Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Nigerian Migrant Stabs Police Officers, Is Released, Attacks Another, Is Released AGAIN

Nigerian Migrant Stabs Police Officers, Is Released, Attacks Another, Is Released AGAIN

All after trying to KIDNAP A CHILD

This story sums up the complete state of lawlessness Germany finds itself in because of unchecked mass migration.

Quoting the German Bild Newspaper, Remix News notes that a Nigerian migrant carried out three different attacks in the space of less than 24 hours including trying to snatch a child, as well as attacking and stabbing multiple police officers.

Yet somehow, the man is still free, even after being arrested after each incident.

The report notes “On Friday, at 12:45 p.m., the man grabbed a 9-year-old boy at the main station in Karlsruhe in the state of Baden-Würtemberg, located in the southwest of Germany. Police intervened to save the boy, and the African man bit one of the officers, while three police suffered abrasions during the scuffle.”

It continues, “Then, 13 hours later, the same man wanted to travel without a ticket and got on a night train at 1:50 a.m. When police officers confronted him over his illegal action, the situation quickly escalated.”

The article further explains that “The man put up considerable resistance and repeatedly stabbed the officers from behind with the blade of a cutter knife, said a police spokeswoman. One of the officers was stabbed in the head, arm and hand, while another officer was cut on his leg. Both police officers were treated in the hospital and are unable to work while they recover from their injuries.”

Then comes the kicker.

“Despite attempts to charge the man, the public prosecutor released the Nigerian.”

What the actual fuck?

Then the migrant got back on a train without a ticket and attacked another police officer.

He was arrested AGAIN, and immediately released by a public prosecutor AGAIN.

Attempts by Bild newspaper to reach the prosecutor’s officer to explain why the man was not held in custody and charged were unsuccessful, according to the report.

This craziness is happening multiple times a day in German cities.

This is what the streets of these German cities look like now:

As we’ve relentlessly highlighted, foreign migrant suspects are responsible for nearly 6 in 10 violent crimes in Germany according to new figures released by the federal government.

Despite comprising roughly 14.6 per cent of the population, foreign migrants were responsible for 58.5 per cent of all violent crimes.

High profile figures, including politicians, have been prosecuted by German authorities for comments drawing attention to the problem, while the political establishment is continuing in its efforts to ban the anti-migration right-wing AfD party in the name of ‘saving democracy’.

It is exactly this kind of nonsense that German football star Toni Kroos was referring to recently when he commented that his home country is dangerously unrecognisable because of mass immigration.

Toni Kroos: Germany is No Longer The Country It Was 10 Years Ago Thanks to Mass Migration

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