Sunday, 16 March 2025

Trump Entered Enemy Territory To Expose The Liars, She Took The Debate Bait, Game Theory – Ep. 3448


Watch The X22 Report On Video

The economy is imploding on itself, small businesses have now seen the earning drop. The inflation rate has been manipulated down to the point can now make the final decision of cutting the rate. Economist predict that the market will correct in Oct, people will panic, this will work in Trumps favor. The [DS] used everything they had for the debate. They gave [KH] the questions, they rehearsed over and over. The people saw it. It didn’t look natural, it was like an actor reading lines. The people are seeing right through this. Trump entered enemy territory, he knew exactly what he was doing. He need to show the people how the fake news is the true enemy of the people. [KH] and the [DS] took the bait. Now, after the debate the people are calling out the lies and the fake news. They know the ganged up on Trump. Game Theory.



  •  Increased labor and material costs and deteriorating sales volumes have been the primary drivers of this. Recently, small business sales expectations fell to their second lowest level in 4 years. Small businesses are struggling as if the economy is in a recession.
  • Economist Edward Dowd Warns of Major Market Correction into October that Will Favor Trump Over Kamala Harris (VIDEO)

  • Edward Dowd, former Blackrock manager and founder of Phinance Technologies
  • Edward Dowd: Janet Yellen made that comment. I saw it. It was an eerie comment out of nowhere. Everything’s fine. Everything’s fine. It literally brings me back to Hank Paulson in 2007, saying that subprime would contained. He was Treasury Secretary of the Bush. It’s like same vibes, same vibes right before the rug pull financially is going to happen. Let’s talk about the lies the government, not only on the vaccines, they’re fraudulently making up employment numbers. We had last month the largest revision down since the great financial crisis when things were chaotic and it was hard to count. This is literally a 850,000 revision down in the year. And anybody that could look at the numbers knew that was coming. So it’s been fraudulent numbers. And then the last payroll number that came out of August, the headline number was good, but they revised July and June down huge. And the markets are finally catching on to this, that the numbers are fraudulent, and the markets reacted badly on Friday. They’re bouncing the next day or two. But what we see coming is not good.   That juice ran out in March, and we’ve been rolling down ever since in our economic indicators into this month, which is lower than every previous month. So there’s bad news on the horizon, not to mention the most controversial election in our lifetimes, which is pausing all business investment. No one’s making a decision until they see who’s going to be in power. There’s a buyer strike going on on Wall Street. I was talking to some hedge fund guys who invest big dollars. They are sitting on their hands. They brought their net exposure way down. No one wants to get involved before the election.

    So we’re going to see, I think, a market correction into October. That will favor Trump. I don’t think they can hold up and put lipstick on this pig too much longer. The truth is coming out.


  • Political/Rights

    Geopolitical/Police State


    Cyber Attacks

    False Flags

    Janet Yellen Tests Positive for Covid, US Treasury Says




    Elon Musk Delivers Epic Response After Hollywood Elite Taylor Swift Endorses Kamala Harris  

  • Taylor Swift has officially endorsed radical leftist Kamala Harris for the 2024 presidential.
  • In a cringe-worthy post, Swift declared, “I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 Presidential Election.”
  •  Recent surveys conducted by the Washington Examiner show that unmarried women are a key voting demographic for the Democratic Party, a point Musk subtly agreed.
  • Source:
    The Question is why now, timing is everything, the debates didn’t go the way they thought. People saw 3 people debating against Trump. Remember, this wasn’t KH debating Trump, this was Obama, Hillary, ABC News, Soros, Fake News, the entire criminal syndicate, Trump knew he was walking into the enemies layer, and he knew they were going to gang up on him. He will take all the slings and arrows, he did it because he need to show the people, because you can’t tell the people. 



    FACT CHECK: Kamala Harris Claims There Are Zero U.S. Troops In Combat Zones In War Zones 

  • 2024 Democratic presidential nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris claimed, “There is not one member of the military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world for the first time this century.”
  • Verdict: False
  • While the United States is not engaged in large-scale conflicts on a scale of the Afghanistan War, thousands of American troops are currently serving in combat zones across the Middle East. U.S. forces have also constantly bombarded the Houthis.
  • Fact Check:
  • This claim is misleading. While the U.S. is no longer engaged in a large war such as the Afghanistan War, having withdrawn in August 2021, it has troops across the Middle East and other countries, mostly in counter-terrorism roles, according to a December 2023 White House War Powers Act report.
  • U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) also reported on Sept. 10 that its forces have destroyed five Houthi unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and two missile systems in Yemen.

    CENTCOM also announced that it killed 15 Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorists in a raid conducted with Iraqi Security Forces on August 31.


    And CENTCOM stated Sept. 2 that it captured an ISIS leader with the help of the Syrian Democratic Forces in Syria.

  • A defense officially previously told Check Your Fact that “U.S. military service members around the globe work every day to deter conflict and protect our nation.”
  • Source:

  • Fact Check: Kamala Harris Claims She Supports Israel
  • CLAIM: Kamala Harris claimed that she supports Israel, after Donald Trump said she “hates” it.
  • VERDICT: MOSTLY FALSE. Harris has hired radical anti-Israel advisers, even if she has offered rhetorical support.
  • Moderator Linsey Davis of ABC News asked Vice President Harris at the presidential debate in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, how she would succeed in bringing the war in Gaza to an end where President Joe Biden had failed.
  • Harris evaded the question, simply repeating Biden’s policy: that she would pursue a ceasefire and hostage deal, and try to achieve a two-state solution. (In the Ukraine war, by contrast, Harris vowed to pursue victory against Russia.)
  • In his rebuttal, Trump said that Harris “hates Israel.” Harris has offered tepid, boilerplate support for Israel against terror, but has hired a bevy of anti-Israel advisers to key positions on her campaign, a sign of her future policy.
  • Harris also threatened to cut off weapons to Israel if it entered Rafah, a key strategic city in Gaza. She declared: “I’ve studied the maps.” The threat was almost unprecedented; Israel eventually entered Rafah, because of its importance to winning the war against Hamas.
  • The experience led many Israelis to doubt Harris’s support.
  • Source:
    Fact Check: Kamala Harris Falsely Claims Trump ‘Sold Us Out’ to China
  • CLAIM: Vice President Kamala Harris accused former President Donald Trump of having “sold us out” to the Chinese government with policies that “ended up selling American chips to China,” during Tuesday night’s debate.
  • VERDICT: FALSE. The Trump administration blocked the takeover of an American semiconductor maker by a Chinese investor, restricted exports to China’s top chipmaker, and largely limited sales to China and even to third countries who do business with Chinese companies considered a national security threat, such as the telecommunications company Huawei. The administration of President Joe Biden, under which Harris serves, reportedly started greenlighting third party suppliers to sell chips to Huawei in 2021.
  • Source:

  •  I’ve investigated the situation myself interviewing locals. Many claim they’ve seen what ABC News hasn’t. Here’s what they said… Watch this entire video to understand the impact of 20,000+ Haitian immigrants flooding into this tiny Ohio town of 60,000 working-class Americans. This could be YOUR town very soon.
  •  crime being down, and not wanting to take away your guns.


    Fact Check: Trump Claims FBI’s Report of Lower Violent Crime Is a ‘Fraud’
  • CLAIM: During Tuesday’s presidential debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Donald Trump claimed the FBI’s report of lower violent crime is a “fraud.”
  • VERDICT: True. The FBI’s reports do not include thousands of police precincts that are not reporting crime data to the federal agency.
  • The Marshall Project explained that that in 2020, “almost every law enforcement agency was included in the FBI’s database.” However, in 2021, the FBI went to a new system for compiling data and would only accept police precinct reports through the new system.
  • Source:

    Fact Check: Kamala Harris Repeats False Claim About Abortion ‘Monitor’
  • CLAIM: Kamala Harris repeated a false claim that Trump wants an abortion “monitor.”
  • VERDICT: FALSE. Trump has never said anything like that; this is a false claim that Harris has used before.
  • Kamala Harris has never provided the basis for this claim, which is calculated to scare voters, but is simply untrue.
  • Source:

    Fact Check: ABC’s Linsey Davis Tries to Correct Trump on Abortion
  • CLAIM: ABC moderator Linsey Davis intervened in the debate to claim that no state allows abortion after birth.
  • VERDICT: LACKS CONTEXT. Many Democratic states allow abortion until birth, and just “palliative” care in some cases.
  • Trump was referring specifically to Gov. Ralph Northam (D), who spoke in defense of a bill that would have allowed a woman to decide to abort a baby even after the process of birth had begun.
  • Northam said: “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
  • Northam later said he had no regrets about his comments, though he admitted that could have spoken more precisely.
  • Source:

    How late into pregnancy abortion is legal

    As of July 25, 2024


  • 24 weeks or later: Four states ban abortions starting at 24 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Third trimester: Virginia is the only state that prohibits abortions starting in the pregnancy’s third trimester, which starts at around 25 weeks, per Guttmacher.
  • No limit: Six states and Washington, D.C., do not impose any term restrictions.
  • Of note: Most states with restrictions have exceptions, including to preserve a pregnant person’s life or health, though they are often narrowly defined.
  • The Texas Supreme Court in late May unanimously rejected a lawsuit over abortion ban exceptions.
  • Source:



    From her own website on confiscating your guns

    Gun Control

    As President, she won’t stop fighting so that Americans have the freedom to live safe from gun violence in our schools, communities, and places of worship. She’ll ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require universal background checks, and support red flag laws that keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. She will also continue to invest in funding law enforcement, including the hiring and training of officers and people to support them, and will build upon proven gun violence prevention programs that have helped reduce violent crime throughout the country.


    Fact Check: Kamala Harris Claims She Was Raised in the Middle Class
  • CLAIM: Vice President Kamala Harris claimed during Tuesday night’s presidential debate that she had a middle-class upbringing.
  • VERDICT: Mostly false. Harris had a rich Canadian upbringing, growing up in Westmount — a majority English neighborhood in the French province of Quebec.
  • When asked if Americans are better off today than they were four years ago, Harris completely dodged the question, instead beginning with this line: “So, I was raised as a middle-class kid, and I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan that is about lifting up the middle class and working people of America.”
  • Continuing to dodge the actual question,

  • Source:

  • Fact Check: Kamala Harris Falsely Claims Trump Would Impose A National Sales Tax 
  • Claim: Kamala Harris on Tuesday night accused Donald Trump of proposing a national sales tax.
  • Harris referred to a “Trump sales tax” and claimed it would add 20 percent to the cost of goods.
  • Verdict: False.
  • President Trump has not proposed a national sales tax.
  •   Tariffs are paid by companies that import goods from abroad and not by consumers. They are not a sales tax.
  • Studies of the tariffs Trump imposed during his 2017-2021 term have shown that some of the cost of tariffs ultimately fell on importers and some fell on the exporting countries. The tariffs were not passed through to consumers and did not act as a tax on households, as the low level of consumer inflation during the Trump years shows.
  • Tariffs do not tend to raise consumer prices. As Mary Amiti of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Research and Statistics Group, Princeton University’s Stephen Redding, and Columbia University’s David Weinstein wrote in one of the most widely cited studies of Trump’s tariffs, “trade theory has long stressed that tariffs applied by a large country should drive down foreign prices.” 


    Fact Check: Kamala Harris Distorts Unemployment Figures to Attack Trump
  • CLAIM: Kamala Harris said: “Donald Trump left us the worst unemployment since the Great Depression.”
  • VERDICT: FALSE. Unemployment was 6.4% in January 2021, not far from full employment, when Trump left office.
  • Vice President Harris attacked former President Trump’s economic record at the presidential debate on Tuesday night by claiming that he “left us the worst unemployment since the Great Depression,” That is simply false.
  • In January 2021, unemployment was 6.4%, lower than it was in 2014, when President Barack Obama was in office. In fact, the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression was under Obama, at 10.0% in the early part of his administration.
  • It is true that unemployment spiked to 14.8% in April 2020, but that was because of coronavirus-related shutdowns, which were imposed at both the state and federal levels, and kept in place longer by Democrats than Republicans.
  • Moreover, the coronavirus recession was the shortest in history, lasting just two months. Trump could arguably claim that his policies — including massive emergency infusions of federal support to the economy — were responsible for jump-starting the recovery.
  • When Harris and President Joe Biden took office, they inherited an economy that was already recovering. 
  • Source:

    Kamala lied around 21 times during the debate

    ABC/KH/OBama and the rest tried but Trump finished her in the end. Remember KH is the incumbent, she has been in the WH for almost 4 years. She has done the opposite of what she is telling the people. Trump simply said, ok you said all these thing during the debate prove it, start right now, go ahead, shut the border, improve the economy, lower the fuel prices, inflation back to where it was when Trump left office. She has the power


      all, if Kamala can do great things, why hasn’t she? Biden rarely shows up for work, so she’s basically in charge already. The question comes down to this: do you want current trends to continue for 4 more years or do you want change?






    Some undecided voters not convinced by Harris after debate with Trump

  • Reuters interviewed 10 people who were still unsure how they were going to vote in the Nov. 5 election before they watched the debate. Six said afterward they would now either vote for Trump or were leaning toward backing him. Three said they would now back Harris and one was still unsure how he would vote.
  • Source:

  •   woken up. I won’t hold my breath but I will always hope for It because when they do finally all wake up, our country will be saved.



    So Kamala never wanted to debate
    Kamala wanted ABC and continued to change the rules hoping Trump would drop out
    Trump agreed to do ABC, Kamala agreed to nothing else
    Trump knew he was going into enemy terroritory, he knew he was going to go up against the criminal syndicate. 
    He knew no matter what he said the fake news would attack him. Lets go back to covid, he mention hydroxychlorine, the media attacked him every step of the way. Same with the debate.
    So why interfere with an enemy while they are in the process of destroying themselves. 
    He let the fake news and KH do what they do best lie to the people, he knew later on the real fact checkers with receipts would destroy everything that she said and the people would see how the fake news assisted her. 
    Now KH is on a high, because she believes that she is great at doing debates. 
    Trump is playing with her ego, forcing her to do another debate, while he is saying why should he. They will say Trump is backing out, he is afraid to do another. Remember her debate was fake, the protected her, he now sees their tactics, next time around it won’t be that way.
    She won’t have the questions
    She won’t have her earpiece
    She will be alone, the criminal syndicate will not be helping her, she will have defend herself
    If there is a debate, which debate do you think people will remember.  


    Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5a1150 No.1116344
    Apr 20 2018 12:48:56 (EST)
    Anonymous ID: e193d6 No.1116307
    Apr 20 2018 12:47:20 (EST)
    Trap card played…nice work Q
    TRUMP card coming.

    Election officials warn that widespread problems with the US mail system could disrupt voting


  •  State and local election officials from across the country   warned that problems with the nation’s mail delivery system threaten to disenfranchise voters in the upcoming presidential election, telling the head of the U.S. Postal Service that it hasn’t fixed persistent deficiencies.
  • In an alarming letter, the officials said that over the past year, including the just-concluded primary season, mailed ballots that were postmarked on time were received by local election offices days after the deadline to be counted. They also noted that properly addressed election mail was being returned to them as undeliverable, a problem that could automatically send voters to inactive status through no fault of their own, potentially creating chaos when those voters show up to cast a ballot.
  • The officials also said that repeated outreach to the Postal Service to resolve the issues had failed and that the widespread nature of the problems made it clear these were “not one-off mistakes or a problem with specific facilities. Instead, it demonstrates a pervasive lack of understanding and enforcement of USPS policies among its employees.”
  • Source:

  • They are now setting up the narrative for their cheating system. They are telling everyone why there is going to be delays. They will try to use these delays to feed in the ballots they need to beat Trump. We might see ballots coming in after the election is already over.

    Source link
