Monday, 20 May 2024

Former General Mark Milley in Bizarre Defense of Israel

Former General Mark Milley in Bizarre Defense of Israel

“We slaughtered people in massive numbers.”

Retired US General Mark Milley offered a bizarre defense of Israel’s actions in Gaza when he opined that “we” in America also “slaughtered people in massive numbers.”

Milley made the comments during a panel discussion at the Ash Carter Exchange on Innovation and National Security in Washington, DC.

“Before we all get self-righteous about what Israel’s doing, and I feel horrible for the innocent people in Gaza that are dying, we shouldn’t forget that we in the United States killed a lot of innocent people,” said Milley, going on to talk about Iraq and French soldiers dying in Normandy.

“We destroyed 69 Japanese cities, not including Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we slaughtered people in massive numbers – innocent people who had nothing to do with their government,” he added.

“War is a terrible thing, but if it’s gonna have meaning, if it’s gonna have any sense of morality, there has to be a political purpose and it must be achieved rapidly and with the least cost,” said Milley.

Palantir CEO Alex Karp then asserted that “the peace activists are the war activists,” referring to college campus pro-Palestine protesters, who he called “an infection inside our society” and a reason why Hamas will continue to fight.

“They’re out there supporting a terrorist organization whose very written charter calls for death of all Jews, not just in Israel but worldwide, I mean come on now, if you’re gonna support that, you’re on the wrong side,” responded Milley.

The former general’s comments about pro-Palestine protesters are somewhat odd given that he previously defended BLM protesters during the Trump era, despite the fact that they are essentially the same people.

Indeed, there were countless occasions where BLM protesters called for killing white cops and expressed violent hatred towards white people in general, but that didn’t seem to bother Milley.

Following the BLM riots, the former general infamously went on to sympathize with Critical Race Theory in 2021 when he told the House Armed Services Committee, “I want to understand white rage, and I’m white.”

“This pile of crap just a few years ago cried about Donald Trump asking him to help put down the most damaging riots in American history during the Summer of Floyd and waxed poetic about how the rioters we’re “all Americans” no matter “what country [they] came from,” writes Chris Menahan.

“Now he’s getting rich off giving paid speeches like these defending Israel’s indiscriminate slaughter of women and children in Gaza and demonizing the Americans protesting the genocide in Gaza as terrorists!”

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