by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
President Donald Trump renewed his threats to impose a 25% tariff against imports from Canada and Mexico starting next week on March 4, while lying in public about what he is claiming is the reason for these tariffs, which he claims is that they are still allowing too much fentanyl to come across the border.
As I have previously published, there were only 50 lbs. of fentanyl seized coming across the very long border from Canada for ALL of 2024. See:
Trump Lies to the World as Crippling Illegal 25% Tariffs Forced on Canada and Mexico Through Emergency Orders Violating Trump’s Own Free Trade Agreement
Have seizures of illegal fentanyl somehow increased here in 2025 coming into the U.S. from Canada to warrant these crippling tariffs?
Here is what is being reported about fentanyl seizures from Canada here in 2025 according to the Canada Border Services Agency:
Ahead of the looming March 4 deadline, Canada announced it was launching an effort, dubbed “Operation Blizzard.” The effort is “aimed at intercepting illegal contraband arriving and leaving Canada, with a focus on fentanyl and other synthetic narcotics,” according to a statement published by the Canada Border Services Agency Thursday morning.
CBSA also shared that it seized 56.1 grams of fentanyl this month, including 20 fentanyl pills and 23 grams “of a substance suspected to be fentanyl from two US citizens crossing at the Windsor-Detroit Tunnel port of entry.” (Source.)
For those Americans who are math-challenged to understand metric weights, 28 grams is equal to about 1 ounce. So two ounces of fentanyl and 20 fentanyl pills here in 2025 are behind the “fentanyl crisis” coming out of Canada.
Fortunately, we can learn what Trump’s true reasons are for threatening Canada with tariffs, directly from Trump himself, in what appeared to be unscripted remarks he made after his staff meeting yesterday.
Here starts out with lies about fentanyl, and then basically admits he is lying as he gives the real reason he is imposing tariffs on Canada.
So here you go, directly from the horse’s mouth as to what the real reason is for beating Canada into submission with tariffs:
Please note that I am not debating whether or not the U.S. should keep supporting Canada, or whether or not they should become the 51st state. That is a different question.
But when Trump uses the fentanyl excuse to beat them into submission, he is clearly lying. When did you ever read in the media, either corporate media or alternative media, that we had a fentanyl crisis on our border with Canada?
Never, until a few weeks ago, because it is a LIE. When a person habitually lies, how can you ever believe what they say, and how can you trust them?
And while the corporate “liberal” media pretends to hate Trump and spends so much time criticizing him, I have yet to see any of them point out that Trump is lying about the fentanyl issue coming out of Canada.
Because the corporate media are funded and supported by Big Pharma, and the truth is that the fentanyl crisis in the U.S. is from U.S. produced fentanyl from U.S. pharmaceutical companies which are distributed through U.S. pharmacies.
This has all been proven in a court of law over the past several years with mega lawsuits against Big Pharma for fentanyl and opioids.
As far as Mexico is concerned, one has to go to the Mexican media to read their side of the story.
Here are two recent articles.
The history behind Trump’s pledge to ‘take care of’ Mexico’s cartels: Our CEO interviews Carlos Pérez Ricart
A few weeks ago, a well-read friend of mine gave me a book with no commentary other than “You must read this.”
The book, titled “One Hundred Years of Spies and Drugs: The Story of United States Counternarcotics Agents in Mexico” by Carlos Pérez Ricart, didn’t exactly fit into my standard reading interests, which are more focused on business, the economy and politics. But given my friend’s insistence, I decided to give the book a try.
I remember thinking similarly when pressed by friends to watch the Netflix series “Narcos.” My wife and I do not like consuming dramatic or violent content and try to avoid it as much as possible, as we feel like it is the equivalent of junk food for our brains.
But once I began watching the “Narcos” series, I must admit that I found it fascinating. The insight it provided into the inner works of the DEA, the CIA, the U.S. government, the Mexican government and of course the cartels, was informative, enlightening and disturbing.
This book had a similar effect on me and within just the first few pages, I became completely engrossed in the details. So much so that I reached out to the author, Carlos Pérez Ricart, and sat down with him to discuss his book and his thoughts on the current state of U.S./Mexican affairs.
What follows are the highlights of our conversation.
Pérez Ricart: The reality is that the United States has in fact been involved quite actively in the drug industry in Mexico for nearly 100 years already, so in many ways it would be nothing new.
Help me understand why and how the U.S. has been involved for so long. How did it begin so long ago?
During the Second World War, the U.S. military became increasingly concerned about the reliability of the supply of Asian (and Turkish) opium needed to produce morphine for wounded soldiers.
As a result, U.S. agents went looking for an alternative supply in Mexico. They wanted to have a supply chain closer to home that was not actually in the United States, given the delicate nature of the product.
The result was essentially the development of an opium supply base in the Mexican states of Sonora and Guerrero. The second well-documented case of the U.S. military encouraging the production of opium in Mexico was during the Vietnam War for the same purpose of local morphine supply when Asian supplies were disrupted.
I will note that there is no formal agreement of the U.S. buying opium from Mexico, but rather vast amounts of documentation making clear the encouragement of the development of a supply base of the product.
Wow. You are saying that the U.S. military actually had an important role in developing the opium drug industry in Mexico? That seems like a pretty staggering claim. How confident are you in your research and sources of information?
Most of my sources are actually public information from the National Archives in Washington, D.C. As do all government agencies, the DEA, after a certain period of time, makes many previously classified documents public.
I dedicated my Ph.D. and several years of my life reviewing the DEA archives on Mexico in the National Archives in D.C., as well as additional archives in California and Texas archive offices.
I was subsequently able to fill in gaps of information though many requests I made to the U.S. government through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
I was told by the National Archives staff that I was only the second person to review these documents since they were first released.
(Full Article.)
Opinion: Ignore the tariff chimera
I was recently asked by two large companies with manufacturing operations in Mexico whether I thought that Mexico would be the victim of the United States’ “beggar thy neighbor” protectionism.
Everyone seems to be playing a game of “will he, or won’t he,” which plays perfectly into a strategy that seeks to inject uncertainty into the trade relationship. Keeping everyone guessing increases the cost of doing business with Mexico (and Canada and China, etc.), which is what the current U.S. president wants.
According to the Wall Street Journal, “some companies, including networking-equipment company Cisco Systems, fashion company Tapestry and clog and sandal company Crocs, have included the impact of tariffs in their latest guidance. Others, including Mexican-inspired restaurant company Chipotle Mexican Grill, consumer-products maker Clorox and cereal maker WK Kellogg have excluded it.”
My advice is to ignore the tariffs. If they do come to pass, the market will be shocked out of its complacency and will correct on three fronts….
(Full Article.)
Trump Releases AI Video About His Future Plans in Gaza
At the time of this writing, the MAGA faithful are still strong in their adoration and love for Trump, especially the Zionist Evangelical Christians.
So I dedicate this AI video which was released by President Donald Trump himself, on his Truth Social platform, about his future plans to purchase Gaza.
This a video that needs no commentary, and shows the moral degradation that has now become the American Evangelical Christian Church, along with the rest of the MAGA cult followers.
(Note: it moves fast. Slow down the speed or pause frequently to see all the scenes here.)
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?
What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?
For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said:
“I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people. Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.
I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)
This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
See Also:
Understand the Times We are Currently Living Through
The Bewitching of America with the Evil Eye and the Mark of the Beast
Distinguishing True Prophets from False Prophets in These Evil Modern Times
Who Controls the World? by Dr. A. True Ott
American Christians are Biblically Illiterate Not Understanding the Difference Between The Old Covenant vs. The New Covenant
Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult
Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order
Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”?
The Brain Myth: Your Intellect and Thoughts Originate in Your Heart, Not Your Brain
Fact Check: “Christianity” and the Christian Religion is NOT Found in the Bible – The Person Jesus Christ Is
Was the U.S. Constitution Written to Protect “We the People” or “We the Globalists”? Were the Founding Fathers Godly Men or Servants of Satan?
The Seal and Mark of God is Far More Important than the “Mark of the Beast” – Are You Prepared for What’s Coming?
The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?
Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century – 8-Year-Old Article More Relevant Today than the Day it was Written
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