said. The threatening letter was first reported by ABC News.
  • Source:

    Trump lawyers say he’s prepared to post $100 million bond while appealing staggering fraud penalty
  • Donald Trump’s lawyers have asked a New York appellate court to halt collection of the former president’s $454 million civil fraud judgment while he appeals
  • James’ office opposes Trump’s plan, saying his lawyers have all but conceded he has “insufficient liquid assets to satisfy the judgment.”
  • “These are precisely the circumstances for which a full bond or deposit is necessary,” Senior Assistant Solicitor General Dennis Fan wrote, saying Trump’s offer would leave James’ office and the state “with substantial shortfalls” if the verdict is upheld.
  • Source:

  • Trump’s lawyers told the appellate court that Trump was prepared to post a $100 million bond, arguing that the lending ban in the Feb. 16 verdict made it impossible for him to secure a bond for the full amount.
  • Exclusive–Former Employees Reveal Fani Willis’s Extreme DEI Training: Forced to Associate ‘White’ with ‘Bad’, Judges Ranked on Skin Color
  • Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis subjected her employees to mandatory race training, forcing the entire office to rate “Black” or “White” skin colors as either “Good” or “Bad,” according to training slides and video exclusively obtained by Breitbart News.
  • “If you didn’t participate in the quiz, you got fired,” a source exclusively told Breitbart News about Willis’s policy.
  • Screenshot Provided to Breitbart News

  • Source:

  • Major Shot Across Biden's Bow: 100,000+ Michigan Dems Vote “Uncommitted”

  • An initiative organized by dissident Democrats outraged over President Biden's handling of the Israel-Gaza war has sent a powerful shot across the bow of his presidential campaign, as more than 100,000 Democrats voted “uncommitted” in the Michigan primary.
  • That's more than 9 times former President Trump's 10,704-vote victory margin in his 2016 defeat of Hillary Clinton, in a critical swing state that will be worth 15 electoral votes in the November general election. Critically, that 100,000-voter coalition turned out for a primary election where the conclusion was foregone. There are likely many more who share their sentiments but didn't bother voting.
  •  Source:
  • Dementia Joe Biden Makes Unannounced Trip to Walter Reed for Physical Exam

  • President Biden revealed to reporters Wednesday that he is making an unannounced trip to Walter Reed Hospital for a physical exam.
  • As the Associated Press reported, Biden went on to claim that a “written summary” would be released later in the day.
  • Walter Reed Hospital, which serves as the standard medical center all U.S. Presidents, is located in Bethesda, Maryland. Biden has undergone yearly physical examinations since he began occupying the White House.
  • However, the exam is highly unlikely to include a mental evaluation. there would be no cognitive assessment test despite Biden’s obvious signs of mental decline.
  • White House Physician Kevin O’Connor claimed he would not advise Biden to undergo a neurological exam or cognitive test as part of his belated physical.
  • Source:
  • Kamala Harris Says College Students ‘Will Now Get Paid’ With Taxpayer Funds To Register Voters Ahead Of 2024

  • Vice President Kamala Harris announced  that college students would be able to collect federally-funded work study for registering voters.
  • Harris’s announcement of the new policy was posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. The federal work-study program is intended to allow students to earn money for day-to-day expenses while at college, according to the Department of Education.
  • Source:

  • @RepJerryNadler(D-NY) 2004: “If someone were deliberately hacking these machines, you could steal millions of votes, and no one would know it…” “We've documented a machine in this county that recorded 11,000 extra votes for Bush. In that county, there was counting Kerry votes for Bush.” “These machines are hackable.”
  • “A dishonest employee of the vendor, or a dishonest employee of a local board of elections, or simply someone who knows electronics and has a computer at home, could hack into these machines and put in secret instructions to disregard every 20th Democratic vote.”
  • “Or add 10% to the Kerry or Bush vote or whatever, and you might not even know it.” “There was one county where on some local race or some referendum, they lost 4500 votes, the machine hiccuped, and 4500 people didn't have the votes counted.” “We have all these professors and these computer experts telling us that the encryption algorithms aren't sufficient.” “That the protections aren't sufficient.”
  • “They are proprietary data, so they're kept secret, so we don't really know.” THREAD: Twenty minutes of prominent Democrats, computer scientists, and election security experts warning that America's election system is online, easily hackable, and often running on out-of-date, insecure Windows software.
  • 2. Majority of Americans believe Democrats are using lawfare against him.
  • 3. Majority of Americans think he did better job on the border.
  • 4. Majority of Americans know Democrats and Intel people invented the Russia collusion nonsense.
  • 5. Majority of Americans believe Biden is corrupt.
  • 6. Climate alarmism is looking more like a hoax every day.
  • 7. Majority of Americans know the news is not real.
  • 8. Everyone who isn't a TDS gooner knows the Jan6th Insurrection hoax was an FBI/Democrat op.
  • 9. It has become common knowledge that the Fine People hoax was the centerpiece of Biden's campaign.
  • 10. No reasonable person thinks Biden is mentally capable to do the job.
  • You can't win much harder than that.
  • 833

    Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 9dc69f No.544501
    Mar 3 2018 23:42:23 (EST)
    Reality is labeled as conspiracy.
    You are made to feel crazy.
    You are told to obey.
    You are SHEEP to them.
    Pawns to be sacrificed.

    Source link
