Monday, 20 May 2024

Trump To Send Special Ops Assassin Squads To Kill Drug Lords: Report

Trump To Send Special Ops Assassin Squads To Kill Drug Lords: Report

Wants the US to have a “kill list”

According to three separate sources close to Donald Trump, he intends to send covert squads of special forces soldiers to assassinate drug kingpins in Mexico should he be elected in November.

The report in Rolling Stone claims Trump has privately endorsed the plan, intending to directly tackle the fentanyl crisis sweeping the US.

Trump believes that taking out leaders of the cartels and “waging war” on them will significantly impact the activity of criminal gangs moving narcotics across the border, according to the report.

The sources, one of whom is a Republican lawmaker, say Trump firmly believes the US military has “tougher killers than they do” and believes that the plan should have already been put into action.

Trump wants the US to have a “kill list of drug lords” and treat them the same way terrorist leaders such as former Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was eliminated in a US military raid ordered by Trump in 2019.

Trump has previously vowed to “make appropriate use of Special Forces, cyber warfare, and other overt and covert actions to inflict maximum damage on cartel leadership, infrastructure, and operations.”

Former defence secretary Mark Esper has also claimed that Trump considered targeting cartel drug labs with missile strikes during his presidency.

As we previously highlighted, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis also mooted the idea of attacking the cartels militarily as a campaign policy.

Video: DeSantis Says He’d Consider DRONE STRIKING Mexican Cartels

While the Mexican government has described the notion of US military attacks on its soil as ‘offensive’, Republican senators Lindsey Graham and John Neely Kennedy both backed legislation recently that would “give the military the authority to go after these organisations wherever they exist.”

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