Monday, 21 October 2024

"Democratic Party Big Gov't Machine" Explained In Flow Charts 

Tyler O'Neil, managing editor of The Daily Signal, has done a deep dive on the radical left's complex, dark money networks - what Elon Musk calls the "Democratic Party big government machine" - which heavily influence the administrative state on issues like education, borders, climate change, transgender ideology, elections, foreign policy, and the weaponization of federal agencies against political enemies, like former President Trump and Musk.

In a series of posts on X, O'Neil provides a 10,000 ft. view of this vast network which he details in his upcoming book, "The Woketopus: The Dark Money Cabal Manipulating the Federal Government." 

O'Neil begins with the question: 

"Why is the Biden-Harris administration so woke? Didn't Biden campaign as a moderate?" 

Continued from X:

"This chart explains what happened. Bear with me: I know it looks like a conspiracy theory, but I have the receipts.

In short: The Left's dark money network funds a system of woke nonprofits that staff and advise the administrative state, getting their far-left policy agenda implemented in the federal government." 

One primary concern O'Neil has is the weaponization of federal law enforcement against conservatives, driven in part by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Here's how that works: 

One of the biggest issues for me has been the weaponization of federal law enforcement against conservatives.

At the center of this is the Southern Poverty Law Center, a far-left smear factory that puts mainstream conservative and Christian groups on a "hate map" with the Ku Klux Klan. The SPLC targets organizations that oppose its far-left agenda on critical race theory, immigration, transgender issues, and more.

SPLC President Margaret Huang has bragged that federal law enforcement reached out to the SPLC for advice on combatting the "domestic terror threat," and FOIA documents reveal the extent of the SPLC's influence in government. SPLC leaders and staff have visited the White House at least 18 times, according to visitor logs.

The SPLC has also received funding from the Foundation to Promote Open Society, the Proteus Fund, the New Venture Fund, and the Tides Foundation.

O'Neil shows the complex web of how Democrats and their billionaire funders, like Soros, and their leftist groups are trying a takeover of federal elections: 

The vast influence campaign I call the Woketopus has also monkeyed with election rules. The leftist group Demos has extensive ties to the Biden-Harris administration.

When the Senate failed to advance the Democrats' H.R. 1 bill that would have amounted to a federal takeover of elections, Biden instead signed an executive order that echoed a Demos paper nearly word-for-word.

This executive order enlisted federal agencies in registering voters, and early in the administration's implementation of the order, the government convened a host of Woketopus groups — including SPLC, the Tides Foundation, and many others — to a "listening session." Conspicuously absent was any conservative group or any group warning about election integrity.

Here's the influence network of how Democrats and their billionaire donors, such as Soros and Rockefeller Family Fund, push climate change policies via nonprofits that then influence federal agencies: 

President Biden and VP Harris have repeatedly bragged about the "Inflation Reduction Act" as an historic investment in climate initiatives.

The Biden-Harris administration has seen green activist groups infiltrate the federal government, using the bureaucracy as a revolving door and getting bureaucrats to implement their pet policies.

One of the most notorious strategies they use is called "sue and settle." An environmentalist group will sue a federal agency, claiming the agency failed to enforce the law by not regulating oil and gas enough. The agency, which is supposed to represent the American people, actually wants to regulate oil and gas more, so it denies the people a seat at the table. The agency admits fault, implements the green group's preferred policy, and — to top it all off — often pays the green group money in a settlement.

The Trump administration tried to crack down on this scheme, but the Biden-Harris administration reversed his efforts.

And, of course, how billionaire donors use nonprofits to push foreign policy - including Israel, which is a horseshoe issue that both the progressive left and the libertarian-right agree on for somewhat overlapping reasons.

While the Biden-Harris administration often favors the Woketopus' agenda, some Woketopus groups have attacked Biden, and he has faced a deep state effort to undermine his policy supporting Israel.

Of course, Biden's record on Israel is far from perfect — he enriched Iran by loosening sanctions and trying to resurrect the Iran Nuclear Deal — but many bureaucrats rose in revolt when he publicly took Israel's side after Oct. 7.

Anti-Israel groups that tie in with the Woketopus network have pressured Biden to oppose Israel and to issue sanctions on Israelis. Many of the same dark money groups that funded organizations supporting the anti-Israel protests on college campuses have also bankrolled the Woketopus, and I detail their connections in my chapter on this effort. 

But there's more. Wonder where all the woke gender stuff came from?? 

Why did the administration go all-in on transgender pronouns (even for illegal aliens), experimental "gender-affirming care," and transgender rules for foster care?

Well, the Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index helps explain why Corporate America went woke, and HRC had a blueprint for federal policy, as well.

Biden, Harris, and many others in the administration not only spoke at HRC event, but also met with HRC staff at the White House. How's Biden's equality score? I've got the answers in my book.

O'Neil unravels the tangled web of far-left Democrats who exert influence the federal government via nonprofits to drive all sorts of policies nobody voted for - from green to woke to gender to foreign policy - the list goes on and on.


Remember that fancy Constitution you learned about in school, with its nice checks and balances empowering the popular majority while protecting the rights of the minority? That's not how it works today. Instead, a fourth branch of government writes reams and reams of regulations that dictate how you live your life. This system allows the woke elites to shove their ideology down our throats in the name of scientific progress.

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