Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Military Grade Propaganda Campaign Helped Sell Fraudulent Narrative About COVID-19

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Like December 7, 1941 and September 11, 2001, March 11, 2020 was a day that will live in infamy because it is when the the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the existence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This declaration led governments around the world to adopt emergency measures, including forced lockdowns, school closures, mandatory masking and social distancing and later vaccine mandates.

Eventually the pandemic was said to have been contained and emergency measures were lifted, though the same authorities who spread fear about COVID-19 are continuously warning about lingering variants and the potential for new pandemic outbreaks.

David Hughes is a professor of international relations at the University of Lincoln in the UK with a Ph.D. from Oxford who published a deeply researched and scathing article on the failings of the International Relations profession when it comes to analyzing the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Hughes’ latest book, “Covid-19” Psychological Operations, and the War For Technocracy, Volume 1 (New York: Palgrave McMillan, 2024) examines how global elites used mind control techniques, previously experimented by the CIA, to induce mass hysteria over a virus equivalent to influenza. This hysteria led people to turn on friends and family who sustained critical thought, and to willingly throw away cherished personal liberties.


According to Hughes, COVID-19 hysteria was manufactured as part of a class war by global elites who feared the growing restiveness of the population as a result of the failure of neoliberal economic policies over the last 40 years.

Prior to the outbreak of the pandemic, there were large-scale protests in Western countries owing to stark social inequalities and policy failures. The international monetary and financial system was on the verge of collapse and propaganda system was beginning to break down as citizens no longer believed much of what government officials and the media told them.

Rather than rounding up dissenters and violently crushing protests—like in generations past—a creative new approach was used: scaring the public with military grade propaganda regarding an illusory pandemic in order to get them to acquiesce to totalitarian measures.

Under conditions of lockdown, people could not gather or meet publicly and organize politically. Many people became depressed as they could not work or pursue productive life pursuits, and substance abuse, alcoholism, suicide and domestic violence skyrocketed.

Anyone who questioned the dominant COVID-19 narrative was pathologized, with friends and comrades who had been involved in social struggles turning on each other.

After the vaccines were rolled out, anyone questioning them was labelled an “anti-vaxxer” and socially ostracized. This was the equivalent term of the label “communist” during  the Cold War.

Hughes argues that the psychological warfare operation’s purpose was to “demoralize, disorient and debilitate” society and hence “weaken its resistance” to the intended transition from democracy to technocracy—a political-economic system in which a small managerial elite acting on behalf of the wealthiest classes runs and controls everything.

The Cold War and War on Terror had institutionalized an elite strategy of inducing fear in the public, sometimes through plotting false flag terrorist attacks, to advance and legitimize authoritarian measures, including Orwellian surveillance and wide-scale censorship.

Manufacturing a disease pandemic was the logical successor in sustaining an ongoing state of emergency, with the military grade psychological warfare operation serving potentially as a prelude to war.

Already we are in throes of a global dictatorship, which will be fortified if the WHO pandemic treaty is passed.

This treaty would legally cede national sovereignty for pandemic response to the WHO Director-General, who could sanction any country that does not adhere to lockdown measures, forced vaccination, and the introduction of a health data surveillance system that could be used for ever tightening social control.

Drawing on CIA Mind Control Techniques

According to Hughes, the COVID-19 psychological warfare operation drew on techniques cultivated in psychiatric labs such as the Rockefeller financed Tavistock Institute  of Medical Psychology, which was involved with the CIA’s infamous Operation MK-ULTRA—a drug and mind testing program that ran from the mid 1950s through the 1970s.

Under the direction of John Rawlings Rees, the Tavistock Institute carried out experiments in hypnosis and brainwashing—some based on study of Chinese thought control techniques allegedly applied on U.S. POWs during the Korean War—and attempted to reprogram human behavior.[1]



One of the key findings of CIA researchers was that people’s susceptibility to propaganda and group-based psychology increases markedly when they are forced into isolation—which may have been a key purpose behind the COVID-19 lockdowns.

Some of the techniques of the COVID-19 psy-war operations drew on the practices of totalitarian states like Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

One formula was to repeat the same lies over and over. Another was to pathologize dissenters. Those who did not wear masks or take the vaccines were considered to be “spreaders of disease” and somehow contaminated—like the Jews in Nazi demonology.

Others were labeled as “crazy conspiracy theorists,” or “right-wing extremists.”

The primary intent of the COVID-19 psychological operation, according to Hughes, was to break people down on a societal wide level and try and program how they think and act.

The spectacular success was evident in the wide-scale conformity to irrational measures—mask-wearing, for example, does not stop the spread of illness; the lockdowns destroyed people’s lives, and vaccines caused serious and sometimes lethal side effects and killed more people than they allegedly saved.



Hughes writes that a delusional psychosis took over society like in a wartime climate in which people were “impervious to reason, to logic, and to education.”

COVID-19 true believers do not listen to counter-arguments or reason and resort to name calling and slander of those who seek to expose the dark truths of our socio-political reality. 

These true believers have much in common with members of totalitarian societies and cults whose suspension of critical thinking has led them to behave viciously and irrationally.


The societal psychosis Hughes describes was fueled in part by alarmist media stories replete with distorted imagery of mass deaths and diseased ICUs along with government spokesmen or scientific officials standing next to frightening looking graphs that provided ominous forecasts. 

A mass burial site outside New York featured ubiquitously in the media as proof of the pandemic’s ravaging effects had actually been used for mass burials and unclaimed and unidentified bodies since 1869.

Dozens buried in New York mass grave as coronavirus deaths surge


According to Hughes, there is zero evidence that an actual viral pandemic broke out in 2020.  

COVID-19 first emerged in 2019 and fatal infections were in decline by March, 2020, when there were only 4,291 reported COVID-19 deaths—0.000055% of the global population.

Until August 2020, anyone in England who died following a positive test result for COVID-19 was labeled a COVID-19 death on the death certificate, even if they died of other causes.

Public Health England later ruled that COVID-19 could still appear as the underlying cause of death if there had been a positive test within 28 and then 60 days of death.

The propaganda that hospitals were overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients is disproven by data Hughes cites that 40 percent of National Health Service (NHS) hospital beds in England lay unoccupied during the heart of the so-called pandemic. At the same time, only 2,150 of 30,000 ordered ventilators were dispatched.

A 2021 study by John Dee analyzing a large data set of electronic admissions records for an unnamed NHS Trust between January 1 and June 13, 2021, found that only 9.7% of declared COVID-19 cases exhibited the fundamental basis for symptomatic disease.

Kary Mulis (image on the right), the inventor of the PCR tests, which was used to tabulate positive cases, said that the test was never even developed for “diagnostic purposes.”

Hughes writes that under the guise of public health, the UK and other governments were engaged in an attack on the health of their own population as the lockdowns prevented people from getting the medical treatment they needed for illnesses besides COVID-19.

In a practice reminiscent of the Soviet Union, at least three prominent dissenters were placed in psychiatric facilities:

a) Beate Bahner, a German medical lawyer who on April 3, 2020 issued a press release condemning the lockdown measures as “flagrantly unconstitutional, infringing to an unprecedented extent many of the fundamental rights of citizens.”

b) Thomas Binder, a Swiss cardiologist who was arrested by an anti-terrorist squad in mid April 2020 after speaking out against the flawed PCR tests. And

c) Jean Bertrand Fourtillon, a retired French professor of Pharmacology who in December 2020 was forcibly placed in solitary confinement at the Uzes Psychiatric Hospital after being featured in a documentary called Hold Up stating that the manufactured COVID-19 crisis was being used to impose a dangerous vaccine on the world.

Does COVID-19 Exist and Is the Vaccine a Military Grade Weapon?

Hughes presents information to back up his impression that the COVID-19 virus does not actually exist—at least in the form it has been explained to the public.

He points out the strange fact that during the supposed pandemic, influenza cases and deaths were reduced to almost nothing. Hughes cites evidence from the CDC that the symptoms people experienced with COVID-19 were mostly reminiscent of the flu. The only difference in symptoms is that COVID-19 may result in loss of taste or smell, but so can ansomia.

In Hughes’ reading, the lab leak theory of COVID-19’s origins, which has become increasingly prevalent in the mainstream, is part of a cover up to mask the fact that there is no scientific proof that COVID-19 actually exists and that the entire pandemic was manufactured.

Hughes suggests that we should be open to the possibility that the vaccine was part of a military project, Operation Warp Speed, designed to test bioweapons and black technology on unwitting U.S. citizens.

Under Warp Speed, the U.S. military took charge of the production and distribution of the vaccines, with the White House’s Coronavirus Coordinator, Deborah Birx, coming from the military, and financing for Moderna’s vaccine coming from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which develops cutting edge military technology.

Hughes cites research by Whitney Webb and Sasha Latypova among others that contracts under Warp Speed were clandestinely awarded to vaccine companies via Advanced Technology International, which has close ties to the CIA.

Overall, Hughes is clearly on the mark in his assessment of COVID-19 as a “deep political event” that has helped alter the political landscape in the direction of authoritarianism, stifled the social and class solidarity that is needed for effective protest movements, and helped brainwash a portion of the public into acquiescence.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Too Hot For the Mainstream Media.

Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of five books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019), The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018), and Warmonger. How Clinton’s Malign Foreign Policy Launched the U.S. Trajectory From Bush II to Biden (Clarity Press, 2023). He can be reached at: [email protected] and followed on substack here.


[1] Under the direction of CIA-financed psychologists Ewen Cameron and William Sargent, the Tavistock institute carried out experiments involving psychotropic drugs and mind control and developed psychological torture techniques that were adopted by the CIA. Hughes suggests that the Tavistock Institute was a driving force behind the drugs counter-culture of the 1960s aimed at neutering youth resistance. He writes that “U.S. college students who had engaged in various forms of direct action against the system in the 1960s were by the end of the decade a collective of doped up zombies.”

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