Saturday, 26 October 2024

MSNBC Loon Joy Reid Says Trump Victory Would Lead To “Hitlerian Dictatorship”

MSNBC Loon Joy Reid Says Trump Victory Would Lead To “Hitlerian Dictatorship”


Demented MSNBC host Joy Reid never stops pushing extremist rhetoric in an effort to “extinguish” Donald Trump.

Her latest outburst came Friday as she declared that the US will become a fully fascist country akin to Nazi Germany if Donald Trump is elected for another term in office.

“Donald Trump knows he can’t win the election based on the crappy job he did as president or his frankly crazy ideas for another administration, like spiking the cost of everything we buy through tariffs,” Reid ranted.

“So instead, he’s going with fear of immigrants,” she continued.

Reid was at pains to admit that “a majority of voters say they trust Trump more when it comes to dealing with the border,” but then described the former president as “a man who doesn’t know the difference between political asylum and an insane asylum.”

“His plans to deport every immigrant would send our economy into a freefall because fear, whether real or irrational, can be an effective political tactic,” Reid further blathered.

Hasn’t the economy been in free fall for four years already? 

She then sniped “The question now for America is, have we gotten to the point where we would destroy our own economy and walk willingly into a Hitlerian dictatorship because of the fear Donald Trump and his MAGA cronies are perpetuating solely for their own political benefit?”

Reid’s deranged warblings come in the same week leftists again upped the violent rhetoric against Trump, despite the fact that US intelligence has warned there have been and still are multiple plots to assassinate him.

They’re At It Again: Salon Claims Trump “Plans To Turn US Into Fourth Reich”

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