Monday, 28 October 2024

Digital Money and Human Enslavement

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The interview covered the hardly noticeable but with warp speed advancing digitization of everything, the implementation of what Klaus Schwab — World Economic Forum (WEF) — professes in his “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. A dystopian world, where humans are enslaved by digital means, transhumanism, self-driving cars, total control through QR-codes, and – the final straw – by a fully digitized monetary system.

If it goes unnoticed, as the masters of the universe would like it, it will lead to a drastically reduced-world populations, with mostly transhuman survivors, who will own nothing but are happy.

Only We, the People can stop it, if and when, we wake up, and reject the plan, simply refuse to go along with it, creating an alternative life society, alternative monetary system – and re-introducing true human values, ethics, togetherness, solidarity, work-places that care, trust and friendships.

It is high time.

We can do it.

We MUST do it.

The interview streamed on 11 July 2024. 

This is a loose transcript of the interview.

Questions or topics of conversation were introduced by Dr. Ana Mihalcea of Humanity United Now.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea (DAM): How do you see the progression of digital ID and digital money evolving?

Peter Koenig (PK): Unfortunately digitization is advancing rapidly, without most people noticing it. Publication about it is sparse, and mostly only by the non-mainstream media.

Digital money is evolving much faster than digital ID. On purpose.


Digital ID has been propagated by the EU to such an extent that rejection became loud.

So, they switched to an alternative.

Full digitization of money. Because once money is fully digitized, with or without the infamous so-called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), a formal digital ID is just a question of converting each one of our QR code into an ID. And bingo. The money is controlled and so are we.

Yes, we all have a QR code. During Covid, whether vaccinated or not, each time we were compelled to take a PCR test, we were given a QR code. This personal QR code is automatically linked to all other QR codes we use… in restaurants, purchasing goods, airline tickets / boarding passes …. Just about anything is QR coded nowadays. 

Back to digital money: In fact, CBDC is not even necessary, if all banks go along with digitization – and if the respective governments tell them they must – they will, no choice, if they don’t want to be sidelined or completely closed then cash can be abandoned basically from one day to the next.

Several countries have been selected to test-case the digitization of money. Switzerland is one of them. Selected banks have agreed to do so.

I know from personal experience.

When refusing to change my bank account transactions to using a QR code, my bank account was blocked. For over three weeks I had no access to it. Only when I agreed, thinking of changing banks afterwards, they gave me access to my account again.

I am now with another bank, where I have an alternative option – for now. How long that will last – I have no idea.

DAM: Do we have a chance to stop it?

PK: Yes, we do. By insisting on using cash, by refusing to use credit cards, and electronic payment systems as much as possible.

This is a challenge, as most people are still unaware of what digital payment modes eventually will do to them. Especially young people find it cool to be able to just pass a card over a payment device, or pay with their watch, or their cell phone, or in some Scandinavian countries, they have an option of an implanted chip in their hand, between the index finger and the thumb.

We, the elders, must find ways to tell the up-and-coming generation to what dangers they expose themselves, full enslavement – if they fall for the comfort of paying “playing” digitally.

Many will not listen. Their answer is often – “Well, I have nothing to hide”. This is very shortsighted, of course.

Maybe more importantly – we must launch public activities, protests, against digital money – more protests, more people become aware of the risk and start thinking by themselves.

Because the best method of awakening is when someone feels the spark of conscience by himself.

And we must become more vociferous in the non-mainstream – and to the extent possible – in the mainstream, about preserving CASH.

Even banks, I have noticed when talking to bankers, are not convinced about a future of exclusively digital money. Because they too, may become victims of repressive actions, for example, if they do not follow globalist rules – of which they have no clue today, that they may come.

DAM: How does slavery and social credit system connect in your view with the push for digital money?

PK: Digital money IS already slavery. At first it is slavery in a passive stage, but it can be activated at will of the powers-that-be.

The slavery is already occurring, even without digital money. It has happened in France and Canada – and maybe other countries, that people’s bank accounts have been blocked, because they did not conform to the rules of Government, or because they have not been paying a so-called government-issued fine for misbehaving.

The government has access to your bank account.

This option is already open for governments under the “Rules-based Order”.

As to social credit systems – as far as I know, China is the only country that uses Social Credit system. It is not linked to individual bank accounts.

In China, although digital money is very popular – cash is still available and can be used almost everywhere.

If the WEF and the UN want to introduce a Social Credit System, link it to our bank accounts – to help push through their Agenda 2030, it is again up to us the People, to say no and resist it.

If we stand up in masses, there is little so-called authorities can do to implement it. But to stand up in masses, it needs a critical mass. And today we are not yet there.

Our honest thinking – and the thoughts of living in another sphere, outside of the darkness and government-imposed globalist actions — will proliferate without our knowing. Without thoughts of anger and revenge, we may have what we often call a “butterfly effect”. It is part of quantum science. We just start learning about it.

DAM: Can you explain how far along we are in the process?

PK: As I said at the beginning, unfortunately, the process of digitization of everything is already quite advanced. It is what Klaus Schwab, the WEF’s (former) boss, calls the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. It consists of first reducing the world population to the extent possible, and replacing the survivors with robots or transhumans or completely with AI-driven robots.

Gadgets such as “ChatGPT”, translations by AI, driverless cars – and much — are being introduced, if accepted, made mandatory. That we must be aware of. This is not just a trial.

The trial are We, the people.

If we accept, bingo – it will become mandatory. Accepting is not objecting, not protesting; it is going along with it, even if we do not like it. Active resistance is needed.

Otherwise, our chance has gone.

We must stop evil at the gate; like right now, REFUSING, to being subjected to driverless cars.

Go even further, refuse all digitized cars, with everything from the car window to turning on and off the engine at red light… and so on, request old-style cars where you open your window by hand – no automatics, the less digitized the better. Same for kitchen equipment and other household tools.

It is hard to believe that less than 50 years ago we have lived analogue lives, without digitization whatsoever. Life was less complicated, human contact was warmer and closer. Solidarity was of the order.

Again, what is needed, are aware people, who know of the dangers of digitization, of the risk of total enslavement by AI.

We are not there yet.

Programs such as yours [Humanity United Now] can and will help bringing more people to senses; to think for themselves what AI and digitization can do to them.

DAM: What concrete things can the average citizen do?

PK: Well, some of them, I mentioned before:

  • refusing digital money – insisting in using CASH instead.
  • refusing digital payment systems
  • refusing all-automated tools, cars, kitchen machines …..
  • take to the streets – talk to each other about the enslavement risk of digitization, of digitized money
  • Write about it…

    For example, quit banks that have been pre-selected to digitize money by using the QR code.

    The QR code can accumulate almost unlimited amounts of personal information, and eventually knows you better than you know yourself.

    Stay away to the extent possible from QR codes.

    For example, I know restaurants they presented their menus ONLY by giving you a QR code to read in our cellphone. By doing that – you have already been caught and registered.

    Since, using a QR code to read the menu is also uncomfortable, many customers have complained. So, many of these restaurants have gone back to printed menus.

    That is a small success, but every big change starts small.

    DAM: How do you view the threat of Artificial Intelligence and convergence of man and machine?

    PK: Yes, listening to the WEF’s Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030, there is a chance that such convergences may happen. For sure, they are working on it – in the various Silicon Valley IT corporations.

    Their goal is: for those who survive, “you will own nothing but be happy.” That would be typical for a trans-humanized being.

    But it is my strong belief they will not succeed for a simple reason. Anything digital, including AI, is based on linear information, on linear inputs, maybe millions of them, but still linear. Human beings are living beings, and living beings are not linear or digital, they are dynamic, adjusting to circumstances, often spontaneously, unpredictably. That is also why making economic projections – I’m talking as an economist – usually does not work. Since they are all based on linear inputs.

    The longer-term such projections are attempted – I know from experience with the World Bank – the further off reality they are.

    Dynamism is perhaps a forerunner of quantum mechanics that can switch dimensions instantaneously.

    If we Humans are convinced and aware that we belong to the creation of LIFE – which is analogue and has nothing to do with digital linearism, they will not succeed.

    I am convinced of it.

    The timing is crucial, though. The longer it takes for Us, the People, to become conscience of these facts and act accordingly, the more damage their attempts to digitize the world and us humans can do.

    It is up to We, the People, to stop it.


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    Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020). 

    Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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