Saturday, 07 September 2024

Speculation Mounts About Whereabouts Of Biden

Speculation Mounts About Whereabouts Of Biden

Signature on resignation letter doesn’t match any previous version

In the absence of any rational explanation as to why Joe Biden hasn’t taken any time to post a video of any kind to back up the announcement that he is stepping down from the 2024 election, wild theories are beginning to fill the void.

As we highlighted earlier, Biden’s own brother claims that poor health was a major factor in the decision not to accept the Democratic nomination.

And Biden’s own campaign team had no idea this was all going down, as they were still posting and appearing on TV touting Biden’s ability to win in November just hours prior to the announcement.

Biden’s Brother Says They Will “Enjoy Whatever Time We Have Left”

Some are already convinced that Biden did not write the letter, posted to X in his name, and that it is not his signature at the bottom of it.

Others have noted that the announcement was not written on official letterhead.

Where is Biden?

With the crazy events of the past month, has it ever been more obvious that the deep state is running the whole show?

Remember that weird tweet last week that just said “I’m sick.”

Biden probably had no idea he was being proverbially whacked.

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