Sunday, 27 October 2024

White House Refuses To Say If Iran Assassinating Trump Would Constitute An Act Of War

White House Refuses To Say If Iran Assassinating Trump Would Constitute An Act Of War

“Declined to comment”

The Biden Harris administration is resisting demands by Republicans to issue a statement warning Iran that any attempt to assassinate Donald Trump would constitute an act of war.

As we have highlighted, US intelligence has briefed Trump’s team about plots to kill him organised by the Iranian regime.

Now Fox News reports that “The White House declined to comment” on the specific demands by Republicans, and instead referred to “a statement on the recent Iranian threats to Trump’s life.”

National Security Council spokesperson Sean Savitt said “We consider this a national and homeland security matter of the highest priority, and we strongly condemn Iran for these brazen threats.”

Why wouldn’t the sitting president give a hostile regime a warning that killing a former US leader would lead to the worst consequences for them?

There shouldn’t be any hesitation or ambiguity over this.

It’s not a complex matter.

What’s the real reason?

As we highlighted earlier, there are also now claims that a plot to kill Trump on his plane using surface to air missiles, possibly of Iranian origin, has been uncovered.

Claim: Trump’s Plane A Target For ‘Kill Teams’ With Surface To Air Missiles

Multiple sources have said that three separate ‘kill teams’ inside the US intend to use the weapons that have been smuggled across the border.

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