Sunday, 27 October 2024

Brutal: 10 Year Old Kids Slam Kamala Harris 

Brutal: 10 Year Old Kids Slam Kamala Harris 


In a blatant effort to come up with some viral propaganda to use against Donald Trump, fake news CNN covered some 10 year old children being asked what they think about him and Kamala Harris.

However, it massively backfired.

A ‘media psychologist’ at Arizona State University and a Stanford University ‘political science professor’ spoke to 80 elementary school students in Arizona, Texas and New Jersey.

While inevitably some of those kids weren’t exactly filled with praise for Trump, it’s the reactions to Harris that have impacted the most.

“What’s the first word that pops into your head when you hear the name Kamala Harris?” One boy was asked.

“Liar!” the child immediately responded.

The same child was asked to expand on the comment by saying who he thought would “do more bad things,” and answered “Convicted felon against a liar, who do I pick?”

But it’s the ‘liar’ clip that has gone viral.

Another clip shows a fourth-grade girl complimenting Trump, saying, “Donald Trump, he’s given his life and his heart.”

In another brutal clip, one girl remarked that Harris as president would constitute a historical achievement, but she’d still vote Trump anyway — if she could.

“It’d be good for us to have a Black woman as president for the first time in history, but my vote’s kind of still on Trump,” she said.


The researchers concluded that “Democrat-supporting kids drove polarization” and were less likely to interact with Trump supporters. 

The leftist indoctrinated kids were nine times more likely to have extreme political opinions than the Republican-leaning children, with several of them repeating ‘Trump is Hitler’ nonsense.

Meanwhile, the Trump-supporting kids apparently  “were more likely to repeat misinformation.”

Misinformation according to who? CNN?

Here’s the whole thing:

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