Monday, 28 October 2024

JOHN MAC GHLIONN: Forget Project 2025, worry about the UN's Project 2030

The UN convened in New York to advance the implementation of digital identification and mass surveillance, marking yet another big step toward a future that no sane American would ever willingly embrace.

Across the nation, much attention is directed towards Project 2025, a conservative policy blueprint that critics, often falsely, link to Donald Trump. Kamala Harris recently denounced it during the presidential debate, calling it a "dangerous plan" to expand executive power and push a hidden agenda. Despite Trump’s repeated denials, the narrative persists. The lies persist.

Intentionally or otherwise, we’re focused on the wrong target.

You see, the real threat is Project 2030—a global agenda rooted in verifiable facts, not political speculation. Unlike the overblown fears surrounding 2025, Project 2030 is not only real but already in motion, poised to fundamentally alter our lives.

Last week, the UN convened in New York to advance the implementation of digital identification and mass surveillance, marking yet another big step toward a future that no sane American would ever willingly embrace. This isn’t just a minor shift; it’s a seismic one.

The globalists’ vision hinges on Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI). Specifically, digital IDs, programmable digital currencies, and mass data-sharing initiatives that promise to streamline life but instead offer unprecedented control over it. 

Yes, just like in China, where a social credit system dictates nearly every aspect of people's lives. It determines whether they can apply for certain jobs, enroll their children in specific schools, or even purchase a plane ticket to leave the country. Having lived in China for 18 months, I witnessed this perverse system firsthand. Under these policies, your digital ID becomes your lifeline. Without it, participation in society becomes nearly impossible.

Everything—from accessing public services to proving your identity—relies on this centralized, highly monitored system. It's not just a tool of convenience but a powerful instrument of control. Those who dissent or run afoul of the system are quickly identified and neutralized.

This dystopian vision doesn’t stop at digital IDs. The UN is also pushing for global AI regulation, with plans for an oversight body modeled after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. But rather than tackling environmental issues, this initiative is focused on managing the risks posed by AI technology. The elites claim they’re tackling the dangers of deepfake technology and artifically generated chaos, but what they truly seek is the power to dictate reality. With AI capable of creating just about anything imaginable, those who control this technology hold the keys to shaping our very perception of what's genuine and what's not. A recent report indicates that the United Nations is pushing for its own AI oversight body. As Reclaim the Net noted, this AI "babysitting service" is meant to shield society from AI's darker impulses. But would you trust Sean "Diddy" Combs to babysit your child? Absolutely not.

The UN’s plan must be viewed through a much broader lens. That’s because it’s part of the “Pact for the Future,” which, just like the DPI, is being marketed as a grand solution to the challenges of the 21st century. But in truth, it's a troubling agenda aimed at centralizing global power and silencing dissent. The Pact’s 11 initiatives, including a UN "Emergency Platform," a "Global Digital Compact," and so-called measures for "Information Integrity" and "Transforming Education," are not mere bureaucratic proposals. They are designed to fundamentally alter the very concept of freedom—both in the physical world and the digital one.

The Pact was actively endorsed last week.

At the heart of this absurdly overreaching agenda lies the abovementioned "Emergency Platform," granting the Secretary-General sweeping powers to declare and control global emergencies—whether genuine or manufactured. This unchecked authority in the hands of a single figure is a breeding ground for exploitation. Under the guise of crisis management, the Emergency Platform could swiftly impose harsh, authoritarian measures across the globe, trampling national sovereignty, personal rights, and individual freedoms in the blink of an eye. As the draconian COVID lockdowns made painfully clear, the threat of such overreach is not hypothetical—it's a brutal reality. To think that another widespread, prolonged lockdown isn’t coming again soon is to engage in delusional thinking of the highest order.

Obviously, this Pact is not about solving crises. It never was, and it never will be. The puppet masters in their ivory towers are not your allies; they are your enemies. This Pact is about constructing a global power structure that bends the rules at will. The UN's so-called "Global Digital Compact" and push for "Information Integrity" are nothing more than tools for coercion and censorship masquerading as tools of progress. The moment dissent gets branded as "disinformation," the free exchange of ideas is deliberately sacrificed. That’s not a bug in the system—it’s an integral part of the design.

Considering the Biden administration's cozy ties to the UN, this nefarious agenda could soon become a domestic reality. Should Kamala Harris become president, now a very real possibility, her alignment with these global initiatives would likely see America rapidly adopting these invasive, dignity-crushing policies. The "Pact for the Future" is billed as a UN dream, when in fact it's a global nightmare waiting to unfold.

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