I did not see this one coming!
In case you haven’t been following the story, let me bring you up to speed.
Far, Far Left loony Democrats in California passed Assembly Bill 1840 which claimed to expand the “California Dream for All” program and rename it the Home Purchase Assistance Program. And then here’s the key part: it would allow for illegal immigrants to receive 20 percent of a home downpayment, up to $150,000.
Crazy, right?
Crazy even for California.
Most expected Gavin Newsom to rubber stamp it with his signature, but he surprised everyone with a veto:
BREAKING: Gavin Newsom vetoes bill giving $150,000 to noncitizens for down payments, cites “finite funding”https://t.co/T2DQDHq27O
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) September 6, 2024
Did not expect that!
A lot of people are saying “hey, he finally got one right!” And “a broken clock is still right twice a day.”
While that’s true, that’s not exactly what I think is going on here.
I think you all just witnessed the time-tested method for how they boil the frog slowly.
This policy was so far out there that even most Democrats thought it was insane.
So it was never going to actually get passed into law, but they had to float the idea out there, crank the temperate of that pot up just a couple degrees so the frog (you!) can get used to the increased temperate. Just get the general idea floating around out there until it no longer seems extreme. “Oh yeah, I’ve heard about that before.” So then when they finally pass it in a few years from now, it’s no longer so cutting edge and extreme. It’s been normalized.
That’s what I think this was.
Here is the letter from Newsom announcing the Veto:
BREAKING: Gov. Gavin Newsom VETOES AB 1840, which would have allowed undocumented people to apply for the state’s first-time home buyer’s assistance program.
His veto message basically says lawmakers tried to expand eligibility to a program with no money. pic.twitter.com/g2ouabtsh2
— Ashley Zavala (@ZavalaA) September 6, 2024
Transcript here if this is easier to read:
September 6, 2024
To the Members of the California State Assembly:
I am returning Assembly Bill 1840 without my signature.
This bill seeks to prohibit the disqualification of applicants from one of the California Housing Finance Agency’s (CalHFA) home purchase assistance programs based solely on their immigration status.
Given the finite funding available for CalHFA programs, expanding program eligibility must be carefully considered within the broader context of the annual state budget to ensure we manage our resources effectively.
For this reason, I am unable to sign this bill.
Gavin Newsom
Here’s more, from the Post Millenial:
On Friday, California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed a controversial bill that would have given up to $150,000 to illegal immigrants in the state for home down payments.
“To the Members of the California State Assembly: I am returning Assembly Bill 1840 without my signature. This bill seeks to prohibit the disqualification of applicants from one of California Housing Finance Agency’s (CalHFA) home purchase assistance programs based solely on their immigration status,” Newsom wrote.
“Given the finite funding available for CalHFA programs, expanding program eligibility must be carefully considered within the broader context of the annual state budget to ensure we manage our resources effectively.”
Assembly Bill 1840 would have expanded the “California Dream for All” program and rename it the Home Purchase Assistance Program. It would allow for illegal immigrants to receive 20 percent of a home downpayment, up to $150,000
This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.
View the original article here.
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