Friday, 18 October 2024

Now That Someone Has Dropped Dead, Fear Of H5N2 Is Already Starting To Ripple All Over The Globe

Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

We just learned that a person in Mexico has dropped dead after catching H5N2, and people are already totally freaking out about this all over the Internet.  In recent weeks, there was already enough concern about the potential for a major H5N1 outbreak among humans.  Dairy cows throughout the U.S. have been getting infected with that version of the bird flu, and three dairy workers have tested positive.  A full-blown H5N1 outbreak among humans would have the potential to be catastrophic, but we don’t even know what an H5N2 outbreak among humans would look like because there never has been one.  So far, we have one confirmed case and one death. 

If it is confirmed that there is human to human transmission of H5N2 going on, the masks, lockdowns, shots and public hysteria that we witnessed a couple of years ago could return in the blink of an eye.

The person that just died after catching H5N2 lived in Mexico, and we are being told that this individual had no exposure to poultry or other animals.

The following comes directly from the official World Health Organization website

On 23 May 2024, the Mexico IHR NFP reported to PAHO/WHO a confirmed case of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N2) virus detected in a 59-year-old resident of the State of Mexico who was hospitalized in Mexico City and had no history of exposure to poultry or other animals. The case had multiple underlying medical conditions. The case’s relatives reported that the case had already been bedridden for three weeks, for other reasons, prior to the onset of acute symptoms.

On 17 April, the case developed fever, shortness of breath, diarrhoea, nausea and general malaise. On 24 April, the case sought medical attention, was hospitalized at the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases “Ismael Cosio Villegas” (INER per its acronym in Spanish) and died the same day due to complications of his condition.

Results from Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) of a respiratory sample collected and tested at INER on 24 April indicated a non-subtypeable influenza A virus. On 8 May, the sample was sent for sequencing to the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Emerging Diseases Center for Research in Infectious Diseases (CIENI per its acronym in Spanish) of INER, which indicated that the sample was positive for influenza A(H5N2). On 20 May, the sample was received at the Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (InDRE per its acronym in Spanish) of the Mexico National Influenza Centre, for analysis by RT-PCR, obtaining a positive result for influenza A. On 22 May, sequencing of the sample confirmed the influenza subtype was A(H5N2).

If this person didn’t catch it from a bird or some other animal, how was this individual infected?

And did this person spread H5N2 to others before finally seeking medical attention?

It is being reported that this is the very first human case of H5N2 that has ever been confirmed by a lab…

This was the first laboratory-confirmed human case of infection with A(H5N2) subtype of bird flu reported globally and the first H5 virus infection in a person reported in Mexico.

This individual could have potentially spread the disease to hundreds or even thousands of others.

If that is what actually happened, it may already be too late to contain it.

One expert that was recently asked about a potential bird flu pandemic admitted that “we’re in big trouble” once it starts spreading among humans on a widespread basis…

“All of our efforts need to be focused on preventing those events from happening,” said Matthew Miller, co-director of the Canadian Pandemic Preparedness Hub at McMaster University.

“Once we have widespread infections of humans, we’re in big trouble.”

But I wouldn’t push the panic button just yet.

An isolated case is just an isolated case.

However, if more confirmed cases of H5N2 start popping up that would definitely be cause for concern.

Of course H5N1 also continues to alarm the experts.

This week, we learned that 11 house mice in the state of New Mexico have tested positive for H5N1

House mice have become the latest mammal to become infected with H5N1 bird flu, sparking fears that the almost omnipresent pests could spread the virus to humans.

Eleven house mice in the state of New Mexico – where several herds of dairy cattle are infected with H5N1 – tested positive for the avian influenza, new data released by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has shown.

One of the reasons why this is causing so much concern is because there are millions upon millions of mice living all around us, and in many cases our own homes are infested with them

The discovery of the virus in mice is particularly alarming, as it significantly raises the risk of human transmission and further spread, say experts.

Mice live in unnervingly close proximity to humans: they scurry beneath floorboards, hide in cupboards and roam our offices, larders and restaurants.

It is important to remember that the bubonic plague was spread all over Europe by mice.

So this will be something that we will want to keep a very close eye on.

Interestingly, scientists recently conducted a study which proves that mice can become infected with H5N1 after drinking raw milk from dairy cows

A new study published Friday provides more evidence of the potential danger of drinking unpasteurized, or raw, milk containing H5N1 avian flu viruses.

The work, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, showed that mice that were fed milk from H5N1-infected cows became very ill.

The study cannot prove that what happened to the mice would definitely happen to people who drink raw milk containing the dangerous virus, but it underscores the probable risk, experts said. Studies like this cannot be conducted in people, for ethical reasons.

In my latest book, I have an entire chapter entitled “Pestilences” because I am entirely convinced that global outbreaks of disease will be one of the major themes of the next several years.

The bird flu has already resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions of birds all over the globe, and now it is infecting dairy cows, domestic cats and mice here in the United States.

Many scientists believe that it is just a matter of time before there is a bird flu pandemic among humans.

I don’t know if that is true or not.

But the fact that someone just dropped dead from H5N2 definitely got my attention, because if a bird flu pandemic does erupt it will create even more fear than the last pandemic did.

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Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at

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