Thursday, 13 March 2025

Overview of the Current Revelation and/or Confirmation of the UFO Presence (as of September 9th, 2021)

Overview of the Current Revelation and/or Confirmation of the UFO Presence (as of September 9th, 2021)

  • September 10, 2021
  • Giorgio Piacenza
  • Disclosure News, Exonews
  • Overview of the Current Revelation and/or Confirmation of the UFO Presence (as of September 9th, 2021)
    By Giorgio Piacenza

    US intelligence report on UFOs: No aliens, but government transparency and desire for better data might bring science to the UFO world

    We are in a historical moment of revelation of the UFO truth but clearly in a controlled way. It appears that some of the administrators of the UFO secrets (part of a continuous investigative process of at least 75 years) are trying to reveal (but still controlling the narrative). And it seems that other factions are trying to interrupt that revelation.

    Some prominent credentialed people who worked or still work for the US government have stated that there really are vehicles that are not of this world and that some of the UFOs have no natural or prosaic explanation. However, in the preliminary report of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), also released to the public on June 25, 2021, it was said again “we don't know what they are.” This shows an internal contradiction or perhaps a strategy of revealing little but – for various reasons – always keeping some of the old explanations. I don't know if this is all coordinated or if some factions put it one way and others another but I think it is most likely that ultra-conservatives associated with aerospace corporations (the so-called “Beltway Bandits”) would be the ones that most want to control the delivery of information. And another more liberal faction wants to release information because they know that keeping the population out of this is unsustainable or they know that humanity needs to know these things to evolve and not destroy themselves.

    They used to deny almost everything and now they are revealing but also denying parts of what they know. But why? Fear that human society can't handle it? Afraid of having to admit that billions have been invested in secret, that lawmakers have denied access to information, or even that there have been illegal actions against innocent civilians to maintain secrecy? Fear of losing control of an unusual technological development? It is said that the US has several objects that do not belong to the human species and that Russia and China also have something and are trying to reach the US investigation.
    As an example of someone who has stated more forcefully that the US government possesses something extraordinary is Mr. Luis Elizondo (former Director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program or “AATIP”) and there is the renowned physicist Bob Davis (who has worked on many secret projects for the Pentagon). The former basically admitted that the US government has non-human artifacts.

    To Fox News Channel's question by Tucker Carlson: After talking about UFOs or UAP he asks “Do you think that based on your decade of service working in the US government has in your possession any material from one of these aircraft? Elizondo: “I, I do … yes.” Tucker Carlson: Do you think the United States government has the remains of a UFO in its possession now? Luis Elizondo: “Unfortunately Tucker, I really have to be careful because of my Confidentiality Agreement. I really have to be careful about that, but simply put, yes. ”

    In another Fox interview with Luis Elizondo, he answered: “The United States government is in possession of exotic material. And I leave it there.” (Fox News).

    The Obama White House officially denied in 2011 that there is evidence of an extraterrestrial presence or recovered extraterrestrial technology. But in recent interviews (2020, 2021) he said that he could not speak much of the evidence and stated that there are indeed objects flying in the sky detected by different instruments and that we cannot explain.

    Those who have contributed the most with articles on these topics since December 2017 have been the New York Times. For the New York Times in April 2020: Dr. Eric Davis stated that he himself had informed the US Congress that the government of that country indeed had in its possession technology that was not of this world. According to investigative journalist Ross Coulthart this was confirmed by staff working for a congressman.

    But the UAPTF unclassified report again tells the general public “We don't know what they are.” If so, and if they know what they are, at least some segments within the Pentagon have lied to the country's Congress from him for 75 years. It is as if they just want to start gradually educating the population, scientists, politicians, etc.

    Likewise, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, the United States Air Force and the Department of the Navy, the Department of Defense, and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Intelligence had already declared that the most shocking cases of UFOs or UAPS could not be explained by alluding to prosaic phenomena such as ice crystals, misunderstood data, bad observations, etc. In addition, Senator Mitt Romney recently said that “we know this is not American, Russian or Chinese technology.”

    But, of course, if these objects have been closely observed by several of the best pilots doing impossible maneuvers, while (also simultaneously) they were detected in 4 coordinated radars and using infrared FLIR devices, sometimes maneuvering near or on navy ships by several hours or days, sometimes hundreds of them, flying far from the ground, so how are they going to be drones!

    The Scientific Coalition for Ufology has analyzed certain recordings and calculated at over 600g of acceleration forces! No drone, plane, or pilot could resist that! The only thing that is resisting is the mind against the available data. It is the stubbornness of the deniers, scientists or not!

    In 1947, the Army-Air Corps took the remains of the object that fell in Corona New Mexico (the so-called Roswell case) to the Foreign Technology Division of the Wright Field Air Force Base (now called Wright Patterson AFB) and continued to investigate after it Project Blue Book was canceled. In fact, it is already known for sure that the UFO investigation continued secretly after Project Blue Book was canceled in 1969. It is known because of the Air Force regulation JANAP 146 and the Air Force Manual 55- eleven. This despite the USAF denying that they had an interest in UFOs after 1969.

    Jcs janap146

    According to serious researchers like Ross Coulthart and others, the cover-up (to develop retro engineering) was first administered by the Atomic Energy Commission (a civil agency). It was then transferred to private aerospace companies, while the Pentagon's more secretive Unacceptable Special Access Projects would provide oversight.

    Placing the largest secret in the hands of civil agencies or private-civil corporations would have helped representatives of the United States government to truthfully declare that the government does not possess remnants of a non-terrestrial object. But for some reason or another, they now want people to know that UFOs are real after all. And some characters with proven credentials like Elizondo and Davis are declaring that they do have these items. And they would also have incredibly advanced technology. With isotope ratios different from those found on Earth.

    Along with historian Richard Dolan, I believe that Messrs. Elizondo and Davis (in addition to physicist Hal Puthoff) had access to SAP projects, some of which may have been related to the UFO issue but not to the more secretive (and probably extra-legal USAPs). they escape accountability through the formal chain of command). The latter would be related to UFO retro engineering, direct study of the extraterrestrial presence, contact by psychic means, and others.

    The UFOs are unlikely to have been Chinese during the multi-day encounters around the USS Princeton off the east coast of Florida in 2015, or around the USS Nimitz in 2004 as they have been detected since at least the decade of 1940 when China was a backward rural country. Rather, China recently stated in the Morning Sun newspaper that it is investigating UFOs with the help of artificial intelligence.

    The June 2015 report was prepared in coordination with various offices by the recently formed UAP Task Force (UAPTF) or “UAP Investigation Team” in conjunction with the US Navy Intelligence Office and in conjunction with the Office of the United States. of the National Director of Intelligence (ODNI) under the supervision of the Secretary of Defense. This report determines that UFOs are real, extraordinary, and of great interest. But it also seems to say or seem to want to give the impression that serious interest in UFOs only started in 2004, which is misleading. Like the military, they were just now taking this seriously. Of course, that is not true.

    However, there are other contributions. However, it also says that of the 144 cases studied after selecting them since 2004 in they could not explain 143. Most were cases collected by the US Navy. In addition, the preliminary report (not classified) of only 9 pages it admits something important: a real possibly advanced technological phenomenon of unknown and worrying origin.

    The classified version of the report given to members of the US Congress is said to be about 72 pages long. What is most classified are the means and systems of detection and monitoring, but some congressmen (Mark Warner, etc.) have said they have seen much clearer images than what the public has been able to see since this process of confirmation of reality began. UFO in 2017 … when Elizondo, Tom DeLonge, members of To the Stars Academy came to light during a YouTube conference in October of that year and later in an article in the New York Times.

    At least among the prosaic possibilities offered in the report of June 25, 2021, everything is talked about but the possibility of extraterrestrial technology was not ruled out either. That detail is significant.

    Leaked footage of 'pyramid-shaped' UFOs is real, Pentagon says - National |

    Leaked footage of pyramid-shaped UAP filmed with infrared over the USS Russell. Given to filmmaker Jeremy Corbell.

    In all this, the USAF has been almost silent but I have already declared that it is interested in the UAP (although it has been in that since when it was the Army Air Corps in the 1940s!). Interestingly, following the June 25 report, Under Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks ordered that the UFO / UAP investigation be coordinated between multiple military branches and agencies.

    What is already undeniable is that there is ongoing evidence of past lies and manipulation that can explain the inconsistencies between truthfully disclosing and denying/lying. For example, Secretary of the Air Force D. Quarles flatly lied when asked about UFOs.

    And the lies started a long time ago. For better or for worse, what they said to the public is one thing and what they did in private is another. Secret Report No. 14 (Special Report No. 14) produced in 1955 by Project Blue Book with the help of analysts from the Battelle Memorial Institute showed that the more educated and credible a person was, the higher the percentage of “unknown” sightings that did not they could be explained.
    More precisely, the true number of unexplained or unknown cases was 35% for the best quality witnesses and only 21.5% overall for all the people who reported their sightings to the Air Force. So when Project Blue Book tried for some time to say that mental imbalance was a big factor behind UFO reports, they were lying too. To maintain this fiction (aided by prejudice and social taboo) the most sensitive investigations would have been transferred to private corporations.

    Accredited persons who proved to have worked for the US government for intelligence such as Christopher Mellon and Luis Elizondo and Hal Puthoff and physicist Bob Davis would have had access to some of the secrets related to the UFO investigation but not the most hidden investigation within some. USAPs related to private corporations. They would know that there is more and they would act as intermediaries in favor of a more determined (albeit gradual) revelation for leaders, scientists, and the population, acting as bridges between them and the ultra-secret level of investigation that apparently borders on the illicit since (at least until recently) would not have been accountable within the formal chain of command. For example (according to verified letters between Eric Davis and Admiral Wilson … letters that were leaked after the death of astronaut Edgar Mitchell), those who operated certain USAPS under private corporate terms denied Admiral Wilson access to information during the 1990s when he was the chief intelligence officer (“J2”) for the Pentagon.

    The statements of denier Donald Menzel (Harvard astronomer (“all unexplained observations are made by bad observers”) and scientist Carl Sagan “reliable cases are not interesting and interesting cases are not reliable”) were also extremely false, prejudiced, lacking in scientific rigor, and foolish. But those apparently “serious” statements are made up of those who do not feel rejection against the possibility of a true non-human presence. Thus, like the fanatical believers who also exist in the world of the UFO subject, many scientists and modern people who want to consider themselves “serious” also incur irrational justifications. Without proper preparation and critical thinking, neither being “open-minded” or supposedly “objective” minded necessarily falls short of the necessary epistemological cognitive balance.

    But the most obvious lie made to the public was made in the 1950s by the Secretary of the Air Force D. Quarles who told the public that there were only 3% of “Unknown” cases in the Project Blue Book investigation and that all could be identified as “conventional phenomena” or as “illusions” if they had enough information. It was a total lie that he was able to make because the public did not know about Special Report 14. But thanks to physicist Stanton Friedman we now know about this previously secret report.

    After the US Congress received the report on June 25, it organized and requested that UFO / UAP reports be delivered every 90 days, but including cases prior to 2004. This is about to happen. I believe that the second report will be given to you on September 22, 2021. In addition, the Inspector General for the Pentagon began an investigation of how the second institution has carried out the investigations of the UFO issue. They have broad authority and are independent. This investigation could take several years. Maybe they can find out if it was illegally hiding from Congress or if there were irregularities and unexplained expenses. Everything seems to point to an attempt to regain civil and politically formal control of the most secret investigations managed by a basically independent committee of unknown persons coordinating military sectors under the legal protection of private corporations.

    On the other hand, Mr. Elizondo brought a lawsuit against the Pentagon for having denied that he worked at the AWSAAP and as director of the AATIP investigating UFO / UAP and for having deleted all his emails. He hired the famous lawyer Daniel Sheehan who also investigated the UFO issue hired by the Congressional Investigation Office at the request of former President Jimmy Carter when he was denied detailed information on UFOs.

    Scientists are reacting. The formal interest of the Pentagon, the ODNI, the congress, etc., has generated a positive response from NASA and Harvard University whose representatives (the Director of NASA, former Congressman and astronaut Bill Nelson) and the physicist, astrophysicist, and university professor Avi Loeb) have publicly said that they will start investigating UFOs. The second directs the “Galileo Project” to try to look at scientific instruments to detect and analyze the behavior of UFOs. He reminds us of Galileo Galilei who dared to look through his telescope and detected that Jupiter had moons revolving around it. That is why he changed history and paradigms. The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) has also just joined the UFO investigation. In the last 2-3 years Scientific American magazine also published articles on how valid and interesting UFO research can be for science. Already the subject is not only something of weak minds and crazy visionaries! (It never was).

    The UFO community in the US is eager for the US Congress to be encouraged to hold a public hearing about the UFO phenomenon. The last official hearing on this issue was in 1967!

    They materialize and dematerialize. They instantly accelerate to hypersonic speeds (5 to 25 times the speed of sound) and suddenly stop. They follow the planes. They contact people. They are shown to schoolchildren. The geospatial agency detected them coming from space. It goes without saying that the verification of a trans-ontological presence, which may well be physical or not, but which at least exceeds the classical space-time limits (with a more advanced technology detected historically and which does not belong to terrestrial humanity) is a fact with undeniable philosophical consequences. This collective realization may help us to get out of the global intellectual morass, to find new political-economic agreements, and to recognize that we are part of a much broader community of life that apparently spurs us to react and mature as a species in a more responsible and healthily connected way.

    We have to open our eyes to a larger reality that apparently was always here.

    ufo, UFO disclosure

  • Giorgio Piacenza

    After a clear UFO sighting with multiple witnesses within 300 feet in the Peruvian coastal town of "Chilca" in 1975, I participated with the Mission Rahma contact group and befriended several contactees from this and other contact efforts. I also researched many aspects of the UFO phenomenon for several decades and feel inclined to contribute in the confluence of philosophical and scientific perspectives.

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