• Some people are expressing shock that the FBI was prepared to use deadly force against President Trump and his Secret Service securityRemember, the objective of the FBI raid was to resecure the physical evidence that President Trump had showing how the DOJ and FBI action in 2016 was targeting him using the power of their law enforcement and intelligence agencies.   The origination of all the DOJ/FBI/IC issues goes back to the ’15/’16 FBI exploitation of the NSA database; this is not a contested discussion issue – it’s just continually forgotten.
  • T
  • The raid on Mar-a-Lago, just like the Robert Mueller investigation, was part of the long standing coverup operation.  The FBI was looking for what Trump took with him as evidence of the weaponized system that targeted him.  The FBI wanted that back.  The FBI was willing to use deadly force to get it back if that’s what it took.
  • The raid involved 25 Miami FBI agents, four Washington FBI agents, one unidentified individual from FBI Headquarters, one DOJ attorney, and the assistant U.S. Attorney from the Southern District of Florida. (MORE)
  • Yes, apparently the FBI was prepared to engage in a gun battle or kill people in Mar-a-Lago in order to retake the evidence against them.  I know it sounds scarey, but that’s the reality of our modern FBI.  These are not good people.   Remember also that AG Merrick Garland said he authorized every facet of the raid.
  • Through the past several years, we have discovered how the FBI worked inside Twitter, Facebook and social media to control information, remove content and manipulate opinion on behalf of the U.S. government – all activity political.
  • We have also learned the FBI took active measures to suppress information about the Hunter Biden laptop and control any negative consequences for the Biden regime – again, political.  These are not disputed realities.
  • My point is this…
  • The FBI is a U.S. version of the Russian “State Police”; and the FBI is deployed -almost exclusively- to attack domestic enemies of those who control government, while they protect the interests of the U.S. Fourth Branch of Government.  That is the clear and accurate domestic prism to contextualize their perceived mission: “domestic violent extremists pose the greatest threat” to their objective.
  • Put another way, “We The People”, who fight against government abuse and usurpation, are the FBI’s actual and literal enemy.
  • Let me be very clear with another brutally obvious example.  Antifa could not exist as an organization, capable to organize and carry out violent attacks against their targets, without the full support of the FBI.   If the FBI wanted to arrest members of Antifa, who are actually conducting violence, they could do it easily – with little effort.
  • It is the absence of any action, by the FBI toward Antifa, that tells us the FBI is enabling that violent extremist behavior to continue.  Once you accept that transparent point of truth, then you realize the FBI definition of domestic violent extremism is something else entirely.
  • The current mission of the FBI appears to be preserving and protecting institutional power by protecting the administration of Joe Biden.
  • Source: theconservativetreehouse.com

  • Former FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday that former President Trump “is coming” for the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ).
  • “Serious for the Justice Department and the FBI, because Trump is coming for those institutions. He knows their power, and I think he has regrets that he didn’t work hard enough to corrupt them last time. So, he’s coming for them, and that’s a danger for all Americans,” he said on MSNBC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight.”
  • “He’s going to put people in positions in those organizations. He didn’t have all-stars the last time; he’ll have the bottom of the barrel this time, but people who will want to do his will — and that should worry every American. This election matters because of a reason like that,” he added.
  • Source: thehill.com