Sunday, 27 October 2024

They’re At It Again: Salon Claims Trump “Plans To Turn US Into Fourth Reich”

They’re At It Again: Salon Claims Trump “Plans To Turn US Into Fourth Reich”

“Donald Trump and his surrogates are continuing to channel and amplify Nazism and Adolf Hitler”

Leftist propaganda rag Salon has re-upped the extremist rhetoric against president Trump despite multiple ongoing plots and attempts to assassinate him.

An article written by one Chauncey DeVega states that Trump “plans to turn America into a type of Fourth Reich,” by going after immigrants and minorities using policies steeped in “white supremacy” and “racism.”

The piece titled “The mission creep of hate: Trump’s dehumanization targets beyond immigrants,” directly likens Trump to fascists, ridiculously stating “Donald Trump and his surrogates are continuing to channel and amplify Nazism and Adolf Hitler.”

“This is not random or happenstance. It is part of a strategy,” it continues.

The writer further accuses Trump of “feral politics… made even more explosive and toxic by adding blatant white supremacy, racism, and antisemitism.” 

DeVega also claims that Trump’s campaign has “increased their antisemitism, racism, and white supremacy (and misogyny and hostile sexism) greatly in the last few weeks as the polls and other metrics show him tied with if not behind Kamala Harris, a Black South Asian woman, in the presidential election.”

Without providing any actual evidence, the piece further proclaims that “antidemocratic and illiberal political belief systems and ideologies” are “resurgent in the form of Trumpism, American fascism, and the larger global antidemocracy movement.”

The writer accuses Trump of embracing an “ethnic cleansing plan” and asserts that “purges… will expand to include any people who Trump and his MAGA movement and the other neofascists designate as the ‘enemy.”

“In the 40 or so days until Election Day, Donald Trump and his surrogates are only going to increase their channeling and amplification of the Nazis and Hitler. The stakes of the 2024 election are truly existential for American democracy and freedom,” the article preposterously claims. 

It further envisions Trump “stormtroopers” rounding up anyone deemed to not be a Trump supporter and caging them ahead of mass deportations.

It is exactly these kind of deranged fantasy assertions that have directly led to lunatics attempt to kill Trump.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are the ones who ousted their presidential nominee in a coup and installed someone else without any kind of democratic process at all.

Harris is the candidate who has repeatedly attacked freedom of speech and the First Amendment, and wants her supporters to lecture and shame other Americans that political opinions she doesn’t share are  “misinformation” and must be stamped out.

Kamala Encourages Americans To Grill “Friends And Neighbors” About “Misinformation”

Leftists want Trump “extinguished” for saying the border should be secured or arrested for expressing a desire to improve the economy and help Americans pay for groceries.

Deranged Leftists Want Trump ARRESTED For Helping People Pay For Groceries

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