Saturday, 26 October 2024

Philly Radio Station Cuts Ties With Host Who Admitted Being Fed Questions By Biden Admin

Update (0815ET): It appears telling the truth about Democratic Party shenanigans remains verboten in America's media still.

Philly radio station WURD announced Sunday they would be cutting ties with host Andrea Lawful-Sanders after she revealed she asked President Biden interview questions sent earlier by his campaign for her approval.

WURD Radio president and CEO Sara M. Lomax stated the pre-determined questions not only violated their “practice of remaining an independent media outlet” but the interview was also “arranged and negotiated independently” by Lawful-Sanders, according to a statement posted on the station’s site.

“On July 3, the first post-debate interview with President Joe Biden was arranged and negotiated independently by WURD Radio host Andrea Lawful-Sanders without knowledge, consultation or collaboration with WURD management. The interview featured pre-determined questions provided by the White House, which violates our practice of remaining an independent media outlet accountable to our listeners. As a result, Ms. Lawful-Sanders and WURD Radio have mutually agreed to part ways, effective immediately,” Lomax wrote.

Lomax continued to call out the standard of the company when it came to questioning the White House, stating the station is “not a mouthpiece for the Biden or any other Administration."

As The Daily Caller reports, following Lawful-Sanders’s admission she used the campaign-approved questions, Milwaukee WMCS host Earl Ingram, who has also interviewed Biden, came forward Saturday and revealed to ABC News how he was also offered five questions by the Biden campaign and used four.

Finally, the interview with Lawful-Sanders (quite an ironic name), was notable mainly for the fact that the president gaffed when saying he was the “first black woman to serve with a black president.”

So, even with predetermined questions (and answers), the frail-old-man-in-chief still screwed it up.

*  *  *

As's Mike Shedlock detailed earlier, the Biden campaign learned nothing from the debate about coverups.

This is not confidence inspiring.

CBS News reports Biden campaign provided a list of approved questions for 2 radio interviews

President Biden’s campaign provided lists of approved questions to two radio hosts who did the first interviews with him after his faltering debate performance, both hosts said on Saturday.

Mr. Biden’s Thursday appearances on Black radio shows in the critical states of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were his first chances to show he could answer questions and discuss his record after a debate in which the 81-year-old repeatedly struggled to complete sentences and press his case against former President Donald Trump.

Radio host Earl Ingram said Saturday that Mr. Biden’s aides reached out to him directly for his interview that aired Thursday and sent him a list of four questions in advance, about which there was no negotiation.

They gave me the exact questions to ask,” Ingram, whose “The Earl Ingram Show” is broadcast statewide across 20 Wisconsin outlets, told The Associated Press. “There was no back and forth.

Appearing with Ingram earlier on CNN, Andrea Lawful-Sanders — host of “The Source” on WURD in Philadelphia — said that she had received a list of eight questions, from which she approved four.

When asked about the set list of questions, Ingram — who has been in radio for 15 years and said he doesn’t consider himself a journalist — said that the notion of receiving a set list of questions for a guest gave him pause, but also presented a perhaps once-in-a-career opportunity.

“I probably would never have accepted, it but this was an opportunity to talk to the president of the United States,” he said.

Policy Change

The New York Times has a similar take minus the quote “They gave me the exact questions to ask,” adding an official denial but also an ambiguous statement that one can take either way (third paragraph below).

Lauren Hitt, a spokeswoman for the Biden campaign, said it was actually campaign aides, not White House officials, who had sent the list of questions. She said it is “not uncommon” for the campaign to share preferred topics, but added that campaign officials “do not condition interviews on acceptance of these questions” by the interviewer.

Hosts are always free to ask the questions they think will best inform their listeners,” she said.

Later on Saturday, a person familiar with the campaign’s booking operation, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters, said that policy had changed, and that while interview hosts have always been free to ask whatever questions they please, the campaign would no longer offer suggested questions to hosts.

That appears to be a denial but is purposely ambiguous. Judging from CBS, the correct interpretation appears to mean the the list of questions is anything but a suggestion.

An alternative interpretation is “Mercy, we have been found out, and the new policy is don’t risk it.”

No matter which of those is correct. It doesn’t look good.

How Long Has This Been Going On?

If Harris Replaces Biden, She Will Deal With This

When the pack of lies starts unraveling, it is damn hard to contain them. Strike that. It’s impossible to contain them.

Who’s the Bigger Liar?

Democrats want you to believe they are the party of integrity while the press covered up everything about Hillary, Hunter, and Joe.

However, many of Trump’s lies are so preposterous no one in either party ever believed them. “Mexico will pay for the wall,” is a great example. “We will balance the budget with tariffs,” is another.

It would behoove Trump to not make such ridiculous statements but most are understood lies from the beginning.

For Democrats, the curtain has finally been pulled back. Biden and the press are unexpectedly caught in the same booth with their panties down.

That’s what voters are angry about. And it’s why Biden will pay a bigger price for his lies than Trump.

“It’s a Biden Question”

In case you missed it, please see “It’s a Biden Question” a Musical Tribute to the Stephanopoulos Interview

Was that a cream puff interview between George Stephanopoulos and President Biden? How did Biden do? What is the goal of the press now?

I address the question: Why Is the Press No Longer Covering Up for Biden?

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