Friday, 18 October 2024

[DS] Planned A “coup d’etat” With Foreign Dignitaries, Sting Operation, He Caught Them All – Ep. 3350


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[DS] Planned A “coup d’etat” With Foreign Dignitaries, Sting Operation, He Caught Them AllClick On Picture To See Larger Picture
Biden admin are pushing the agenda to tell the people what appliances they can have. The patriots are pushing back saying no. Inflation is accelerating and Biden is lying when he says that inflation was at 9% when he came into office, he was responsible for 9% inflation. Trump embraces the blockchain and crypto, it begins. The people are now seeing the corrupt and the criminals. The more they do the worse it gets for them and the more they red pill the people. Trump caught them all, and it's not just a saying. The [DS] worked with foreign dignitaries to overthrow the United States government. It has been proven in Georgia, and will be proven in many other states, the elections were rigged. This is not just another 4 year election, but a CROSSROADS in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim control over our gov't.



House Passes Bill That Forces Biden Administration to Keep Its ‘Hands Off Our Home Appliances’ 

  • The House   passed a bill designed to ensure that any new energy efficiency standards promulgated by the U.S. Department of Energy be based on available technology and economic reality, according to a media release from the bill’s sponsor.
  • Rep. Debbie Lesko’s office said that the bill passed with bi-partisan support.
  • “I am saddened that we would need such a bill,” Lesko said in the release. “However, as we have experienced under this administration, the Department of Energy has unleashed an avalanche of new regulations for household products, including stoves, dishwashers, washing machines, showers, toilets, water heaters, air conditioners, heat pumps, and furnaces.
  • “No government bureaucrat should EVER scheme to take away Americans’ appliances in the name of a radical environmental agenda, yet that is exactly what we have seen under the Biden Administration,” she added (emphasis original).
  • Source:

    ALL HE DOES IS LIE: Biden Claims Inflation Was 9 Percent When He Took Office (It Was 1.4 Percent)

  • In an interview on CNN, Biden claimed that inflation was running at nine per cent when he seized office in January 2021:
  • No president had the run we’ve had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9 per cent when I came into office, 9 percent. But it — look, people have a right to be concerned, ordinary people. The idea that you bounce a check and you get a $30 fee for bouncing the check, I changed that, you can’t charge more than 8 bucks for that or your credit card, your late payment, $35. There’s corporate greed going on out there, and it’s got to be dealt with.
  • According to official data from the Consumer Price Index, the actual figure was 1.4 percent.

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  • Burnett asked: “With less than six months to go to election day, are you worried that you’re running out of time to turn that around? “
  • “We’ve already turned it around,” Biden insisted.
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  •  beating all expectations, according to the BLS data. Labor costs are rising at a comparable pace to mid-2022 when inflation in the US was above 9%. Wage pressures are accelerating.
  •  Socialist economic theory.


  • Scattered Spider, formerly accused of disrupting casinos and hotels, has targeted 29 companies since April 20, successfully compromising the systems of at least two insurance companies, reported Bloomberg.
  • Recent targets include Visa Inc (NYSE:V), PNC Financial Services Group Inc (NYSE:PNC), Transamerica, New York Life Insurance Co., and Synchrony Financial.
  • Scattered Spider, emerging in May 2022, orchestrated high-profile hacks in 2023, including against MGM and Coinbase.
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  • House Votes To Nullify SEC's Anti-Crypto Policy, Biden Vows To Veto

  • The United States House of Representatives has voted to pass a bill that overturns controversial Securities and Exchange Commission guidance preventing banks from owning crypto.
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  • President Trump Vows to End Hostility Toward Crypto, Embrace Blockchain Technology in the US (VIDEO)

  • President Donald Trump announced plans to embrace blockchain technology and eliminate hostility toward cryptocurrency in the U.S.
  • The announcement was made at a private dinner event at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, where he hosted a gathering for buyers of his NFT trading cards.
  • Trump criticized the Biden regime’s approach and expressed his commitment to removing restrictions.
  • “They are against it. Biden doesn’t even know what it is. If you ask Biden, ‘Sir, are you for or against crypto?’ What’s that? Get me off the stage. He’s saying, ‘Get me off the stage.’ Now, he has no idea.”
  • “The Democrats are very much against it,” Trump added. “And I say this, a lot of people are very much for it, probably a lot of the people in this group, and I’m fine with it. I want to make sure it’s good and solid and everything else, but I’m good with it. If you like crypto in any form, and it comes in a lot of different forms, if you’re in favor of crypto, you better vote for Trump.”
  • WATCH:
  • Trump also confirmed that he is now accepting donations in cryptocurrency, solidifying his shift toward embracing the digital currency landscape.
  • Now, is reporting that a “second Trump term would be ‘broadly positive’ for crypto.”
  • More from
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  • Political/Rights

    Hundreds of Millions of Americans’ Have Strong Message for Woke Disney

  • High levels of dissatisfaction with company’s LGBT ‘engineering’ of children
  •  Rasmussen Reports revealed that 71% of American adults say the entertainment company that openly has tried to indoctrinate children with the leftist beliefs, “should return to wholesome programming and allow parents to decide when their children are taught about sexuality.

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    Geopolitical/Police State


    Ukraine Warns Nationwide Power Outages Coming Amid 'Massive' Russian Strikes 

  • Large-scale Russian aerial strikes on Ukraine's energy infrastructure has become an almost daily event, but Wednesday saw a “massive” wave of Russian missiles launched on vital power grid sites, according to Ukraine authorities.
  • Ukraine is now warning of nationwide power cuts. “Russians have launched a new massive attack on thermal and hydroelectric power plants,” the state-owned Ukrenergo energy operator announced. “There may be power cuts for household and industrial consumers across Ukraine… due to new damage to the equipment of Ukrainian power plants caused by Russian strikes.”
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  •   in Israel, just like the war in Ukraine, would have NEVER started if I was in the White House. But very soon, we will be back, and once again demanding PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH!
  • Everything they did to Trump is happening to Biden and the DS

    They keep talking about free palestine, it is being freed from the terrorists. 

    Cyber Attacks

    False Flags

    “Scarf Lady” Dr. Deborah Birx Now Says Thousands of Americans Could Be Vaccine Injured by the COVID Shot (VIDEO)

  • Dr. Deborah Birx, the former White House coronavirus response coordinator who destroyed the country along with Dr. Anthony Fauci, suggested that thousands of Americans could be suffering from vaccine-related injuries due to the experimental COVID-19 shots.
  • “They were very effective for what they were supposed to be used for, which was preventing severe disease and hospitalization or deaths. That’s what the vaccines were studied to do in this country, and that’s what they did,” Birx answered.
  • This is a blatant lie. The COVID-19 vaccines were initially presented to the public as a way to provide immunity and stop the spread of the virus. However, as vaccinated individuals continued to contract COVID-19, it became apparent that the vaccines weren’t producing immunity as expected.
  •  Source:

  •  experts revealed that the two teens both suffered unexpected fatal heart failure after being injected with the experimental mRNA shots. The study was the first to detail examinations of American children who died of heart failure after COVID-19 vaccination.
  • However, the study’s paper set off a firestorm within the CDC that led to attempts by agency officials to overrule the medical examiners who examined the boys, internal emails have revealed. Within hours of the study being published, federal officials scrambled to respond. Internal CDC emails show officials were worried the paper would harm their efforts to promote the Covid injections to the public.
  • This is important because this report has significant implications for CDC and FDA’s vaccine safety and policy discussions,” Dr. Sarah Reagan-Steiner, a medical officer at the CDC, wrote on Feb. 17, 2022. The CDC and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have repeatedly promoted widespread COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Additionally, the federal agencies have downplayed confirmed and possible side effects of the vaccines, despite the threat to public safety
  • Peter Sweden- IT’S HAPPENING: Britain REFUSES to Sign WHO Pandemic Treaty

  • This article was written by Swedish independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen, also known as PeterSweden. You can follow him at
    This is big news for freedom and sovereignty.
  • Now it is being reported that Britain is REFUSING to sign on to the World Health Organisation’s pandemic treaty and that they will not sign any form of the treaty that undermines Britain’s sovereignty.
  • That is very good news.
  • However, the reason they are against the treaty is because countries will be obliged to give away 20% of pandemic related health products. In other words, things such as vaccines, medicines and protection equipment like face masks.
  • In other words, it is basically a form of Global Communism.
  • Britain has said they will require that any pandemic treaty will have to respect national sovereignty.
  • Could this be the beginning of the WHO pandemic treaty failing?
  • How many other countries could join in rejecting this, following in Britain’s footsteps?
  • Source:

    WHO member states are expected to vote on the final text of the agreement during the WHA meeting this year, which starts on May 27, 2024. It is also possible that before then, member states decide to delay the vote to allow for more negotiating time.


    Biden Regime Steps Up Persecution of J6 Protesters Ahead of Trump’s Return, Over 1,400 Arrested and Counting and Five Suicides So Far

  • The Biden regime is stepping up its relentless campaign of persecution against those who attended the January 6th protests, arresting people at double the rate they have over the past three years.
  •   the Department of Justice’s monthly update, 1424 people have been arrested in connection with their attendance on that day:
  • Nearly 1,425 people have been arrested on Jan. 6 charges, with 2024 arrests running at almost double the rate from 2023 and 2022, a U.S. Department of Justice report shows. Through close of business on May 3, the FBI has arrested 1,424 suspects in the 40 months since the breach and violence at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the DOJ reported in its monthly update.

     Such an acceleration of arrests are a clear sign Biden regime’s determination to arrest and convict as many people as possible before the end of the year, knowing that if Donald Trump returns to the White House those investigations will be halted and pardons will be issued to some or all of those involved.

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    JUSTICE: Texas Cop Fired For Attending J6 Protests Receives $400,000 Settlement For Wrongful Termination

  • A Texas deputy who was fired from her job for attending the January 6th protests will receive a whopping settlement after she sued the county for wrongful termination.
  •   former Bexar County Lt. Roxanne Mathai was a “passionate supporter” of Donald Trump and had traveled to Washington to attend the ‘Stop The Steal’ protests.
  • She uploaded photos of the event to social media as protesters entered the Capitol building, although she did not enter the building herself
  • After returning to San Antonio, Sheriff Javier Salazar launched an investigation into her conduct and eventually fired her from the role that she held for nine years. It later emerged that he had campaigned for Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election.

  • Mathai responded by suing the county and Sheriff Salazar for wrongful termination, citing violations of her First and 14th Amendment rights. The case was settled this week and she will receive a hefty $400,000 in damages.
  • Source:

  • Jack Smith has admitted to violating the same law used against J6 defendants 

  • Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has just admitted that he and other DOJ and FBI minions manipulated documentary evidence underlying the Mar-a-Lago case against Donald Trump. Did anyone notice something,   Smith has admitted to doing what the J6 defendants are accused and have been convicted of doing: Violating 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2). The statutory charges against the J6 defendants are a specious abuse of the law but they perfectly fit Smith’s admitted conduct.
  • One of the main tools in the DOJ arsenal against anyone near the Capitol on January 6, 2021, is § 1512(c)(2), which the DOJ claims means imprisonment for a person who “corruptly…obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding…” That is what the DOJ claims happened when ordinary Americans (a) exercised their rights of free speech and (b) usually inadvertently, entered onto Capitol land after masked agitators had removed “no trespassing” signage and fencing and after the Capitol police had opened the building’s doors. The penalty is fines and/or imprisonment, with the latter potentially as long as 20 years.
  • the DOJ came down hard on subsection (c)(2) of the statute because it contains the phrase “official proceeding.”

    (c) Whoever corruptly—


    (2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,

    shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

    But while the DOJ is focusing everyone’s attention on subsection (2), they’re ignoring subsection (1):

    (c) Whoever corruptly—

    (1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding…

  • Does that remind you of anything? It certainly does me.
  • It reminds me of Smith’s admission to Judge Aileen Cannon about his and his minions’ handling of the documents seized from Mar-a-Lago, documents that then served as the basis for his decision to indict Donald Trump. 
  • Source;

     York interview that he spoke with Engoron three weeks before the judge imposed a $454 million fine on the former president for asset valuation fraud.

    Trump fraud trial judge Arthur Engoron 'under investigation' for allegedly receiving unsolicited advice from high-profile lawyer before fining former president $454 million

  • Adam Leitman Bailey, a New York real estate attorney, said at the time of the ruling in public that he spoke to Judge Engoron three weeks before the ruling and told him to 'get it right.'
  • A spokesman for Engoron denied the story and said he was 'wholly uninfluenced' by Bailey, but The New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct reportedly is looking into whether he violated any rules, according to NBC New York.
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  • Cannon, a Trump-appointed U.S. District Court judge, is facing calls to recuse herself from the former president's classified documents case over concerns regarding her impartiality
  • They will look thru her background, they will bring out fake people to push her out. 
  • Democrats may be the dog that caught the car

  •   if Alvin Bragg had charged Trump with a single felony count of [blah, blah, blah] and a jury had convicted him, the judge in the case could have sentenced Trump to probation and a substantial fine, perhaps even requiring him not to leave the state or at least having him check-in in-person with his probation officer on a regular basis, which would have allowed Democrats to significantly impede the Trump campaign. Additionally, it would allow the Democrats to run advertisements claiming that Donald Trump was a “convicted felon.”
  • But because TDS is real and the concept of “nuance” is completely lost on liberals, they instead charged ahead like a bull in a china shop with 34 felony indictments against the former president. This means if Trump is convicted, the judge will have no choice but to impose an incredibly harsh sentence.
  •  if Trump is convicted, and keep in mind that the 34 indictments are carbon copies of the original charge meaning that if he is found guilty of one he will be found guilty of all of them, there would be no reason as to why he would not immediately be sent to prison. Even if he were to be given only six months per felony conviction, it would result in a sentence of 17 years, not a term that could be put off under normal court guidelines.
  •   It’s certainly likely that the average American is tuned out to the current court proceedings, but if the leader of the Republican party were to be jailed just a few months before the election you can bet they’d start paying attention and asking questions.
  • The reality is that charging Trump with 34 felonies leaves the court with no wiggle room whatsoever. If he is convicted, the court will have no choice but to impose a draconian sentence on him or be exposed as a totally fraudulent entity. Either Trump engaged in an activity that was so serious it required being charged with 34 felonies eight years after the events occurred, or the “crime” of which he will be convicted of is so unthreatening to the citizenry that he can continue to be allowed to walk the streets free to potentially “re-offend.”
  •  . The MSM is already struggling to explain the crime that is being charged. If Trump were to be convicted and given a lengthy prison sentence right before the election there’s no plausible way they could justify his incarceration.
  • At this point the best outcome that Democrats could hope for would be a hung jury where they could blame some juror as a Trump supporter, whether or not that claim had any basis in reality; but if Donald Trump is convicted, they are opening a Pandora’s Box that may swallow them whole.
  • Source:

  •   is doing, and they’ve long time ago seen through what Fani Willis is doing in Georgia. That’s the real conspiracy Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis looking to conspire to impact the presidential election.”
  • “For Americans Watching This Is the Uniparty!” – WATCH: Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Booed by Democrats AND RINOs As She Moved to Oust Mike Johnson as Speaker (VIDEO)

  •   are doing well in the Senate, and I believe will do well in the House. But if we show DISUNITY, which will be portrayed as CHAOS, it will negatively affect everything! Mike Johnson is a good man who is trying very hard. I also wish certain things were done over the last period of two months, but we will get them done, together. It is my request that Republicans vote for “THE MOTION TO TABLE.” We WILL WIN BIG – AND IT WILL BE SOON!
  • Breaking: House Democrats Vote UNANIMOUSLY to Give Illegal Aliens Representation in Congress and the Electoral College  






    Barron Trump to Make His Political Debut, Will Serve as Florida Delegate at RNC

  • Donald Trump’s youngest son Barron will make his political debut at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July at the mere age of 18.
  • According to a Trump campaign spokesperson, Barron is “very interested” in American politics and will serve as a delegate for Florida at the convention set to take place in Milwaukee.
  • Politico reported:
  • Source:


    May 10, 2018 10:43:20 PM EDT
    Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 000000 No. 74 
    Fellow Patriots: What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom].
    The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries.
    The snowball has begun rolling – there is no stopping it now. D5.
    Stay the course and trust the plan. Protective measures are in place. Remain BRAVE.
    We knew this day would come.
    United We Stand (WW).
    We FIGHT.
    Conspiracy no more. Q

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