Monday, 16 September 2024

Hilarious: Biden Reads Out Loud A Note From Handlers Saying “You Are Sounding Defensive”

Hilarious: Biden Reads Out Loud A Note From Handlers Saying “You Are Sounding Defensive”

Was supposed to be convincing Democrats that he’s still sharp

Joe Biden is sick. He’s not going to get better. This fact was in evidence again on a recent call with Democrat lawmakers where he was supposed to be making his case for not having brain rot, but instead read out loud a note that his handlers gave him warning “you are sounding defensive.”

The New York Times reports that the note handed to Biden criticised the tone he was taking on the call and advised him to “stay positive,” but that he blurted it out into the phone for eveyone to hear. 

Biden doesn’t have the mental faculties anymore to do anything and so literally has to be told what to do at all times. 

He can’t separate his inside thoughts from his outside voice.

What did his handlers expect? He’s been reading out “pause” and “end quote” on the teleprompter for months now.

Meanwhile, during an interview with BET News Biden forgot the name of his own Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and referred to him as “the black man.”

“And so it’s all about treating people with dignity…Look at the heat I’m getting because I, I named a, uh, the, uh, secretary of defense — the Black man,” Biden stated.

The situation was made even more awkward by the fact that the interviewer was black.

It only got worse from there.

Biden claimed that his support amongst young Black voters has dropped off completely because they aren’t focused “until after Labor Day.”


He then said suggested that another reason for losing black support is that he can’t “go through the projects” and “Black neighbourhoods on foot” anymore.

Whose fault is that?

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