Wednesday, 19 March 2025

The Truth About the Commercial Egg Industry and the Fake Avian Flu “Virus” – Become a Backyard Chicken Producer for Your Own Fresh Eggs!

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Here in the U.S., the nation’s egg shortages and high prices have been part of the news stream for weeks now.

The shortages of eggs and their high prices are being blamed on an “avian flu” outbreak, but this is, in fact, a business model for the commercial egg industry that has been in place for decades now, at least since 2006, when the first “avian flu” outbreak allegedly occurred under then President George Bush.

Besides the obvious effects these “outbreaks” have on the nation’s egg supplies, there has also been a concerted effort to deceive people into thinking this fake “avian flu virus”, which is identified by the same fraudulent PCR test that got so much press during the COVID Scam, will somehow “mutate” and begin infecting humans, which of course would then require new “vaccines.”

I did an update on this hoax last year:

Why Has Former CDC Director Robert Redfield Been Warning that the “Bird Flu” Will be Worse than COVID for the Past 3 Years?

When it comes to how this affects the nation’s egg supplies, the corporate media loves to quote commercial egg farmers who pen articles such as “The Truth About America’s Egg Shortages“, with their own opinions about what is causing the egg shortages, and what needs to be done to solve this “problem.”

One of those “American Farmers” who has been in the news recently, is Greg Herbruck, of Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch.

Here is one of his opinion pieces from The Daily Mail that was recently published:

I’m a farmer who was forced to kill 6.5m hens. Here’s the terrifying truth of America’s egg shortage… and who’s REALLY to blame

America’s food supply is under attack.

It is long past time to fight back.

I’m a third-generation poultry farmer in Saranac, Michigan. Over nearly seven decades, my family farming operation has grown to be the 10th largest egg producer in America.

Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch raises nearly 11 million birds in operations across Michigan, Indiana and Pennsylvania. You may even have purchased some of our eggs at your local grocery store.

Believe me when I say the poultry industry is in crisis.

Since 2022, 153 million commercial, backyard and wild birds across 48 states have been infected by H5N1 – a novel strain of bird flu. Millions more animals have been euthanized to stop the spread of the virus.

I liken this avian flu scourge to a terrorist attack because it undermines one of the country’s most critical systems – our food supply. And poultry farms have been fighting this battle for years.

But regrettably there’s no end in sight to this war. And now American consumers are sharing the burden.

A recent surge in the virus has triggered more culls, devastated farms and resulted in skyrocketing grocery prices. A dozen eggs, which should wholesale for about $2, have spiked to $8 and higher.

At Herbruck’s Michigan farm, we experienced an outbreak in April 2024.

All of us at Herbruck’s were devastated to learn about the detection, and as someone who has cared for and depended on egg-laying hens for more than 60 years, I’m heartbroken by the loss of any hen.

Once avian flu is in the flock, it moves with frightening and deadly speed.

We first detected the virus the day before Easter when we lost 70 birds in one of our barns. By Easter Sunday, 700 were dead.

The following day, the death toll had climbed to 10,000. By Tuesday, two other farms within five miles of each other were also hit – that was when the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) moved in.

After it is confirmed that avian flu has infected a farm, the USDA essentially takes over – and their policy is to ‘stamp out’ the virus.

Within a week, we lost 6.5 million hens, which means 6 million fewer eggs per day were being produced and sold in the market.

To a family farmer – that’s emotionally and financially devastating.

To the American consumer – it’s a gut punch.

These culls are not easy to bounce back from.

Coupled with biosecurity protocols, the USDA policy of ‘stamping out’ the avian flu has worked to control the spread of bird flu in the past. But with new strains of bird flu, and the unprecedented infections of dairy cattle, we can no longer rely solely on biosecurity to protect our flocks.

America must start to vaccinate its poultry populations against avian flu just as we’ve vaccinated against Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis and a handful of other illnesses for decades.

Why is avian flu allowed to persist?

Even though H5N1 vaccines exist and are made in America, we are not allowed to give them to our birds. Our federal government must take urgent, critical measures to help address this crisis, and that means implementing an aggressive strategy on vaccines.

We need enhanced, universal biosecurity requirements across the agriculture industry, and a strategic initiative that engages experts in the industry to expand our knowledge on bird flu and how we can further mitigate this crisis.

If we effectively address bird flu, customers will see relief at the grocery store. And Americans will no longer have to pay the price for this preventable disease.

It will take a renewed scientific and political will to address the vulnerability of our nation’s food supply. But it can be done.

We can’t delay – or our goose may be cooked. (Source.)

While I have never met Greg Herbruck, I have known about him for years, because I too am an egg farmer. And although I have not been selling eggs for the past few years, I worked with small-scale farmers and sold eggs over the Internet for over a decade.

Herbruck’s Eggs in Saranac, Michigan. The scale of this “organic” egg operation can only be appreciated if you note the semi-trailers in the forefront of the photo. These two-story buildings likely contain over 100,000 birds using aviary systems. The farm itself is licensed for over 1 million birds. Photo by

I have a different opinion than Mr. Herbruck, and I first learned about Mr. Herbruck’s operation back in 2015, by a report published at The Cornucopia Institute.

Investigation: “Factory Farms” Producing Massive Quantities of Organic Milk and Eggs

In what has been called one of the largest fraud investigations in the history of the organic industry, The Cornucopia Institute, a Wisconsin-based farm policy research group, announced filing formal legal complaints against 14 industrial livestock operations producing milk, meat and eggs being marketed, allegedly illegally, as organic.

After years of inaction by the USDA, Cornucopia contracted for aerial photography in nine states, from West Texas to New York and Maryland, over the past eight months. What they found confirmed earlier site visits: a systemic pattern of corporate agribusiness interests operating industrial-scale confinement livestock facilities providing no legitimate grazing, or even access to the outdoors, as required by federal organic regulations.

A photo gallery of the apparent abuses by the giant certified organic operations in question can be found at

“The federal organic regulations make it very clear that all organic livestock must have access to the outdoors and that ruminants, like dairy cows, must have access to pasture,”

said Mark A. Kastel, Senior Farm Policy Analyst at the Wisconsin-based Cornucopia Institute.

“The vast majority of these massive, industrial-scale facilities, some managing 10,000-20,000 head of cattle, and upwards of 1 million laying hens, had 100% of their animals confined in giant buildings or feedlots.”

The family-scale farmers who helped commercialize the organic food movement starting in the 1980s did so, in part, because agribusiness consolidation and control of the food supply was squeezing profit margins and forcing farmers off the land.

Consumers enthusiastically made organics a rapidly growing market sector by supporting farmers and processors that were willing to produce food to a different standard in terms of environmental stewardship, humane animal husbandry, and economic fairness for farmers.

“Shoppers, who passionately support the ideals and values represented by the organic label, understandably feel betrayed when they see photos of these massive CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) masquerading as organic,” Kastel added.

In the chicken industry the USDA has allowed corporate agribusiness to confine as many as 100,000 laying hens in a building, sometimes exceeding 1 million birds on a “farm,” and substituting a tiny screened porch for true access to the outdoors. (Full article.)

Mr. Herbruck’s operation was featured in this report, and as you read from his opinion piece in the Daily Mail that was just published and which I quoted above, he admits that his “family farm” raises nearly 11 million birds in operations across Michigan, Indiana and Pennsylvania.

These factory chicken farms contain buildings with no windows and where the chickens are contained in “battery cages”, with upwards of 100,000 chickens in one building.

The death rate of these chickens is very high, and require someone to remove the dead chickens every day. This modern-day method of producing eggs which relies on “technology” and the pharmaceutical industry to try and manage the diseases these birds contract in such tight quarters, is THE PROBLEM, in my opinion.

Here is a clip from the documentary “Farm, Inc.” that was published in 2004, about the poultry operations in states like Arkansas, which depend upon, among other things, cheap labor from migrants. Note that this clip is from a broiler chicken (meat birds) operation, and not a layer chicken (eggs) operation, but the principles are similar, and this was, at the time, a very rare insider whistleblower report.

Notice what the “remedies” are that Mr. Herbruck mentioned in his opinion piece about America’s egg problems: MORE bio-security measures and MORE vaccines are needed.

And this is also what Trump is proposing.

Trump administration plans big changes to fight bird flu as egg prices rise

With egg prices soaring, the Trump administration is planning a new strategy for fighting bird flu — and it could have big impacts for the poultry industry.

The new strategy will stress vaccinations and tighter biosecurity instead of killing off millions of chickens when the disease strikes a flock.

The federal government will seek “better ways, with biosecurity and medication and so on” rather than the current standard practice of destroying all the birds on a farm when an infection is detected, Kevin Hassett, director of the National Economic Council, said Sunday on the CBS program “Face the Nation.” (Source.)

How Commercial Factory Chicken “Farms” MAKE Money from the Fake Avian Flu “Crisis” at the Taxpayers’ Expense

So here are some facts that you are not likely to read in the media about the fake Avian Flu Virus “crisis” that has been rolled out every few years since 2006.

First, most factory layer operations only keep their chickens for about a year, because this is the peak egg laying time before they will go into their first “moult” where they stop laying eggs for several weeks.

While this is perfectly healthy for the hens, and they will return to laying eggs after they moult, big commercial operations cannot afford this, and will euthanize most of their flock at this time, where the “spent hens” will be processed into other products, such as pet food.

So consider the costs of a commercial factory “farm” layer operation.

Besides the cost to replace the hens every year to 18 months, they have to also purchase their hens, usually as pullets just when they are old enough to start producing eggs, and they have all the costs of warehousing them, including running the lights for up to 16 hours a day every day all year long to keep egg production high, along with air conditioning and other environmental issues to house up to 1 million chickens in warehouse buildings called “farms.”

They have to feed the birds every day, and they have to also transport the eggs to distributors and wholesalers in the food chain to get them into retail outlets.

These are all expenses that affect their profit levels.

Now, consider what happens when a USDA inspector comes to one of these chicken factories, takes a PCR test, and then announces that the flock has been infected with the avian flu virus.

The USDA takes over at that point, and they basically purchase the flock from the owner at fair market value, AND they also replace the birds, with federal funds. They also pay to remove the birds, which then significantly reduces their operating costs.

This also provides THOUSANDS if not TENS OF THOUSANDS of jobs at the USDA in every state. Avian flu for chickens is a BIG BUSINESS.

It is not hard to see that such a commercial layer operation benefits MORE from an avian flu “outbreak,” than without one. The taxpayer foots the bill, and then has to also pay higher prices for the eggs due to a reduction in supply.

This is, of course, a generalization, and mostly applies to the larger operations, but it is a win-win situation for commercial poultry operations, and a lose-lose situation for the U.S. consumer.

There are two documents from the USDA that document just what the U.S. Federal Government pays for in these situations:

Indemnity and Compensation When Your Flock Is Infected

The HPAI Indemnity and Compensation Process: Start to Finish

In short, if the owner trusts the USDA and lets them handle everything, all their costs will be covered, and they will no longer bear the burden to maintain these flocks or to sell the eggs to earn income. They also get their entire flock replaced, for free.

If they don’t agree to let the USDA cull their flock, and try to deal with it on their own, and then another USDA inspector comes and declares that the flock is infected, the owner will have to bear all the costs and all the loss.

I wonder which one they almost always choose?

Mixed into this corrupt system is the fact that U.S. eggs are highly subsidized by the Federal Government, and similar to the other many U.S. subsidized agricultural products, sometimes the supply becomes too high and there is not enough demand to keep prices high enough to earn a profit.

Destroying excess subsidized agricultural products to decrease the supply and bring prices back up, has been a common practice for decades now here in the U.S.

Faith in Technology is What is Destroying the Food System in the U.S. – NOT Diseases and “Viruses”

This agricultural system in the U.S. is totally unsustainable, and the main reason why it is in so much danger today, is because of an over-reliance on technology and pharmaceutical products.

Unfortunately, those who control the food system are not only NOT looking at more traditional ways of producing food more safely, but they are looking at using MORE technology to reduce human interactions on farms.

In 2023 I published a report from The ETC Group about the Technocrats vision of the future in farming.

The Digitalization of Agriculture: Big Tech’s Plan to Take Over the Food Supply

The “dream farm” of the future for the Technocrats is a “farm of one” where technology does all the work and rakes in the profits:

Every leading agrochemical company offers its own digital ag platform marketed to farmers as a way to transform on-farm  data into savings that will ultimately increase farm profitability.

The Holy Grail, they say, is a “farm of one,” where a single  farmer/data manager (equipped with many thumbs, perhaps?) can log on to a connected device, watch as the algorithms  calculate input prescriptions – based on data collected from in-field sensors and hyperspectral imaging – and then send those  prescriptions to a fleet of contracted drones that will dump herbicide, fungicide, fertilizer, growth regulator or other input in a just-right dosage for each plant growing in the field.

Post harvest, the farmer can supposedly sit back and enjoy the profits  from increased crop sales and reduced labour costs – as well as from payments for ‘carbon sequestration’ verified by  traceability data collected and stored on a blockchain. (Source.)

This is pure science fiction, of course, and will never happen.

Much like the fantasy that robots will replace humans, or cars that can drive all by themselves with no human intervention, all of this science fiction that has enriched the billionaires is about to come crashing down to reality.

You can only sell the hype of what technology is going to do in the future for so long, before the present catches up and proves it never was possible to begin with.

Consider this article just published about billionaire Larry Ellison’s “Sensei Ag” project in Hawaii in the Wall Street Journal.

Larry Ellison’s Half-Billion-Dollar Quest to Change Farming Has Been a Bust

Oracle CEO Larry Ellison is trying to remake agriculture on his Hawaiian island, Lanai. © aaron schwartz/pRESS POOL. Source.


In a row of six greenhouses on a remote stretch of the Hawaiian island of Lanai, Larry Ellison is trying to use his golden touch in tech to remake the way people around the world eat.

The company behind his effort, Sensei Ag, is eight years in the making and has cost the world’s fourth-richest person more than half a billion dollars—far more than he spent buying the island itself.

Early on, Ellison touted cutting-edge technology that would modernize agriculture, make a big impact for society and eventually help grow food in places such as Africa.

The billionaire has told executives he sees the project as part of his legacy.

So far, it’s mostly been a bust.

Little of the revolutionary tech the company has extolled—sensors to monitor development, artificial intelligence to breed crop varieties and robots to harvest plants—is being used, according to people familiar with Sensei.

The company has been beset by problems typical to tech startups, including executive changeovers, shifting goals and bad Wi-Fi.

It has also stumbled from farming inexperience.

The greenhouses, for example, weren’t built to withstand Lanai’s strong winds and their solar panels have broken down. Some of its top executives are tech veterans who have no commercial agricultural experience. (Full article.)

Whoops! I guess real farmers cannot be replaced after all…

My Own Experience in the U.S. Egg Industry


I lived in the Philippines with my family in the late 1990s, but was forced to return to the U.S. in 2002, when a Philippine terrorist group tried to kidnap me and hold me for ransom, since our Virgin Coconut Oil export business had become so profitable. (More details here.)

While living in the Philippines, we farmed for almost 5 years, and kept layers ourselves, as did most of our neighbors in our rural, farming community. We noticed how the chickens would peck at the remaining coconut meat left in coconut shells after grating the coconut meat out to make virgin coconut oil.

Nobody in our community used commercial feed for the chickens, as we mostly fed them scraps and leftovers from our farm.

When we wanted to cook a chicken for dinner, we would check with our neighbors to see if they had any roosters they wanted to get rid of, as it only takes 1 rooster to handle a dozen or so laying hens, so the young roosters mainly became meat birds for us.

When we came back to the U.S. and wanted to purchase chickens to eat, I began inquiring about what chickens were fed at a new store we had never encountered before that supposedly sold “healthy” food, a Whole Foods store.

I found out that even among “organic chickens” sold in the U.S. that the primary ingredient in chicken feed was soybeans, because of the high protein value of soy.

However, soybeans are NOT a traditional ingredient in chicken feeds, and I knew about the dangers of soy, and having too much soy in the human diet, as it is basically a plant estrogen. And on top of that, over 90% of the U.S. soybean crop is genetically modified and heavily sprayed with the herbicide glyphosate, which we now know passes into chicken tissue. See:

Herbicide Glyphosate Found in Organic Eggs and Dairy

So we began a 2-year period of research and development to develop a new chicken feed, for both broilers and layers, that did not have any soybeans in it. We worked with poultry biologists, and we tested the feed on several small-scale pastured poultry flocks around the country, in different climates (Texas, Midwest, Northwest, and East Coast), before we brought it to market.

In 2009, once our feed had been in the market for a few years, we had a professor from The Ohio State University who was a poultry biologist contact us about one of her students who was doing a master’s thesis on how soy isoflavones from chicken feed was appearing in egg yolks.

Professor M. Monica Giusti had designed lab tests to detect soy isoflavones in chicken tissue and egg yolks, but to conduct their experiments they had to find a chicken feed that was soy-free, and we had the only one on the market at that time.

Due to this research, we found out that chickens who were on a commercial soy-based diet where soy isoflavones passed on to egg yolks, would have their eggs test soy-free after being on our feed for just 10 days. You can read more here, including a .pdf of the study:

Soy protein present in egg yolks and chicken tissues

So now we had conclusive proof that the eggs from chickens fed our feed had no soy protein in the eggs, and we began having our Amish farmers in Wisconsin start producing eggs with this feed, and we developed a special box to ship the eggs without breaking the eggs.

Many people who had been told they were allergic to eggs, could eat our eggs because they were soy-free, showing that their allergic reactions were to the soy protein in the yolks of eggs, and not the eggs themselves.

We ourselves never took possession of the eggs our farmers produced, but simply provided a way for consumers outside of Wisconsin to purchase these eggs directly from our farmers in Wisconsin and have them shipped to them, rather than driving to their actual farms in Wisconsin.

Little did we know at that time, that our problems were just beginning….

California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Used Dogs to Sniff Out and Destroy Our Soy-free Eggs at FedEx Facilities

Dog used to sniff out drugs or bombs

At some point, someone in California tipped off someone in the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) that we were shipping eggs into California (as we were every other state), and that they were not (gasp!) refrigerated.

Refrigeration is certainly needed for commercial eggs, as they are filthy and have to be cleaned before entering the market, which removes the egg’s natural barriers. In many places in Europe, most eggs are never refrigerated, and can last up to 6 months.

Our Amish farmers had kept them refrigerated in old fashioned “ice boxes”, but we did not ship them refrigerated, as it was unnecessary, and we never received any complaints from our customers. The eggs went through a vinegar bath and then were sealed with our own coconut oil.

We were using a California address on the labels, because one of my main managers who helped me operate the business lived in Central California, and we kept a mailing address there, even though the eggs were produced in Wisconsin and shipped from there.

The farmers in Wisconsin were in complete compliance with all local laws for selling their eggs off of their farms.

But that was not good enough for California, so in 2012 “Egg Safety Quality Management Central District Supervisor” John Ramos of the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) visited the PO Box of our California address, flashed some kind of badge to the postmaster to intimidate her, who then gave him (probably illegally) the address of my manager.

After visiting my manager’s property where there were NO chickens, he wrote to us a “cease and desist” letter.

Since they had no jurisdiction in this matter, I blew it off and did nothing.

Well, they did not stop there. A couple of years later they hired sniffer dogs to start going through all of our packages at FedEx facilities, and they did find one box of eggs that one of our California customer’s purchased, and they destroyed it. They called our customer, who was irate about it.

They then also filed a formal complaint with the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, who opened up an investigation.

At that time, we were selling about 20 boxes a month to customers in California. One box held 6 dozen eggs. California sells billions of eggs a year, and more than a quarter of a billion eggs each month.

So we were obviously no threat to the egg business of California.

What they were obviously upset over was our SYSTEM of selling farm-direct products, in this case eggs, directly to the consumer, bypassing the commercial egg industry, which is closely monitored by the USDA and all their rules and regulations.

We were actually doing NOTHING illegal, and I probably could have defeated CDFA in a lawsuit, but it was much too expensive and time consuming, so after putting pressure on the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture who relented and let us keep shipping our farm eggs because we violated no laws, we just stopped shipping to California, because they were determined to not let our eggs into the State.

This is the shortened version of this story just to show that I have quite a lot of experience in the U.S. egg industry, but if one wants to read more about what happened see:

Wisconsin Shuts Down Soy-free Egg Market: Denies Consumers Choice to Purchase Healthy Eggs

Wisconsin Egg Farmers Shipping Eggs Again – For Now

The Amish farmers stopped producing the eggs a few months after this happened, as it was just too much trouble for them. We have some new farmers who are interested in doing this, and we are currently doing a feasibility study to see if it is worth getting back into this corrupt industry.

But the real solution here is simple: just start producing eggs yourself!

It really is not that difficult to maintain a small backyard flock of laying hens. If you know how to take care of a dog or cat, then you can easily take care of a few chickens who can provide you with fresh eggs.

Food Security: Join the Movement and Raise Backyard Chickens for Your Own Fresh Eggs!

Many people have joined the ranks of backyard chicken producers over the past several years, and there are many resources to help you get started.

Here are some of the articles we have published over the years.

Here is an article to help on finding chicks or pullets in your area.

If you don’t need “fertilized eggs” and do not plan to raise your own chickens from fertilized eggs with “brooding” hens, then you do not need a rooster. A rooster can be noisy, especially in urban areas, and announce to your neighborhood that you have chickens.

But hens make very little noise, and you could talk to your neighbors beforehand, and possibly start your own neighborhood flocks.

City ordinances are a mixed bag, but traditionally this nation encouraged backyard flocks and “victory gardens” for food security, through World War II.

Here are some common points to make with would-be doubters about raising laying hens in urban areas:

  • Chickens are fun, friendly pets with educational value for children about where food like eggs comes from
  • They can provide food security for poor families
  • They lay healthier eggs compared to store-bought eggs
  • They give gardeners high-quality fertilizer
  • They control flies and other pests, not add to them, and dispose of weeds and kitchen scraps that otherwise might end up in the landfill
  • We are looking at selling our own soy-free chicken feed again possibly later this year, but there are now other sources that sell a soy-free chicken feed since we introduced this to the market.

    Azure Standard sells a few brands, and they deliver in many locations across the country.

    The more food you can produce yourself, or work together with other small-scale food producers in your community, the better off you will be from the corrupt food industry here in the U.S.

    Don’t fall for the Technocrats false techno-prophecies. Good healthy food takes HARD work, but it is also very fulfilling.

    The earth is cursed by God, and technology cannot overcome that.

    To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat of it,’

    Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field.

    By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:17-19)

    This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

    See Also:

    Understand the Times We are Currently Living Through

    The Bewitching of America with the Evil Eye and the Mark of the Beast

    Distinguishing True Prophets from False Prophets in These Evil Modern Times

    Who Controls the World? by Dr. A. True Ott

    American Christians are Biblically Illiterate Not Understanding the Difference Between The Old Covenant vs. The New Covenant

    Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult

    Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order

    Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”?

    The Brain Myth: Your Intellect and Thoughts Originate in Your Heart, Not Your Brain

    Fact Check: “Christianity” and the Christian Religion is NOT Found in the Bible – The Person Jesus Christ Is

    Was the U.S. Constitution Written to Protect “We the People” or “We the Globalists”? Were the Founding Fathers Godly Men or Servants of Satan?

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