Sunday, 27 October 2024

WEF’s Klaus Schwab Crossing the Line on Sexual Harassment and Discrimination. Exposed by WSJ

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The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) exposes the WEF’s long history of sexual harassment and discrimination (color, pregnancies, and new mothers) in an explosive story, published on 29 June 2024.

Both, discrimination and sexual harassment clashes with the WEF’s public stances. The WEF has repeatedly said and published articles about their anti-discrimination and anti-sexual-harassment position. It contradicts the WEF’s preached ideals of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Sexual harassment is less surprising, if you know that the WEF’s Davos meeting every year in January, converts Davos into one huge luxury bordello. Local businesses and populations complain that the WEF meetings are harming Davos’s reputation.

See this and this.

According to the WSJ, the WEF declined making Schwab available for an interview.

WEF is the NGO cum world organization that wants to drastically reduce world population, because most of us are “useless eaters”, and convert the survivors into robots and transhumans, according to Klaus Schwab’s infamous ”4th Industrial Revolution”, whose main objective is an all-digitized world run by Artificial Intelligence (AI) – and where the few of us left, would “own nothing but be happy”.

It will not happen, Mr. Schwab. You are sitting on your own powder keg, in the form of a high tree’s branch which you cut yourself off, with your arrogance and endless drive for ever-more power, funded by the largely invisible, dark financial behemoths supporting your diabolical agenda.

The WSJ’s full article (about 15 minutes reading time), is an elaborate work of research with interviews of over 80 present and former WEF managers and staff – see this.

Click here to read the article on WSJ

Here are a few of the most flagrant examples of fraud, harassment and discrimination that has been going on – and growing as undisturbed – for more than 30 years. The extent of these crimes on humanity must be well known to the WEF’s host government, Switzerland. But nothing has happened, so far. To the contrary, the WEF enjoys tax free status and full diplomatic immunity.

The WEF claims officially its mission is to improve the state of the world. 

Mr. Schwab has recently stepped back from his active WEF Executive role, stating it was part of a long-planned transition. He said he would stay on as nonexecutive chairman of the board of trustees.

The Board of Trustees consists of about 30 members from various sectors of life, including cellist Yo-Yo Ma, Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan, BlackRock’s Larry Fink, and the heads of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, as well as the European Central Bank. BlackRock is the largest WEF funder and supporter.

Could it be that the impending release of this WSJ article helped prompting Schwab’s stepping in the back and becoming less visible?


Mr. Schwab (86), a few years ago singled out a group of employees over 50 years old and instructed his human resources (HR) chief to get rid of them all. This, he explained, would lower the average age of the workforce. The HR chief, a seasoned former World Bank executive declined, pointing out that there must be a reasonable explanation for firing somebody, such as poor performance. Shortly afterwards Schwab fired the HR chief.

Schwab discriminates not only against age, but also against pregnant women and colored people. In a known case among staffers, in 2017 Schwab appointed a young woman to lead an initiative for startups. She had discovered she was pregnant, and told Schwab about it. He got upset and told her she was not suited for the job and pushed her out, under the pretext that her leadership position was only a short trial period.

Sexual Harassment

Many female staff reported cases of sexual harassment to the HR and their management, often higher management. In most cases to no avail. They were either brushed off, transferred to lesser jobs, or let go altogether.

A female European staff, who worked in WEF’s Geneva office in the 2000s, said Schwab never crossed the line to physical contact with her, but that his pattern of suggestive remarks and behavior was “a horrible thing as a woman to go through.” Once, she said, he propped his leg up on her desk with his crotch in front of her face and told her he wished she was Hawaiian because he’d like to see her in a Hawaiian costume.

“I need to find you a man, and if I were not married, I would put myself on the top of that list,” Schwab told her more than once, she said.

A former senior WEF executive confirmed that the European woman told him about some of Schwab’s flirtatious comments to her not long after.

He and another WEF staff said they witnessed Schwab strike the crotch pose in front of the European lady and other women.

When asked by the WSJ, the WEF denied the charges, adding that Schwab does not know what a Hawaiian costume looks like.

Or this WSJ quote:

Old timers at the Forum [WEF] said Schwab liked to hire attractive people, who typically staffed the annual event at Davos. Former WEF executives said the situation was ripe for sexual harassment and that several staffers complained to them about inappropriate behavior by partners. There was even a term for sexual contact between VIPs and WEF staff, said a former employee: “white on blue action,” for the color of badges worn by the two parties.

And this:

Another woman, who joined the Forum in 2006, said she would receive texts from Forum partners saying, “You look pretty today” and asking to get a drink after the day’s events. She said she had to fend off one government minister who called her with a supposed problem in his hotel room.

“Our male colleagues received different kinds of messages from constituents, like do you know if there are any girls to go out with this evening,” she said. “We never really felt protected.” 

In 2018, another female staff complained to legal and HR that a manager asked her out for drinks after work and engaged in unwanted touching and forcible kissing. She told the WSJ, in the process she found out that she was not alone, that there were other women with similar issues. The Journal reviewed the e-mail correspondence for its correctness.

It took three years and many more complaints about the same manager, before he was eventually fired, but re-positioned immediately in a WEF partner organization.

Other managers receiving similar complaints, remain to this date in their unchallenged management positions.

Ms. Cheryl Martin, a former official with the US Energy Department, said she sought internal changes to address harassment issues during her time on the WEF’s managing board. She said she pushed to strengthen the code of conduct at Davos and encourage employees to report any harassment at the event. Her advocacy was viewed by Schwab and upper management as “overreaction”.

In 2018, she said, Schwab changed her job, stripping her of responsibilities, staff, and budget resources. She then resigned.


A lady employee in the WEF’s New York office, who joined the Forum in 2022, gave birth to twins. A week before returning to work from maternity leave, she was told that her job had been eliminated, even though she said she didn’t have any performance-related issues. She was offered a six-month temporary position.

She said, within weeks, the WEF hired a replacement to fill a similar role she was told was eliminated.

“It is a psychologically violent institution, and I don’t understand how they have the credibility to write this Gender Gap report and dictate how economies and industries are run globally,” she said.

Black employees also complain that they are segregated from attending the Davos meeting, even though they were in the Davos preparation team, like their white colleagues, who did go to Davos. They know that sending young, good-looking white people to Davos, was one of the WEF’s policies.

The WEF’s HR brushed it off, saying that who goes to Davos is determined by on-site needs.

On other recent occasions, two managers said the N-word in front of Black women working for them. One of the managers was Schwab’s longtime operations chief. Several employees complained about his off-color remarks, he made over the years. He was eventually fired, when he belittled a Black woman on his team in the open office. As he walked away, he said, “What can you expect from a N–.” He was finally fired after this incidence.


This thoroughly analyzed and explosive WEF report by the WSJ describes many more such incidences.

The world MUST know about the monsters that run the WEF, and who funds their diabolical actions. In tandem with the United Nations, in a cooperative agenda, signed in June 2019 by Klaus Schwab and Antonio Guterres, their depopulation.

They plan to do it, and are in the process of doing it – by any means they can find – fake plandemics, bio-weapons in the form of poisonous vaccines, famine by killing agriculture worldwide, controlling food supply, and not least – the absolute and criminal hoax of “climate change”, based on the most sophisticated geoengineering technologies, and anything and everything that can be invented and lied being related to it, indoctrinated in human brains since at least the 1972 published Club of Rome report, “Limits to Growth”.

People, be aware what kind of criminals are attempting to run – or reduce – the lives of the world’s 8.1 billion people!

Thanks to the WSJ, evidence is on the table.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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