Saturday, 07 September 2024

Hulk Hogan: “Let Trumpamania Run Wild”

Hulk Hogan: “Let Trumpamania Run Wild”

“When they took a shot at my hero, and they tried to kill the next president of the United States, enough was enough”

Wrestling superstar Hulk Hogan provided some passionate entertainment at the RNC Thursday night, taking to the stage and enacting his iconic promo for Donald Trump.

Hogan was booked to appear earlier this week after he reached out and said he wanted to get involved in Trump’s campaign following the disturbing attempt on the former President’s life.

The former WWE legend couldn’t let it slide, to quote his theme song.

Before he took to the stage, Hogan told Fox News that Trump is a “gladiator.”

And then came the iconic moment.

To roars of enthusiasm, Hogan took to the stage and boomed “Well, let me tell you something, BROTHER!”

“I (am) in a room of real Americans,” Hogan announced, urging “We’re going to bring America back together, one real American at a time.”

Hogan then stated “what happened last week, when they took a shot at my hero, and they tried to kill the next president of the United States, enough was enough.”

He then began to do his trademark shirt rip and yelled “I say let Trumpamania run wild, brother. Let Trumpamania rule again. Let Trumpamania make America great again!”

The crowd roared into “USA!” chants and Trump himself looked on with a giant smile on his face. Why the hell not have some fun.

Now, what will the Democrats bring out at their convention?

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