Thursday, 19 September 2024

Joe Scarborough: Biden Is Going To Lose The Election

Joe Scarborough: Biden Is Going To Lose The Election

“Those are numbers you just can’t get past”

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough admitted on Thursday that he is now convinced Joe Biden will lose the election following an AP poll showing two thirds of Democrats want him to quit.

“Show me any candidate from any year, running for any position, where he gets to the general election where two-thirds of his own party don’t want him to run,” Scarborough urged.

He continued, “I don’t care if it’s Joe Biden in 2024, if it’s Joe Scarborough in like 1996, if it’s a mayor running in 2014, that candidate is going to lose.”

“Those are numbers you just can’t get past,” Scarborough said.

Co-host Mika Brzezinksi also now appears to be in agreement, or maybe eager to avoid another on air marital tiff, stating that “I also trust Nancy Pelosi’s political acumen. Nobody knows politics better than her and nobody more than Nancy Pelosi.”

Pelosi is now clearly angling to have Biden step down.

It’s wild watching the leftist media put the knives in, finally realising after years that they’re screwed with Biden.

It’s also quite the turnaround for Scarborough, who just weeks ago was still calling Biden sharp and mentally better than ever.

Joe Scarborough Ridiculed After Gushing Endorsement of Biden’s Cognitive Health

Scarborough’s remarks come after CNN broke down how Trump has a real possibility of winning a landslide with 330 electoral votes.

CNN Admits Trump On Course For Landslide Win

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