Sunday, 27 October 2024

Watch: Senator Says Biden Is Politically 'As Dead As Fried Chicken'

The public consensus after Joe Biden's incoherent performance during the first presidential debate and during his first major post-debate interview is that the candidate's career is over.  Some have argued that the only way Biden can win now is for Democrats to cheat and cheat big, because this time the vote won't be close.  Once blindly devoted progressives are starting to panic as they realize it's not a conspiracy theory - Their guy is truly mentally disabled.

The typical spin brigade is scrambling to pick up the pieces of a clearly broken campaign.  Even Stephen Colbert is attacking his own leftist media allies, telling them to stop the coverage of Biden's dementia.  "Whatabout-ism" is the only argument they have in favor of re-electing a man who barely knows where he is most of the time:  "What about Trump?  Didn't you see what Trump was accused of?!" 

Whatabout-ism is not going to win the public's support, not when their wallets are increasingly empty and the west is increasingly approaching open global conflict with the east.  There are those that will argue that all of Biden's important decisions are made for him by committee anyway, and they would be right. However, the American people don't want shadow governance and they certainly don't want a vegetable in the Oval Office making the country look weak. 

Reports indicate that numerous political representatives on both sides of the aisle are meeting out of public view to discuss what needs to happen next.  At least one Republican Senator, John Kennedy from Louisiana, has not been afraid to say exactly what he thinks of Joe Biden's condition and the predicament the US faces.  Biden is cooked, and if he somehow stays in office, we're all cooked.


You might be familiar with Kennedy from his hilarious viral campaign against "Defund The Police" policies promoted by Democrat run cities nationwide.


The Senator is telling it like it is.  Biden's condition cannot be covered up or ignored any longer simply because the political left values "winning" over the truth.  For most people the election is purely symbolic, a representation of where the country stands ideologically.  We all know that there are other powerful elements at work influencing America's path.  But if the public shows they are willing to tolerate something like this, then they're telling the powers-that-be that they're willing to tolerate anything. 

For the political left the election is not symbolic, it's an existential crisis.  Any shift away from the woke ideal (even a symbolic shift) cannot be allowed.  For them, losing the election would mean the country has rejected their religion, not just Biden.  It's unthinkable. 

Keep in mind, the DNC, some Neo-cons and the media have been consistently lying about Biden's health for years.  They have been gaslighting the American people, suggesting that what the populace sees with their eyes is not what is really happening.  The exposure of Biden's breakdown calls into question many things beyond the election; it calls into question the very fabric of American government.  

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