Friday, 18 October 2024

Swamp Runs Deep, We Were Warned, This Is Not Another 4 Year Election, On The Ready – Ep. 3290


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Swamp Runs Deep, We Were Warned, This Is Not Another 4 Year Election, On The ReadyClick On Picture To See Larger Picture

The [CB]/[DS] are trying to explain away inflation, it is not working, the people know. Banks are in trouble because of commercial real estate, this will not end well. [CB] wants more from the people, they are going after the 401ks now. Bezos, Meta, Diamond and Gates all selling stocks. Trump mentions Bitcoin, slow drips. The [DS] runs deep and wide, they never expected [HRC] to lose, now they are exposed to the people and the people want them out. This is not another 4 year election, we are at a crossroads, do the people take back the country or does the [DS] win. The people are winning and they will take it back. Scavino sent a warning about phone not connected, couple of days later the cell system had outages. Right on schedule, the Patriots are pushing the [DS] down the path.



  •  up a third of smaller, regional bank assets. In many cities, they’re collapsing because of work-from-home, the slowing economy, and the “urban doom loop” as criminals take over American cities. We already saw another bank crash a few weeks ago on commercial real estate loans. Expect a lot more. And expect that taxpayers, as always, will foot the bill when Wall Street screws up.
  • With a yearly deficit in the trillions, government looks to go after 401(k) accounts for new revenue 

  • A majority of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck. A majority don’t have enough money to pay for a thousand-dollar emergency. Home ownership is a rapidly dissipating aspect of the American dream. Americans’ credit card debt is at a record high because of high inflation and the cost-of-living, and they’re falling behind on debt payments. People don’t have enough money for retirement.
  • So what is the solution? Well for some economists, it’s time to take away the tax benefit for 401(k) plans because the government is short of revenue to pay for their exorbitant spending; see here, from USA Today:
  • What if the government abolished your 401(k)? Economists say accounts aren’t worth it
  • The federal government should stop allowing pre-tax contributions to retirement savings, abolishing the 401(k) and Individual Retirement Account, two economists from opposing ideological camps argued in a research brief in January.
  • Allowing people to shelter their retirement money from taxes is a policy that largely favors the well-heeled, they said. Congress could use that money, nearly $200 billion a year in lost tax dollars….
  • Oh, Congress could use that money? Yeah, well so could we, and we’re the ones who earned it. And $200 billion a year? This is a pittance toward covering the $2 trillion yearly deficit the federal government is running in a supposedly great economy.
  • source:

  • If the gov does not have enough money we need to go to the source of the problem
  •   from the socialist union-run opposition. If he succeeds, he'll be a role model for radically slashing government. Not just in Latin America but the entire world. Including — dare we dream — the alleged small-government champions in Washington.



    Turmoil at CBS — Catherine Herridge’s Firing Escalates as Network Seizes Files that May Expose Confidential Sources: Report

  • CBS reportedly seized files from Catherine Herridge, the network’s recently laid-off senior investigative correspondent. This action included materials that may reveal information about confidential sources, according to an article by Jonathan Turley, Shapiro Chair of Public Interest Law at George Washington University, in The Hill.
  • Source:


    FBI Informant Who Blew the Whistle on Biden-Burisma Bribery Scheme Arrested AGAIN on Same Charges – His Lawyers Ask Judge For Emergency Hearing

  • Alexander Smirnov, the FBI’s Confidential Human Source who blew the whistle on the Biden-Burisma bribery scheme, was arrested again on the same charges on Thursday after the federal prosecutors deemed him a flight risk.
  • Smirnov, a dual citizen of Israel and the US, was previously released from pre-trial detention by Las Vegas-based magistrate judge Daniel Albregts. Prosecutors urged Albregts to keep Smirnov behind bars because he has ‘ties to Russian intel officials’ who could help him flee. They also claimed Smirnov had access to millions of dollars and could flee on an Israeli passport.
  • Source:

    Gov. Kathy Hochul Says New Yorkers ‘Need a Break’ from Illegal Immigration While Giving Welfare to Illegal Aliens
  • New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) says New Yorkers “need a break” from illegal immigration as her administration opens welfare to border crossers and illegal aliens arriving in the sanctuary state.
  • During an interview on MSNBC this week, Hochul said the arrival of nearly 200,000 border crossers and illegal aliens to New York since the spring of 2022 has “overwhelmed” and strained public resources, suggesting more arrivals ought to be shut out to give New Yorkers “a break.”
  • “We have been so affected. I mean, 175,000 migrants who came here,” Hochul said:
  • They came here for a better life, they came here for a job but our city and its resources are absolutely overwhelmed. We need a break. I’m working to get people jobs. They’re here, I’m going to make them work and get them jobs. But until then, we need some relief at the border. [Emphasis added]
  • The Hochul administration is quietly using taxpayer dollars to gift cash payments to thousands of migrants who don’t qualify for typical welfare assistance, The Post has learned. [Emphasis added]The cash windfall was made possible by the state Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance modifying its “Safety Net Assistance” [SNA] program’s eligibility rules in May to include non-citizens with pending applications for legal asylum status. [Emphasis added]…With more than 173,000 migrants coming to the Big Apple since spring 2022, if only 10% of migrants here are eligible for SNA payments, the number of recipients could exceed 17,000 in NYC alone. [Emphasis added]
  • Source:


    Geopolitical/Police State

    El Salvador President Nayib Bukele Criticizes George Soros and Issues a Chilling Warning to America During CPAC Speech  

  • El Salvador President Nayib Bukele during the CPAC 2024 at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland
  • El Salvador President Nayib Bukele addressed attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2024, issuing a grave warning to Americans based on his country’s experience with internal strife and external influence.
  • During his speech, Bukele called for a decisive fight against globalism, urging for a collective awakening to the threats it poses to freedoms and rights around the world.
  • “If you want globalism to die here too, you must be willing to unapologetically fight against everything and everyone that stands for it. Fight for your freedoms, fight for your rights.”
  • “The next president of the United States must not only win an election; he must have the vision, the will, and the courage to do whatever it takes. And above all, he must be able to identify the underlying forces that will conspire against them. These dark forces are already taking over your country. You may not see it yet, but it’s already happening.”
  • He also criticized both non-governmental organizations and the left’s favorite billionaire, George Soros.

  • He decried the involvement of these “unelected bureaucrats” in setting public policy, questioning their democratic legitimacy.
  • “Who elected them? They don’t have a democratic mandate,” said Bukele. “If they want a seat at the table, they should run for office. Let the people vote.”
  • He proudly recounted his own country’s pushback against foreign influence, claiming “Soros and his cronies hit a brick wall in El Salvador.”
  • “Salvadorans are now immune to his influence. No one believes his lies anymore over there. We just had free and fair election,” he added.
  • Source:

  • War

  • President Biden announced Friday that the U.S. is imposing more than 500 new sanctions targeting Russia, marking two years since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the full-scale invasion of Ukraine and responding to the death last week of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny.
  • “If Putin does not pay the price for his death and destruction, he will keep going,” Biden said in a statement. “And the costs to the United States—along with our NATO Allies and partners in Europe and around the world—will rise.”
  • The U.S., along with international partners, have sought to use sanctions to financially squeeze Putin’s ability to wage war on Ukraine — pairing them with military, economic and humanitarian support to Ukraine to help the country push back against the Russian invading forces.
  • The package to be announced Friday will include sanctions targeting individuals connected to Navalny’s imprisonment, Biden said in his statement, and target Russia’s financial sector, defense industrial base, procurement networks and sanctions evaders across multiple continents.
  • The U.S. is also imposing nearly 100 new export restrictions, blocking the shipment of items to Russia in a warning to exporters that they can face American sanctions for facilitating such deliveries to Russia.
  • Source:

  • Cyber Attacks

    False Flags

    US Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Has 10-Year Backlog Of Claims

  • It may take more than 10 years for someone injured by a COVID-19 vaccine to receive a decision on whether their claim is eligible for compensation by the government’s vaccine compensation program—if they receive a response at all. 
  • U.S. health officials responded to questions on America’s failing vaccine injury compensation system in a hearing that left the vaccine-injured feeling like addressing the system’s shortcomings is not a priority on Capitol Hill.
  • As of Jan. 1, there were 12,854 claims filed for injuries caused by COVID-19 countermeasures with the government’s Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), including 9,600 related to injuries caused by COVID-19 vaccines. Of the 12,854 claims, 2,214 have been processed, but only 40 claims have been found eligible for compensation.
  • According to testimony given during a Feb. 15 hearing of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, there’s a backlog of about 10,800 claims. With only 35 employees processing claims at a rate of 2.7 cases per employee per month, it will take about 10 years to process the remaining claims.
  • “I just don’t think it’s right. I think we need to streamline this process,” Rep. Rich McCormick (R-Ga.) said during the hearing. “We need to speed up this process by about tenfold in order to do our job for the American people.”
  • Source:

  • Q

    BREAKING: Radical Anti-Trump Judge Engoron Denies Trump’s Request to Delay Enforcement of Penalties in NYC Fraud Case as Letitia James Threatens to Seize Trump’s Properties

  • Judge Engoron on Thursday denied Trump’s request to delay enforcement of the $355 million in penalties as New York Attorney General Letitia James threatens to seize Trump’s buildings.
  •  Trump’s real crime was doing business in New York City.  Donald Trump took out loans, paid the loans back on time, paid interest on the loans, and the banks agreed to do business with him in the future.  Everyone made a profit. This was once called capitalism.  Engoron made it a crime in New York City with his outrageous penalties against President Trump to bankrupt him and his company.
  •  Source:
  • New Cell Phone Records Prove DA Willis Affair

  • The lawyers for President Trump have Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade’s cell phone records. And it’s bad for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.
  • The official story from the Fulton County DA and her former lover Nathan Wade, made through sworn filings and sworn testimony, was that their “personal relationship” started in 2022.
  • In a February 2, 2022 filing, DA Willis submitted Wade’s affidavit to the Court which stated: “In 2022, District Attorney Willis and I developed a personal relationship.” DA Willis and Wade both testified that the relationship started sometime in early 2022.
  • But Wade’s cell phone records disprove their official story. In a filing this morning from President Trump’s attorneys, records indicate that the “relationship” between DA Willis and Wade was romantic well-before Wade’s November 1, 2021 appointment by Willis as Special Prosecutor.
  • Trump’s attorneys were able to obtain, by subpoena to AT&T, Wade’s cell phone records from 1/1/2021 through 11/30/2021. Wade’s location data was analyzed by an investigator hired by the attorneys – an analytical tool which generated geolocation data that pinpointed Wade’s presence at DA Willis’s South Fulton Condo during that time period.
  • Here are the highlights:

  • Wade and Willis exchanged “over 2000 voice calls and just under 12,000 texts messages” from January 1, 2021 through November 30, 2021.
  • Geolocation data indicates Wade was at DA Willis’s condo “at least 35 occasions”. The data revealed he was “stationary” at the condo “and not in transit.”
  • Wade’s visits to DA Willis’s condo were corroborated by texts and phone calls. According to the report: On November 29, 2021, “following a call from Ms. Willis at 11:32 PM, while the call continued, [Wade’s] phone left the East Cobb area just after midnight and arrived within the geofence located on the Dogwood address [the condo] at 12:43 AM on November 30, 2021. The phone remained there until 4:55 AM.”
  • On September 11, 2021, Wade arrived at the condo address at approximately 10:45 PM. He left the address at 3:28 AM and arrived at his Marietta residence at 4:05 AM. He then texted DA Willis at 4:20 AM.

  • We don’t like to go out on a limb – but these records are a game changer. 
  • Source: 

    Mike Pence Announces $20 Million to Fight GOP’s Turn to Populism Just Months Before the 2024 Election – Is Pence Plotting to Throw ANOTHER Election?  

  • Mike Pence was in the news again after announcing he was spending $20 million to fight the Republican Party’s turn to populism.
  • Mike Pence made this announcement to slow down President Trump. Once again dirty Mike Pence is doing the will of the DC elites and Democrats to hurt Donald Trump and the country.
  • Pence is most famous for misleading 75 million Trump voters into thinking he had the balls to challenge the suspect 2020 election results in six battleground states.
  • Pence lied about this and folded like a lawn chair. After his actions riots broke out on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, after police started firing rubber bullets, gas cannisters, and smoke bombs on the Trump protesters outside the US Capitol.
  • Pence just didn’t have the balls to do what was right to save the country. Every generation has its loser.
  • Now the former vice president is in the news again. Pence’s political advocacy group plans to invest $20 million this year to shape the conservative agenda, an effort to directly counter what Pence had previously described as populism “unmoored to conservative principles.”
  • Pence announced this in February in an election year. He wants to split the party in an election year. What a guy.
  • The Hill reported:
  • Advancing American Freedom, which Pence launched in 2021, announced Wednesday the creation of the American Solutions Project, a three-prong effort to push more traditional conservative policy priorities during an election year likely to be dominated by former President Trump.

    “Our nation was founded on conservative principles that have stood the test of time. The Constitution and this great American experiment must not be swayed by movements or personalities, but must hold fast to the time-honored principles that have made America strong and prosperous and free,” Pence said in a statement to RealClearPolitics, which first reported on the new effort.

    The new project, an outline of which was obtained by The Hill, will have three main objectives.

    The first will be to shape political majorities by creating a policy platform for candidates to embrace “and reverse the Right’s drift toward populism and the Left’s embrace of socialism.”

    The second piece is focused on championing conservative legislation and advancing Pence’s policy priorities, which include promoting free trade, limiting government spending, restoring U.S. leadership on the world stage, and confronting China.

    The third and final part of the project is aimed at protecting conservative principles, such as limited government.

  • This is no different than the Trump agenda. Pence has gone from being vice president – to being a tool of the anti-Trump movement. What a sad descent.
  • Source:


  • AT&T has apologised for the widespread outages that affected tens of thousands of consumers, but said that the network failure was not due to a cyber attack.
  • The major US provider said in a statement on Thursday evening that the outages were due to “the application and execution of an incorrect process” during network expansion, rather than a cyber attack.
  • “We are continuing our assessment of today’s outage to ensure we keep delivering the service that our customers deserve,” the statement read.
  • Source:

  • 1. no one knew why it was happening
    2. then the fake news reported a solar flare
    3. then they said cyber attck
    4. no its a glitch in the system, does this affect everything

    The Party of Trump: Teamsters Donate $45K to GOP for First Time in Years
    The Teamsters’ political committee has donated $45,000 to the Republican National Committee for the first time in 20 years, according to a report.
  • The donation came the same day former President Donald Trump met with the Teamsters’ leadership for the second time in January, according to the Washington Post, which reported the donation on Wednesday.
  • Although the powerful organized labor group has historically supported Democrats —  it sent the Democratic National Committee $135,000 in December as well as $15,000 in March 2023 — the donation to the RNC is the first one since it last donated $15,000 in 2004, according to the paper.
  • Source:

  • 150 years ago, you didn't have to ask permission from the government to go fishing, own a property, build on your property, start a business” “Now you virtually can do anything without asking for the government's permission first” “You're a free range human in a tax farm” “If you still think you're free, you are deluding yourself”


    Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b03e04 No.8238822
    Feb 24 2020 20:36:43 (EST)

    Listen carefully.
    Think: re: why [no] arrests (justice) yet?
    What if (almost) every critical position [sr] within the US GOV apparatus was infiltrated?
    Backgrounds are important.
    Muslim Brotherhood
    List of ‘in the news now [names]‘ w/ known ties to Islam?
    [assumptions correct – package well rec [known]]


    Feb 24, 2020 8:52:03 PM EST
    Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b03e04 No. 8239046 


    “Insurgency is the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify or challenge political control of a region.”
    The presidency of Barack Hussein Obama began at noon EST on January 20, 2009, when Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States.
    What Country was the true intended target?
    Feb 24, 2019 1:12:51 PM EST
    Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b3258f No. 5362124 
    They NEVER thought Crooked Hillary would lose.

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