Monday, 28 October 2024

Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Barely Escapes an Assassination Attempt

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According to the official story, an apparent lone nut, 20 years old Republican named Thomas Matthew Crooks, allegedly fired from a rooftop around 150 meters from the stage, where former President Trump gave a Presidential Campaign address.

One of the bullets brushed Trump’s ear, causing blood spilling over his face but without causing major damage. However, an assistant of Trump’s campaign tour was killed and two spectators gravely injured.

The presumed shooter was shot dead by Secret Service snipers stationed on a different rooftop.

Was Thomas Crooks indeed the shooter?

This is currently being investigated by the FBI.

This happened just two days before the beginning of the Republican Party Convention, on 15 July 2024, in Milwaukee. Coincidence?

Thomas Crooks lived in Bethel Park, a small town also in Pennsylvania, about an hour’s drive south from Butler. Thomas Crooks graduated in 2022 from Bethel Park High School, according to a statement from the Bethel Park School District received by a local ABC affiliate. He was apparently not known to police.

When his dad was contacted by the media and police, he seemed to be shocked, having no idea what happened to his son, a quiet young man, who graduated with honors.

Trump’s security guards immediately killed the shooter, no attempt whatsoever to arrest him, so he could NOT be put on trial. There is no trace and Thomas can no longer talk about his possible motives, what may have prompted his shooting, whether he acted alone or in a team or whether he was in one way or another prepared for the assault – if so, by whom. He was silenced.

Isn’t it typical for this type of assassination attempt or shooting? The alleged murderers are silenced.

No traces, no witnesses, no trial, nobody can talk. Thomas Crooks will be registered as lone nut who committed this atrocious crime.

Wasn’t this the case with the Kennedy Brothers and Dr. Martin Luther King? Until much later, when the truth surfaced, or at least the lie about the “lone nut”. The truth is still not officially out about the JFK killing. But Donald Trump said, when he will be President, he will open the “secret” files and make them available to the public.

There was clearly a major security lapse. No close-by security protection surrounded Trump when he was speaking. The sharpshooters from the rooftops were warned by at least one man that there was a man on a roof with a gun. They did not react. See this from Reuters.

Also see this video clip (1:59 min) with a close-up witness who ran to help Trump.

An eyewitness said in a BBC interview that his alerting the secret security detail, the snipers on the roof, was ignored. This prompted Elon Musk (“X” former Twitter) calling on the leader of the Trump security team to resign.

Right now, the news are full with speculations, hearsay and finger-pointing. There are even people, who suggest it may have been a Trump fabricated attempt at himself, so his popularity would increase. This assumption is insane because he could have been killed.

The bullet missed his brain by just a few centimeters.

No doubt, though, Trump’s popularity may increase due to this botched “martyr event”.

However, what nobody ever talks about anymore these days is the science-refined MK-Ultra brain manipulation program designed by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), a semi-secret Pentagon think-tank, that often works hand-in-hand with the CIA and Mossad – and frequently also with the British MI6.

Vulnerable people are “recruited” by the program. They are told their mission was secret and could not be talked about. During their training, their brains are prepared to react to certain signals, music, specific words, specific noise – or other trigger moments. Then they are told to attend the event where their target is or targets are located. Maybe they are given a weapon to be able to “defend” their target if necessary.

When the “trigger” moment happens, they start shooting at the target. They may not even know what happens to their mind. If they were given a chance to wake up from their trance condition, they might not remember what they did.

This is of course not to say, that this is what happened. Far from it. It is just one more option thrown in the ring for consideration because the MK-Ultra program exists, is alive, and has been used on many instances before.

Who would be interested in “canceling” Donald Trump from the Presidential race – just before the Republican Convention, July 15 to 18, 2024, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where Mr. Trump will most likely be nominated as the Republican candidate for the November 5, 2024, Presidential elections?

Mr. Trump has already an almost-landslide lead over Joe Biden, the (still) official candidate of the Democrats.

Earlier this year, Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson proposed legislation that would strip this protection from former presidents convicted of felonies, as Trump was in May.

After Saturday’s shooting, one of Thompson’s staffers wrote on Facebook that the shooter should “get some shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time.” Ms. Thomson removed the post, which Republicans called despicable. (RT – 14 July 2024 – see this).

Guessing whose interest is at stake is up to the reader.

Abroad, who might be interested in a true Democrat Party alternative to Biden, a Globalist as new US President? Another Globalist, of course. Someone who may be Zionist / Jewish and in full support of Netanyahu’s killing spree and attempt at establishing Greater Israel – with the Ben Gurion Canal, gradually replacing the Suez Canal, with the foremost petrol riches of the Middle East falling under the control of the Zionists, the same Zionists who also largely control Washington, and by proxy, Brussels, the EU gnomes.

Let us not forget, Donald Trump is not a Globalist. He is a nationalist. He wants a sovereign United States for a sovereign US population. Quite the contrary form what the Dems strive for – a Globalist, One World Order.

Not too long ago, Donald Trump has distanced himself from a unilateral support for Israel, warning Bibi Netanyahu about his atrocious genocide war in Gaza.

The truth is hanging in the air.

Will it ever hit the ground and continue shaking people awake – open and receptive to the truth, and nothing but the truth?


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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