Thursday, 13 March 2025

“Growing Up” and “Waking Up” to Adopt Adaptive Worldviews

“Growing Up” and “Waking Up” to Adopt Adaptive Worldviews

  • September 10, 2021
  • Giorgio Piacenza
  • Exoconsciousness
  • “Growing Up” and “Waking Up” to Adopt More Inclusive Worldviews by Which Humanity Can Thrive (Along With an Active Extraterrestrial Multidimensional Presence)


    By Giorgio Piacenza 


    Photo: Lonely/Shutterstock

    We will see that “Growing up” is greater freedom in form. And that “Waking up” is greater freedom from form. And that we need both. Thanking about “worldviews” and promoting more inclusive worldviews will be necessary to help the emerging world community adapt to an extraterrestrial, multi-dimensional presence. The 8 worldviews presented by the New Paradigm Institute have been mapped horizontally. They can inform a most nutritious conversation but we also need to recognize a vertical, developmental dimension.


    For the most part, before the existence of Integral Theory these two factors (growing up and waking up) were confused or ‘confounded’ even by advanced, non-conventional thinkers and spiritual teachers. But now more than before we need to know about these distinctions in order to successfully come together as a species capable of caring for the planet and its life forms and – perhaps – achieving species-wide sovereignty in the eyes of more mature civilizations that overcame the challenges that we are facing now. Yes, we’ll likely have to learn to think integratively before we can magnificently join a more comprehensive cosmic community in a completely open fashion, a community (according to most contact experiencers) is composed of a majority of benevolent and/or apparently neutrally respectful civilizations some of which are conducting life-enhancing contact-medical-reproductive procedures as we would to a slightly developmentally inferior species. Moreover, the variety of craft and entity typologies observed suggest that they (or most of them) are already capable of collaborating with each other or of following agreed-upon rules in ways that we as a single species still can’t.


    But to achieve equal status, not just in essence but in practical terms, a majority of humanity must grow up into post-conventional developmental levels and wake up into more stable, less- egoic, non-materialist states of awareness originating in the divine, Non-dual ground of being. Otherwise, infighting for dominance in order to impose narrow cultural interpretations will continue unabated and (based on the exponential dangers offered by technology) end in one form of a grand-scale catastrophe or another.


    Blaine Snow (the author of the following article) was in my Integral Theory class and in his article he brings to light important overarching concepts and distinctions that I think must be understood by well-meaning progressive social activists. This is because they also ought to know some of the most fundamental issues behind human behavior and psychology before they half-hazardly promote social change. The developmental issues raised in the following article help us understand why we are as we are and why we come into conflict so often with each other. These issues speak about developmental stages that exist at the root of the types of worldviews we adhere to or, more poignantly, CAN adhere to. Thus, large-scale cultural shifts based on adopting more inclusive worldviews pertaining to consciousness and interconnection in a balanced way require an expansion of what awareness can take in in terms of “waking up” as in terms of “growing up.”


    More inclusive, even left-of-liberal, worldviews (mapped along a horizontal scale) can be worldviews capable of dealing with an active ET/NHI presence. This is because, if one carefully studies contact descriptions, we begin to see that the beings behind this presence apparently operate in multiple levels of physical and non-physical activity. Thus, in a “trans ontological” way that also appears to be semi-covert, semi-self-revelatory, partially interactive, and even mutually co-creative manner blending subjective and objective experiences). But to interpret this situation well would also require a corresponding higher, vertical, psychological development scale level (referred to in Blaine Snow’s article as “Growing Up” and as “Waking Up”). This is because, in order to be able to include more of reality not only cognitively but also identity-wise and ethically-wise (for example to be able to live up to the demands of the 8th Worldview), we need to expand our consciousnesses by developing vertically.


    Thus, we need to understand that the greatest challenge that humanity faces now (a challenge that will likely test to the limits the flexibility of our human nature or even activate something in us that makes it possible to expand) isn’t only about rationally agreeing upon a worldview and adopting new and better worldviews. It also is about expanding our consciousness by growing up vertically…developmentally. A balanced cross with intersecting vertical and horizontal axes.


    However, once we get this necessary foundation for understanding, the question is how can we realistically promote post-conventional development (growing up) and also a (waking up) development towards universal awareness but on a massive, global scale, especially when tribalized and regressive authoritarian (pre-conventional and conventional) meaning-making is high jacking everyone’s attention and expanding so quickly in the world due to populist and business-based misuse of communication technology stimulating the lower rungs of human nature (an “us vs. them” polarization)?


    Facts, reason, and logic do not seem to be enough…at least for most people excited by limited identity meaning-making. Since we are emotional meaning-makers that remember stories, should we talk about expansive realities using exciting stories? Should we simply brace up to bear the brunt of an upcoming multi-systemic crisis and inevitable personal suffering (even eventually extending to many of the most powerful in society)? Is there anything really capable of shaking us up one by one and globally out of our inability to abandon short-term decision-making, superficial status-seeking, selfish perspectivism, inadequate thinking, and widespread cynicism so that we can actually come together and agree? Will a formal, worldwide recognition of an extraterrestrial (and likely trans-ontological, i.e. “multidimensional”) presence be enough to shock us out of our smug complacency and mutual jealousy regarding who we think we are and what we think we know?


    Self-discovery, self-correcting, ever-evolving, open cultures of inclusion, and fundamental connection should benefit from the notion that there are levels of development applicable to how we understand things, including why we are attracted to worldviews with similar characteristics. The conversation must be informed by different (ultimately compatible) angles supplementing what any one of them is not presenting.


    Adopting more inclusive worldviews (for instance, left of  Liberal) would require correspondingly more inclusive developmental levels in terms both of “growing up” and of “waking up.”

    The following are the eight NewParadigm Institute proposed worldviews- The 8th “Galactic” one would be most suited to live interacting in a healthy way with an extraterrestrial presence on Earth.



    Please read Blaine Snow's article “Waking Up and Growing Up – Two Forms of human Development” Here's the link:

    This is another link:


    And here is the link for New Paradigm Institute, promoting a worldwide conversation on worldviews and suggesting a post-contact paradigm and worldview.

  • Giorgio Piacenza

    After a clear UFO sighting with multiple witnesses within 300 feet in the Peruvian coastal town of "Chilca" in 1975, I participated with the Mission Rahma contact group and befriended several contactees from this and other contact efforts. I also researched many aspects of the UFO phenomenon for several decades and feel inclined to contribute in the confluence of philosophical and scientific perspectives.

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