Thursday, 24 October 2024

Leaked Video: Trump Says Biden “Quitting Race,” Kamala is “So Fucking Bad”

Leaked Video: Trump Says Biden “Quitting Race,” Kamala is “So Fucking Bad”

Trump calls Biden “broken down pile of crap” in candid exchange.

A leaked video features Donald Trump calling Joe Biden a “broken-down pile of crap” who is “quitting the race,” with Trump predicting he’ll now face off against Kamala Harris, who is “so fucking bad.”

It’s unknown when the exchange happened, but it was some time after last week’s debate.

Sitting in a golf cart, Trump responds to one of his supporters who told him he did “fantastic” during the debate.

“Look at that old, broken down pile of crap,” Trump says, referring to Biden, adding, “He’s a bad guy, he just quit you know, he’s quitting the race…and that means we have Kamala.”

“I think she’s gonna be better, she’s so bad, she’s so pathetic, she’s so fucking bad,” he says of Harris.

Switching back to Biden, Trump asserts, “Can you imagine that guy dealing with Putin? And the president of China—who’s a fierce person. He’s a fierce man, very tough guy. And they see him.”

“They just announced he’s probably quitting,” Trump concludes before driving away and saying, “Keep knocking ’em out, right?”

As we highlighted yesterday, Biden took part in a closed doors meeting with Democratic governors last night in an effort to convince them that he is capable of continuing as the Party nominee.

A report by Reuters also claimed that 25 House Democrats are preparing to band together and call for Joe Biden to step down.

A report published by Axios citing insiders with the Biden campaign also explained how Biden’s top aides are telling everyone to carry on as normal, despite the fact that “everyone is freaking the fuck out over his mental decline.”

The Biden campaign, after claiming his dreadful debate performance was due to a “cold,” later pivoted to Biden’s personal explanation that he was tired from jet lag, despite Biden having been in the United States for nearly two weeks before the debate.

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