Sunday, 27 October 2024

Childhood Vaccine Injuries: HPV Gardasil Vaccine Caused Two Sisters to Have Infertility

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Doctors Call Claims That Gardasil Caused Sisters’ Infertility Bogus

By ABC News, November 9, 2013

Madelyne and Olivia Meylor, of Mount Horeb, Wis., claim that the HPV vaccine caused primary ovarian failure in both of them. The sisters are 20 and 19 years old, respectively.

“There is nothing about this particular vaccine that would make this at all plausible,” said Dr. Kim Gecsi, who directs the ob/gyn clerkship program at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland.

Like the flu shot, the Gardasil vaccine contains an inactive virus, triggering an immune response in the patient, Gecsi said. This immune response includes the production of antibodies specifically taught to fight HPV, so if a live virus ever gets into the patient’s body, her immune system can fight it off.

Click here to read the full article on ABC News.


May 19, 2016 – Judge dismisses lawsuit: Wisconsin sisters say Gardasil vaccine caused their premature ovarian failure

Maddie and Olivia Meylor say they have been robbed of their womanhood after receiving a Gardasil vaccine which prevents HPV. The Wisconsin sisters were the first in the United States to claim that the HPV vaccine caused premature ovarian failure. A federal judge on Monday, May 16th ruled against the young women.

Maddie and Olivia Meylor were diagnosed with premature ovarian failure in 2007, when they were teenagers. They started menopause decades early.

“We were devastated,” said Joen Meylor, the girls’ mother. “It’s rare at their age and it’s very rare that two sisters would have premature ovarian failure.”

The sisters went through the same genetic testing, looking for answers. They say all roads led back to that doctor’s visit in 2007.

“I realized it was the Gardasil vaccine,” said Joen Meylor.

The Meylors believe the HPV vaccine is to blame for their rare disorder.

The sisters, who may never be able to have children in the traditional sense, filed a federal claim with the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

“We can carry a child, but we can’t create our own,” Olivia Meylor said.

A federal judge on May 16th ruled that some of the sisters’ symptoms appeared to begin before they were immunized as teenagers, and the case was dismissed.

The judge did not make a ruling as to whether ovarian failure is a legitimate injury from the vaccine.

An attorney for the Meylors said they plan to appeal.

FOX6 News spoke with the sisters in November of 2014, when they were 20 and 21.

At that time, we also reached out to Merck, the maker of Gardasil. The company said the vaccine’s safety was tested in clinical trials — and continues to be studied in more than a half-million people.


My Take…

This story caught my eye, because I think we will see something SIMILAR with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. Infertility cases and a great deal of denial.

So first, does this (Premature Ovarian Failure) happen with HPV Vaccines? YES.

There are 90 cases in VAERS. With an under-reporting factor of 100, that jumps to 9000 possible cases.

Let’s look at a few of the 90 cases:

VAERS 300878 – 18 year old had 2nd HPV Gardasil jab on Oct. 19, 2007.

“…on 19-Oct-2007 with the second dose of Gardasil. Following the second vaccination, the patient missed her period, and was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure.”

“The physician reported that the “patient presented with new onset amenorrhea times 2 months starting concurrent with her first vaccine,” however the date of onset was also reported as 24-OCT-2007. She had a workup with labs, which determined that she had premature ovarian failure”

VAERS 414453 – 16 year old girl from Maryland had 1st HPV Gardasil jab on Oct.20, 2009. 

“her 16 year old daughter who in October 2009, was vaccinated with the first dose of GARDASIL. Subsequently, the patient had no period in November 2009, or after that. In December 2009, the patient was vaccinated with the second dose of GARDASIL and her ovaries failed due to auto immune disease.”

VAERS 486297 – 23 year old woman from New York had HPV Gardasil on June 4, 2010.

“23 year old patient had blood drawn approximately a week and half after first Gardasil injection and it was discovered that patient”s FSH level was a 72, far above normal range indicating Premature Ovarian Failure or Premature Menopause. In addition patients menstrual cycle ceased after first Gardasil injection.”


That’s 3 of the first 4 search results. There is a clear temporal relationship.

There was also an Australian Case Series published by Dr. Deirdre Little:

Dr. Little presents “Polysorbate 80” as a HPV Vaccine component with potential ovarian toxicity.

Polysorbate 80 is added to keep particles suspended in the liquid and prevent clumping.


AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Novavax COVID-19 Vaccines also have Polysorbate 80.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.    

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